Eva Drudge

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The Sims 3: Ambitions

Eva Drudge
Gender Female Female
Age Adult
Life state Sim
Eva loves to read! Hanging onto every word, analyzing every sentence, she longs for the day that she'll leave her part time job at the book store and become a full fledged literature teacher in the Education career.
Education and employment
Career Cash Register Specialist
Family/Families Drudge family
Parents Unknown
Marital status Married
Romances Shamus Drudge Husband
Traits Unflirty
Hates the Outdoors
Lifetime wish Illustrious Author
Favorites Pop
Hair color Brown
Eye color Grey
Skin color Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 3: Ambitions
Playability Playable
World Twinbrook

Eva Drudge is a pre-made female Sim who lives in Twinbrook, along with her husband Shamus. While they have a good relationship, it isn't very high. At the beginning of the game, she knows Molly Coddle and Harwood Clay, but doesn't know anyone else outside of her home.

At the beginning of the game, Eva has no skills, but wishes to become an Illustrious Author. Most of the time, she will have wishes related to the writing skill such as writing a romance book. Eva and her husband are very different, as she hates the outdoors, doesn't want to make many friends, and has the "Unflirty" trait (which is a trait probably disgusted by her husband as he has the "Flirty" trait). Still, they are compatible. Eva has a part-time job in the Bookstore, and is at level one. Like Beverly Castor, her hairstyle is only accessible using the Makeover Station, but can used in CAS with the use of unlockoutfits on/off. According to her bio, she does not like her job in the Bookstore, and would much rather become a teacher. Even though she wants to become an author, it's conflicting with her Technophobe trait, when you need a computer to write a book.

The Drudge Family
Shamus - Eva

es:Eva Dueñas fr:Eva Drudge no:Eva Trelle pt-br:Eva Drudge ru:Ева Работягус nl:Eva Drudge pl:Eva Drudge