Aquatic Playhouse

The Sims: Superstar

Aquatic Playhouse
Experience the fun and excitement of scuba diving with this high-tech in-the-home fully enclosed diving tank. Constructed of triple layered sheets of solid silica aerogels, the Playhouse simulates real underwater environments. Included are a full airlock for entry and exit, as well as an oxygen level monitor.
Game The Sims: Superstar
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §19,999
Object type(s) Fun
Size 5x5

The Aquatic Playhouse is an indoor diving tank, introduced in The Sims: Superstar. It can be purchased for §19,999 in Buy mode. Only one Sim can use the diving tank at a time. They will change into a scuba diving suit, enter the airlock, wait for it to fill up with water, and then swim around the tank. The object can be found on some Studio Town lots by default.

Fun: 10
Room: 4