
From The Sims Wiki, a collaborative database for The Sims series
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About me[edit | edit source]

Rose20 is my back-up account. If we share the same IP address (which I'm 99.9999% sure we do), it's not because I'm sockpuppeting.

Hi, my username is Sparrowsong, but call me Song. Or Kate, which is my real name. I'm female, a teenager, and I live in Canada. Where in Canada, I will not tell you :).

I have light auburn hair with blonde highlights, hazel eyes, and very pale skin with freckles. I've been told I look a lot older than my actual age.

I'm the resident conspiracy theorist of this Wiki xD. Yeah, you probably think I'm cuckoo, but whatever. LOL.

My favorite show is Glee. I think I'm sort of like a combination between Sue, Rachel, and Quinn from that show, if that makes any sense.

Thank Salemguy123 (who I believe has left) for designing my user page!

Theme songs of my life[edit | edit source]

  • I'm Alive - Disturbed.
  • Lithium - Evanescence.
  • According To You - Orianthi.
  • The Only One - Evanescence.
  • What I've Done - Linkin Park.

News[edit | edit source]

  • June 22, 2010 - I'm a rollbacker! Also, my birthday was four days ago! Yay!
  • July 1, 2010 - I'm taking a break from Wikia. I'm not leaving, I'm just not gonna be on so much anymore temporarily. I might edit twice a day or something, but that's it. I need to get a real life and make real friends instead of spending all day on Wikia, especially since it's summer break.

Friends List[edit | edit source]

Sign this if you are my friend or would like to be my friend. Here's my list of friends so far:

Random Facts About Me[edit | edit source]

  • I like the taste of blood. Like, seriously - if I get a paper cut, I'll lick it off like a vampire o_0.
  • I have hair like Oprah Winfrey. It's so ridiculously thick, I can do absolutely NOTHING with it. I can't even put it in a ponytail.
  • I can remember being a baby.
  • I hate custom content! It gave my computer a virus and ruined my favorite family! That was because I put it in the wrong folder and didn't back-up the game first. Now I'm a complete CC freak.
  • According to this quiz, I am 61% insane.
  • I think Meadow Thayer is hot. Yes, I'm bisexual and very proud.
  • I am a Facebook addict.

Kate's CC Picks[edit | edit source]

Maxis Match Baby Outfits by fakepeeps7 - Tired of seeing your poor little Sim babies completely naked except for a plain white diaper? I sure as heck was! These are adorable, realistic, and look amazing on babies of all skintones. My favorite is the duck one *pokes random facts above*. Warning: You can only have one at a time. Don't downloaded more than one color. I don't recommend you pick anything that isn't gender neutral, because you'll get stuck with baby boys in lavender or baby girls in blue. It might also conflict with certain skintone hacks, such as the mannequin baby hack.

Nouk's Own Haircut by Nouk - A very realistic-looking curly ponytail for females of all ages (except Baby, of course). Looks cute on Toddlers. The lighter brown/auburn one looks similar to my hair.

Fruit Salad for Toddlers by bienchen83 - Replaces the default toddler food with a startlingly realistic fruit salad. It's not much, but I really like it.

Gothic Skull Dress for Toddlers by linn_myrra - Black gothic dress with a skull and crossbones, black-and-white striped stockings, and black shoes. Creepy but cute. Looks very nice in-game.

Baby Angel by natrobo - Yes, I know I'm just a bit obsessed with toddler stuff, but I just had to mention this. It's a short, slightly wavy hair with a cute headband. It reminds me of a girl I went to kindergarten with.

Maxis-Like Hair Color Recolors by Avaluna - A waist-length curly hair for Teen-Elder (I think) females. I jumped out of my chair when I saw it, because when my hair isn't straightened, it literally looks exactly like that. Perfect hair for my Simself. Would also work for a Taylor Swift, Hermione Granger, Bliss Llewellyn, Annabeth Chase, etc. Sim.

Victorian Hair by Unknown - It's the second/middle hair, top row. Basically, it's a curly version of the Pleasant twins' hairstyle. Originally, I found it on Somnium.

Back-to-School Collection for Kids by fakepeeps7 - A set of several very nice back-to-school clothes for Children. Man, I would've killed for clothes like this when I was about 6.

Get surely abducted when using "The Abductor 100" by CtfG - A hack that includes a special telescope that, when used at night, guarantees a 100% chance of abduction. Have fun with the little green tots!

