Adventure/Shang Simla

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Adventures in Shang Simla[edit | edit source]

Main article: Adventure

Seeking Adventure? & Treasure Hunter
Goal: Retrieve ancient Relic for Jiang
Task: Explore Forbidden City tomb
Reward: 35 Visa points, §500, 10 Ancient Coins

Prophecy of the Dragon Cave[edit | edit source]

You There! Stranger!
Goal: Explore the Dragon Cave
Reward: 15 Visa points, 25 Ancient coins
Constructing the Vision Statue
Goal: Collect 2 pieces of Platinum
Reward: 15 Visa points, §889, 25 Ancient coins
Statue Construction Continues
Goal: Collect 3 pieces of Lapis Lazuli
Reward: 15 Visa points, §105, 25 Ancient coins
Final Touches on the Statue
Goal: Collect 2 common relics
Reward: 15 Visa points, §86, 25 Ancient coins
Final Touches on the Statue
Goal: Find a Relic
Reward: 15 Visa points, §86, 25 Ancient coins
The Pilgrim's Walk
Goal: Take the Statue to locations around Shang Simla
Reward: 20 Visa points, §1,000, 80 Ancient coins

Knowledge of the Past
Goal: Speak to [Sim] to learn the secret of the Dragon Cave
Reward: 15 Visa points
The, uh, Potion... of Remembrance?
Goal: Deliver 2 pieces of Platinum to [Sim] in exchange for the potion
Reward: 15 Visa points, §898, 25 Ancient Coins
Oh Sin Pah!
Goal: Ask for Journal
Reward: 15 Visa points
The Diary of Sin Pah
Goal: Travel to Champs Les Sims and talk to the Nectar Merchant for the location of the keystone

Keystone to the Dragon Cave[edit | edit source]

Although these opportunities are completed in Champs Les Sims they are part of a Shang Simla Adventure and will not appear in the Sim's Adventure Journal or Adventure Tracker while in Champs Les Sims.
Speaking to the Groundskeeper
Goal: Speak to the Landgraab's groundskeeper
Deep Within Landgraab Chateau
Goal: Find the keystone in the Landgraab Chateau's hidden vault
Reward: 20 Visa points

The Demise of Dong Huo[edit | edit source]

Why...That's the Keystone!
Location: Upon arriving in Shang Simla after finding the keystone in Champs Les Sims
Goal: Bring the Keystone to [Sim]
Reward: 20 Visa points, 25 Ancient Coins
Preparing for Battle
Goal: Train to the highest level in Martial Arts and break a Space Rock to defeat the cursed warlord
Reward: 20 Visa points, 25 Ancient Coins
Note: Breaking the Space Rock must occur after maxing Martial Arts
The Grand Master's Fight
Goal: Win a Ranked Sparring match
Reward: 20 Visa points, 25 Ancient Coins
Crafting the Amulet of Protection
Goal: Collect 3 pieces of Jade
Reward: 20 Visa points, §844, 80 Ancient Coins
Goal: Collect 2 pieces of Unsmelted Platinum
Reward: 20 Visa points, §888, 80 Ancient Coins
The Demise of Dong Huo
Goal: Enter the Dragon Cave, find Dong Huo and defeat him in combat
Reward: 105 Ancient Coins, §2,000 Simoleons, ?? Visa points or 500 Ancient Coins

Studying Dragon Cave[edit | edit source]

Telescopic Metal
Goal: Collect 5 metals
Reward: 15 Visa points, §161
Pottery of Peculiar Properties
Goal: Collect 2 Old Common Relics
Reward: 15 Visa points, §150
Busted Parts
Goal: Deliver telescope part to be fixed
Reward: 15 Visa points
Repair Retrieval
Goal: Return part to Sim
Reward: 15 Visa points, §500, 25 Ancient coins
Lights Out!
Goal: Convince 3 locals
Reward: 20 Visa points, §800, 80 Ancient coins

Pangu's Axe[edit | edit source]

Main article: Pangu's Axe

Confounded Boulder!
Goal: Contact [Sim]
Reward: 45 Ancient Coins
Sign My Petition?
Goal: Convince 3 locals
Reward: 45 Ancient Coins, ?? Visa points or 25 Ancient Coins, increased relationship with [Sim]
A Friendly Interview
Goal: Talk to [Sim] who knows where the Axe is
Reward: 60 Ancient Coins Increased relationship with [Sim]
Village Valuables
Goal: Gather 3 pieces of Lapis Lazuli
Reward: 45 Ancient Coins, §107 Simoleons, ?? Visa points or 25 Ancient Coins
Pangu's Axe
Goal: Explore the Temple of Heaven tomb
Reward: 60 Ancient Coins, §1,000 Simoleons, ?? Visa points or 80 Ancient Coins and Pangu's Axe
Boulder Smash
Goal: Smash the boulder blocking the entrance to the hot springs
Reward: 105 Ancient Coins, §2,000 Simoleons, ?? Visa points or 200 Ancient Coins