Nervous Subject

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Nervous Subject
Gender Male Male
Age Adult
Life state Sim
His hobbies include twitching and blinking a lot.
Education and employment
Career Unemployed
Family/Families Specter family
Parents Olive Specter, Grim Reaper (possibly)
Marital status Single
Household Beaker family
Roommates Loki Beaker, Circe Beaker
Zodiac sign Aquarius
Aspiration Family Family
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Skin color Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Strangetown
Nervous Subject
Gender Male Male
Age Adult
Life state Ghost
Romances Annie HowellGirlfriend
Hair color Red
Eye color Brown
Skin color Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 (PSP)
Playability Deceased
Neighborhood Strangetown
Nervous Subject
Gender Male Male
Age Toddler
Life state Sim
This gentleman is living the good life in a place where being himself is all there is!
Family/Families Specter family
Parents Olive Specter, Grim Reaper
Traits Neurotic
Zodiac sign Taurus
Favorites Latin
Grilled Cheese
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Skin color Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 3 Store
Playability Playable
World Midnight Hollow
Nervous Subject
Gender Male Male
Age Young Adult
Life state Sim
A test subject at the mercy of the Beakers—specifically Loki Beaker. Why? What made Project G8IM so valuable? Could it have to do with Loki's notes on genetic composition and the 'subject's sire'?
Education and employment
Career Self-Employed
Marital status Single
Household Beaker family
Roommates Loki Beaker, Circe Beaker, Atom Beaker, Ceres Beaker
Traits Erratic
Animal Affection
Aspiration Friend Of The Animals
Hair color Black and Green
Eye color Brown
Skin color Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 4
Playability Gallery
Not to be confused with Nervous Subject (hidden).

Nervous Subject is a pre-made Sim who appears in Strangetown from The Sims 2 and Midnight Hollow from The Sims 3 Store.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Life leading up to The Sims 3[edit | edit source]

Nervous returns in Midnight Hollow as a toddler with his mother. He has not yet learned any of the toddler skills. In his family biography, he is hinted to be the son of the Grim Reaper, as he is described as "something to remember him by" after his mother's relationship with Grim ended quickly.

Life leading up to The Sims 2[edit | edit source]

Nervous Subject lives with the Beaker family since his adoption by Loki and Circe Beaker. Although some people believe that Nervous was adopted after he was taken away by the social worker, his family tree states that Nervous is still the son of Olive Specter and doesn't recognize the Beakers as family. He and Ophelia Nigmos are cousins, but they do not know one another when Strangetown is first played.

He has a black mohawk hair and wears a gray T-shirt with a skeleton with loose bones on it, blue-gray jeans and sandals. He is 27 days away from being an elder.

Nervous twitches and blinks frequently. At one point during his early childhood, Nervous was taken away from Olive by the Social Worker because she neglected him and was later adopted by Loki and Circe Beaker, Strangetown's "mad scientist" couple; however they have no relation to him on his family tree. According to his memories, Nervous may have "moved in" with the Beakers during his childhood years. It should be noted that while it is assumed that the Grim Reaper is his father, it is not shown through his family tree, which simply shows Olive Specter as his mother. However, the Grim Reaper is the only person Olive Specter has a memory of WooHoo with. Nervous lacks most of his mother's genetics; on closer examination, it is clear he is simply a clone of the Grim Reaper.

When Nervous's gender preference is displayed using testingcheatsenabled, or checked in SimPE, it can be seen that he has a slight distaste for women, though, as with all Sims, the player can change this during gameplay by having him perform romantic interactions with female characters.

Nervous Subject's aspiration is Family, and when the Beakers' lot is first played, he will often roll wants to flirt or hug, even though he will not like doing these things. He may also want to get married, which may be due to his aspiration being very low. For the first 7 or 8 game hours, the game will continually push "Stuff Face" actions on him while he is home, regardless of how hungry he is. This is a result of a script used for tutorial purposes, so he will see cockroaches (which are scripted as well since the house is fairly clean) and go into aspiration failure, unless the player diverts him away from them in time.

He does not appear to be very popular. His only friend is Pascal Curious, although his lifetime relationship with him is only moderate. He also has a reasonably good relationship with Circe Beaker, but doesn't like Loki very much. Nervous will often wander onto the Curious lot when Pascal is about to give birth.

