Dean family

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The Sims 3: Riverview The Sims 3 Store

Dean family
After his mother's tragic death, George Dean devoted his life to helping others. He lives in an abandoned firehouse to remind him of his dream of being the guy who can save the day.
Name Dean family
Members George Dean
Number of generations 2 generations
Family connections Grandpas household
Lot 2 Bridge Parkway
Difficulty level 1 of 6
Other information
Game The Sims 3 Store
Playability Playable
World Riverview

The Dean family consists of a father and son; Bennie and George Dean. They no longer live together as Bennie moved in to Grandpas household and George lives in an abandoned firehouse in the town of Riverview.

Bennie took his wife, Lonnie's, death badly and is trying to recover from the shock, while his son is determined to help others, supposedly so they don't die either. Bennie relies on George to help him through life and George often visits his father because of his unconditional love for his family.

Bennie's current job is as a Produce Quality Assessor at the grocery store, although he used to be employed as a firefighter. His son George is employed in the Law Enforcement as a Patrol Officer.

George is particularly good friends with Hal Breckenridge and Walter Grisby, while his father only seems to enjoy the company of the Spenster family; the two elderly sisters, Lucille Spenster and Nellie Spenster, who live next door, and his roommates; Melvin Taft and Henry McGlum.

There is a pre-made firefighter in Lucky Palms named Alfonso Dean, and there is a pre-made townie in Sims University named Jeffery Dean, though they have no relation to the family.

Family tree


fr:Famille Dean pt-br:Família Dean ru:Семья Дин nl:Dean familie