Beacon Bay is the only neighborhood in The Sims 3 for the Nintendo DS. According to its bio, it was founded by the Landgraab family. Its description is a shortened version of Sunset Valley's description: Before Pleasantview, there was Beacon Bay, founded by the Landgraab family, to be a quiet and peaceful town.
Malcolm's family founded the town, so it was no surprise that when Bambi was looking for some gold to dig she looked to him. Is this true love or true greed?
Holly Alto and Malcolm Landgraab return from The Sims 3, with different characterizations. Alex Goth also appears, while Mortimer is mentioned in his bio.
The friends Veronica Ryder, Heather McCray, Shannon Chandler, and Kim McNamara appear to be named for the eponymous girl-clique from the 1989 film Heathers, made up of Heather Chandler (Kim Walker), Heather Duke (Shannen Doherty), Heather McNamara (Lisette Falk), and Veronica Sawyer (Winona Ryder).
Three unvisitable condos appear, bearing the names of The Sims 2 (and The Sims Stories) neighborhoods: Belladonna Cove, Strangetown, and Mesa Flats.
This is the second Neighborhood to have "bay" in the name of the neighborhood, the other is Barnacle Bay.
If you start a new game and go to the beach house after you started for some reason the game will not load the area and you will have to go to your house for it to load fully, however This only works on pre-made households and not created.