Big House

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The Sims Castaway Stories

Big House
Lot type Residential
Lot size 40x40
Number of floors 2
Occupants Tiani
Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 2
Neighborhood Wanmami Island
Game The Sims Castaway Stories

The Big House is a residential lot on Wanmami Island, one of the neighborhoods shipped with The Sims Castaway Stories. Like all residential lots, it is not visible on the travel map. The Tiani family resides on this lot. Despite the family's tribal roots, there are parts of this house that show signs of castaway luxuries. One example is of a rusted metal stove that, although they have no electricity to power it, has been placed in the already cramped kitchen.

Outside[edit | edit source]

Inside[edit | edit source]

First Floor[edit | edit source]