Multi Pollination Technician Pack by sephiroth1 - Oh, joy! A multi-PT hack that doesn't have PTs with elf ears or weird orange skin or anything! *Victory dance* I like the green skin and big black eyes, and I don't mind the small nose, but I was seriously getting sick of the black hair, non-existant lips, and narrow jaws. Psst, I'm secretly fangirling all three of them (especially Multi-PT14, I love blonde aliens). Sadly, this doesn't work in my game - all I keep getting is alien babies that are fathered by the Maxis-made PT, AND have only one parent in their tree :(. I hope it works in yours, though.

Links[edit | edit source]

Click here to feed starving animals.

Click here to feed starving humans.

Click here to help women with breast cancer.

Click here to hear a really funny and weird song.

Click here to find me on the Exchange.

Click here for my Formspring.

Click here to have me eat your soul.

C&P-Into-Profile Things[edit | edit source]

If you hate Justin Bieber, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you hate Chris Brown, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you hate Miley Cyrus, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you hate spammers and vandals, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you hate flamers, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you are a teenager, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you have a small but dedicated circle of friends, copy and pate this into your profile.

If you love animals, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you listen to alternative rock, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you like anime or manga, copy and paste this in your profile.

If you have never been social enough to be exposed to drugs, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you have little voices in your head, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you're emo, copy and paste this into your profile.

You almost never hear about Evanescence and Michael Jackson anymore...if you're one of the few teens and tweens who hasn't abandoned good music for Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you've never been kissed, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you're single, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you're bisexual, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you're a feminist, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you're an environmentalist, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you're pro-life, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you find it hard to believe that 97% of teens and tweens have tried marijuana, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you have never tried marijuana, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you're a teen or tween who has never tried marijuana, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or vise versa copy this into your profile.

If you've ever done anything incredibly stupid for no apparent reason, copy and paste this onto your profile.

If there are times when you wanna annoy people just for the heck of it, copy this into your profile

If you have ever forgotten what you were going to say, right before you say it, copy this into your profile.

If you've ever talked to yourself, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you spend multiple hours each day reading or writing or a combination of both...copy and paste this on your profile.

If your friends are WEIRD (But not as weird as you) put this on your profile.

If you or your best friend is insane, copy this into your profile.

If you think that being unique is cooler than being cool, copy this on your profile.

If you were insane, crazy, and random before it was cool, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you listened to Taylor Swift before she was cool, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you read Percy Jackson and the Olympians before it was cool, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you read Maximum Ride before it was cool, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you read Twilight before it was cool, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you watched Glee before it was cool, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you hated George Bush before it was cool, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you hated Miley Cyrus before it was cool, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you miss Michael Jackson, C&P.

Userboxes[edit | edit source]

This user is female.
The user is a Gemini.
This user has the Bookworm trait.
This user has the Ambitious trait.
This user has the Flirty trait.
This user is a teen.
This user has the Loser trait.
This user is a fan of Bella Goth.
The Sims 2 The Sims 2
This user is a fan of the
Grim Reaper.
This user likes to burn Sims!
SHIFT + CTRL + C This user cheats.
The user's favorite color is black.
This user uses kaching and motherlode.
This user is a fan of Strangetown.
This user is a fan of Aliens.
This user has the Grumpy trait.
This user likes the language Simlish.
This user is mourning the loss of someone/something.
This user has an idol!
This user likes to donate to charities.
This user doesn't like coffee.
This user likes plush toys.
This user doesn't like it when other people are rude.
This user likes watching plays.
This user has/had good grades while in school.
SHIFT + CTRL + C This user cheats.
This user is a fan of Mrs. Crumplebottom.
The Sims series This user has been playing The Sims since 2009.
The user has the Knowledge aspiration.
This user believes that Olive is a murderer!
This user is a fan of Miss Agnes Crumplebottom.
This user is a fan of Kaylynn Langerak.
This user is a fan of Downtown.
This user is a fan of Belladonna Cove.

This user is a fan of Sunset Valley.

This user is a fan of Shang Simla.

This user is a fan of Champs Les Sims.

This user is a fan of Vampires.
This user is a fan of Witches.
This user is a fan of Summer.
This user is a fan of cats.
This user is a fan of dogs.
This user loves to party!
This user doesn't like work.
This user likes to eat sweets.
This user likes watching movies.
This user likes going to concerts.
This user likes the language Simlish.
This user is crazy!!
This user is special in their own way!

BioBox[edit | edit source]

Name Kate
Gender Female Female
Age Teen
Life state Sim
Parents Michael P., Kelli D.
Sibling(s) Ethan P. Older brother, Mike P. Half-brother
Zodiac sign  Gemini
Aspiration  Knowledge
Hair color  Brown
Eye color  Green
Skin color  Pale
Body shape  Normal, I guess
Other Information
Game The Sims 2