According to Olive's memories, she was an elder when she had Nervous, which would not have been possible in normal gameplay. Additionally, her memories reveal a discrepancy about the ages of several Strangetown Sims. To illustrate, Lyla Grunt died before Nervous was born. However, this would mean the Grunt siblings should be older than Nervous.

There is another Nervous hidden in Olive's memories. This is the Nervous to which Olive remembers giving birth.

Life Leading Up to The Sims 2 (PSP)[edit | edit source]

Nervous is no longer around except as a restless ghost in Bella's mansion, Espiritu Estate. Emily Emory tells the player Nervous was always short on money and signed up as a test subject for the Beakers. One day, he was so miserable he was killed by one of the machines. After Nervous' death, the Beakers even kidnapped a garbage man for their tests. It is indicated that he once had a girlfriend named Annie Howell: the player soon discovers that she is unaware of his death, and has assumed that he left her. Nervous looks quite different in this game, while his outfit is similar, his hair is a bright reddish-yellow and his facial features look more normal and are far less customized, possibly due to the limitations of the PSP hardware.

Life leading up to The Sims 4[edit | edit source]

A version of Nervous, along with the Beakers and Loki's young clones Atom and Ceres has been made available on The Sims 4 Gallery by Maxis. His appearance remains fairly similar, although his mohawk is now partially green. Despite also being downloadable from the Gallery, Nervous is not related to Olive or Ophelia, since they don't reside in a premade world.

Simology[edit | edit source]

Sloppy 0 Neat
Shy 0 Outgoing
Lazy 10 Active
Serious 0 Playful
Grouchy 0 Nice
Sign / personality mismatch
A Sim with this personality would normally be a Sagittarius.
Genetic personality
Nervous was born with 10 neat and active points, 1 outgoing point, and 2 playful and nice points. A Sim created with this personality would be a Virgo.

Image Interest Level
Environment 1
Food 9
Weather 8
Culture 0
Money 10
Politics 8
Paranormal 9
Health 9
Fashion 0
Travel 9
Crime 3
Sports 0
Entertainment 4
Animals 3
Work 0
School 7
Toys 0
Sci-Fi 10

Image Memory Type
Grew up badly Negative
Met Mystery Sim Positive
Grew up badly Negative
Moved in Positive
Became best friends with Mystery Sim Positive
First kiss with Mystery Sim Positive
Kissed Mystery Sim for the first time Positive
Grew up badly Negative

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Prior to the release of The Sims 2 his original name was Nervous Beaker, it was changed at some point during development.
  • In Grim's Ghastly Manor, a graveyard from The Sims 3 Store designed to look like the home of the Grim Reaper, a nursery can be seen in the attic. This is possibly in reference to Nervous Subject as he is implied to be the Grim Reaper's son.

Other languages[edit | edit source]

Language The Sims 2 The Sims 3
English Nervous Subject Nervous Subject
Brazilian Portuguese Nervoso Cobaia Nervoso Assunto
Bulgarian Нървъс Събджект (нервен обект, Nervous Subject) Нървъс Сабджект нервен обект, Nervous Subject)
Chinese (Simplified) 内沃斯 主题 (Nèi wò sī zhǔtí)
Chinese (Traditional) 瓊緊張 沙希 (Chúng Jin Jang ShaXi)
Czech Nervózní Jedinec
Danish Hans X. Periment Nervøs Emne
Dutch Nerveus Figuursma Nervous Onderwerp
European Portuguese Sujeito Nervoso
Finnish Hermo Koehenkilö
French Hector Cobaye Nerveux Sujet
German Nervus Subjekt
Hungarian Zsezse G Alany
Italian Nervo Tico
Japanese ナーバス サブジェクト (Nābasu Sabujekuto) ナーバス サブジェクト (Nābasu Sabujekuto)
Korean 너버스 서브젝트 (Neobeoseu Seobeujegteu) 너버스 서브젝트 (Neobeoseu Seobeujegteu)
Norwegian N. R. Voes
Polish Nerwus Jakiś Nervous Subject
Russian Tipus Nervous
(Типус Нервус)
Nervniy Tema
(Нервный Тема)
Spanish Nervioso del Todo
Swedish Nervis Objekt
Thai เนอ•วัส ซับ•เจค
Ukrainian Nervova Tema
(нервова Тема)

ru:Типус Нервус fr:Hector Cobaye es:Nervioso Del Todo no:N.R. Voes pl:Nerwus Jakiś pt-br:Nervoso Cobaia nl:Nerveus Figuursma