Roomies household (The Sims)

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The Sims The Sims (console)

Roomies household
Name Roomies household
Members Chris Roomies, Melissa Roomies
Other information
Game The Sims
Playability Family Bin
Neighborhood Neighborhood 1
Roomies household
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Name Roomies household
Members Chris Roomies, Melissa Roomies
Lot 3 Sim Avenue
Other information
Game The Sims (console)
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Willville
For households with the same name in other games, see Roomies household.

The Roomies household is a household first introduced in The Sims and in the console version of the game. The household consists of Melissa Roomies and her roommate, Chris.

In The Sims, Melissa and Chris are new arrivals to the Neighborhood and can be found in the Family bin, ready to be moved to a vacant lot.

In the console version they live at 3 Sim Avenue, an empty house with a wooden floor and white wall paint, complete with a big garden outside.

Unlike most Sims from Neighborhood 1, they do not appear in The Sims 2, nor did they appear in any other game in the series.


Roomies: Roommates. Also stating that they're the very first roommates in The Sims series.
Chris Roomies: Christina or Christine, as in Christian.
Melissa Roomies: Greek for honeybee, perhaps a reference to her beehive-like hairstyle.




nl:Hokkers familie ru:Коммуна Румис (The Sims)