Plumbob Pictures

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Plumbob Pictures
Sub-neighborhood · Featured in: The Sims 4: Get Famous
Plumbob Pictures
Name Plumbob Pictures
Game  The Sims 4: Get Famous

Plumbob Pictures is a hidden neighborhood in Del Sol Valley that functions as the workplace for the Actor active career. The studio lot changes daily depending on what is being filmed there.

Lots[edit | edit source]

Studio[edit | edit source]

File:Plumbob Pictures Studio.png
Lot type Acting Studio
Lot size 50x50
Number of floors 1
Bathrooms 2
World Del Sol Valley
Game The Sims 4: Get Famous

The studio's main feature is a big stage in the middle that has a different layout and set of props for each production. In front of it are various cameras and filming equipment, as well as a chair for the director. Further back is a snack table where film crew and actors can mingle, and microphones and mirrors for actors to practice their lines.

Other rooms in the studio include a dressing room with a stylist on duty, a hair and makeup room with a makeup artist manning a styling station, and two small bathrooms.

Neighborhood amenities[edit | edit source]

None of the typical neighborhood amenities are present, aside from a few benches and trash cans near the front of the lot.

ru:Пламбоб Пикчерз nl:Plumbob Pictures