The Sims Wiki:Featured Contest/Past Contests

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Periodically we feature a contest on the main page and the Community Portal. Go here to suggest future Featured Contests.

Past Contests Edit

July 2010 Edit

The Most Useful Object
1. Computer (12 votes)
2. The Eclectic and Enigmatic Energizer (9 votes)
3. Time Machine (3 votes)
4. Tie (2 Votes Each)
5. Tie (1 Vote Each)

August 2010 Edit

Name for Downtown in Late Night
1. "Nightfalls" or "Night Falls" (7 votes)
2. "Downtown" (5 votes)
3. "SimCity" (3 votes)
4. Tie (2 Votes Each)
  • "Night City" or "Nightcity"
  • "Mesa Flats"
5. Tie (1 Vote Each)
  • "Duskfall Isle"
  • "Maxis" or "Maxis City"
  • "MetroDark"
  • "Metropolis"
  • "Midnight City"
  • "New Paddington"
  • "New Sim City"
  • "Sim York" or "SimYork"
  • "Skyline Bay"

October 2010 Edit

The Next Expansion Pack that EA Should Make
1. Tie (14 Votes Each)
  • "The Sims 3: Nature"
  • "The Sims 3: University Life"
2. "The Sims 3: Paranormal" (13 Votes)
3. "The Sims 3: Magical Horizons" (6 Votes)
4. "The Sims 3: ER" (5 Votes)
5. "The Sims 3: Town and Country" (4 Votes)
6. Tie (2 Votes Each)
  • "The Sims 3: Live the Life"
  • "The Sims 3: MVP"
  • "The Sims 3: Family Fun Time"
7. Tie (1 Vote Each)
  • "The Sims 3: Better Life"
  • "The Sims 3: Disaster"
  • "The Sims 3 Weather"
  • "The Sims 3 Animals"
8. Tie (Proposed, But Not Voted)
  • "The Sims 3: Furry Friends"
  • "The Sims 3: Reality"
  • "The Sims 3: Seasonal Pets"
  • "The Sims 3: Live It Up"
  • "The Sims 3: Fly-by"
  • "The Sims 3: FurryFun"
  • "The Sims 3: Climate and Paranormal Magic"
  • "The Sims 3 In Space"
Detailed descriptions of each idea can be found here.