Diving area

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The Sims 3: Island Paradise The Sims 4: Island Living

Diving areas are a type of lot assignment that was introduced in The Sims 3: Island Paradise and reintroduced as a rabbit hole in The Sims 4: Island Living.

The Sims 3: Island Paradise[edit | edit source]

Unlike other lot types, diving areas are completely underwater, and Sims can only visit them by scuba diving, unless they are just boating on the surface or swimming. The only part of the lot that's visible without scuba diving is the ocean and the diving buoy, which Sims can use to initiate diving.

There are four default diving areas in Isla Paradiso. Each of them can only be accessed by Sims who have a sufficient level of Scuba Diving skill. Below is the list of the diving areas in Isla Paradiso:

  • Rocky Reef (Scuba Diving level 2)
  • Davy Jones' Locker (Scuba Diving level 4)
  • Mermaid Grotto (Scuba Diving level 7)
  • Pearl's Deep (Scuba Diving level 9)

Diving areas are the only lot assignment that does not allow children to visit autonomously.

The Sims 4: Island Living[edit | edit source]

Diving Areas are located by finding a Buoy with a red indicator, usually in huge open waters. Selecting the buoy gives an array of options:

  • Dive Gear...
    • Diving Knife (§250) - Enables Diving for Seashells
    • Rebreather (§750) - Enables Scuba Diving (Unavailable to Mermaids)
    • Spearfishing Gun (§500) - Enables Spearfishing (Requires Level 4 Fitness skill)
    • Treasure Tool (§1200) - Enables Diving for Treasure
    • Underwater Camera (§1000) - Enables Taking Underwater Photos if Sim also owns Dive Gear Rebreather
  • Free Dive Around Here (Requires Level 3 Fitness skill)
  • Snorkel (Unavailable to Red Buoys)

Once all Dive Gear is purchased and the Sim has reached Fitness Level 4 these options are available:

  • Free Dive Around Here
  • Free Dive For...
    • Free Dive for Seashells
    • Free Dive for Treasure
  • Scuba Dive
  • Scuba Dive For...
    • Scuba Dive for Seashells
    • Scuba Dive for Treasure
  • Spearfish
  • Take Underwater Photos

Once a Sim dives down they will disappear for a while before they come back while bubbles float to the surface; sometimes they will momentarily return to the surface just to dive back down.

Mermaids cannot Scuba Dive as they can Free Dive without the need of the Fitness skill and can still purchase Dive Gear, excluding the Rebreather. However, they will still need a Fitness of Level 4 to purchase the Spearfishing Gun. Mermaids also do make bubbles while diving.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • It's possible for advanced players to edit other premade worlds and make their own diving areas. Diving areas are not exclusive to Isla Paradiso. However, they cannot have diving areas if the sea is too shallow or is not properly set as "ocean". Appaloosa Plains, Lunar Lakes, Riverview and Twinbrook cannot have diving areas due to these restrictions.
  • While the SimGurus have said that making dive lots is not possible, it is possible to make them without the use of mods by following this tutorial.
  • The Mermaid Grotto is a reference to Disneyland's meet-and-greet area Ariel's Grotto, since Ariel is a mermaid from Disney's The Little Mermaid.

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