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|''Not every Sim is satisfied to spend their life in pursuit of a single goal. By choosing a secondary aspiration, you can unlock some of that aspiration's benefits. You will also begin to receive wants that were previously restricted to Sims of that aspiration.''
|''Not every Sim is satisfied to spend their life in pursuit of a single goal. By choosing a secondary aspiration, you can unlock some of that aspiration's benefits. You will also begin to receive wants that were previously restricted to Sims of that aspiration.''
|Allows a Sim to select a [[Secondary aspiration|Secondary Aspiration]]. Once chosen, this branch of the tree will display the first three benefits of their chosen Secondary Aspiration.
|Allows a Sim to select a [[Secondary aspiration|Secondary Aspiration]]. Once chosen, this branch of the tree will display the first three benefits of their chosen Secondary Aspiration.
|''As time goes by, the prospect of settling down with a family has begun to seem appealing rather than appalling.Your{{sic}} recent daydreams all seem to involve a spouse and 2.5 kids that play between your house and its white picket fence.''
|Unlocks the Grandma's Comfort Soup, Slower Motive Decay - Fun and Comfort, and Plead with the Social Worker aspiration benefits.
|''After paying your dues (figuratively and literally) for years, you've finally gotten fed up with ramen noodles and secondhand furniture. The rich Sims of the world haven't necessarily worked harder than you, it's just that you've been focusing your energy on goals outside of the financial sphere. Now that you've made the decision to start living the good life, those days are far behind you.''
|Unlocks the Skilled Negotiator, Slower Motive Decay - Fun and Comfort, and Financial Advise for Cash aspiration benefits.
|''You{{sic}} always been fairly bright, but you've never considered yourself an egghead. Recently you've felt a strange curiousity{{sic}} and fascination building up, until suddenly you found yourself spending some friday{{sic}} nights at home with a good book.You{{sic}} still have other priorities, but now one of your goals in life is to understand other Sims, yourself, and the world around you more thoroughly.''
|Unlocks the Slower Motive Decay - Social and Fun, Impart Knowledge, and Eureka! aspiration benefits.
|''Sometimes, Sims who have previously spent their lives in offices, schools and libraries feel suddenly and strangely compelled to abandon their quiet existences and reinvent themselves as party animals. While some boring wallflowers may accuse you of having some sort of midlife crisis, you're too busy being the life of the party to care.''
|Unlocks the Fast Metabolism, Slower Motive Decay - Bladder and Energy, and Write Restaurant Guide aspiration benefits.
|''As you get older, you've come to treasure friendships with those around you. Recently you've metamorphosed into quite the social butterfly, always ready to meet new people or for a night on the town.''
|Unlocks the Hospitality, Slower Motive Decay - Bladder and Energy, and 3-Way Calling aspiration benefits.
|''You've always worked hard and behaved yourself, enjoying a fulfilling and stimulating existence, but never leaving enough time for love. With other goals completed or on their way there, you've decided it's time for you to reward yourself with the hedonism and romance you've never properly indulged in.''
|Unlocks the Massive Attraction, Slower Motive Decay - Hygiene and Energy, and Local Legend aspiration benefits.
|[[File:Grilled Cheese.png|center]]
|Grilled Cheese
|''Somewhere along the line, you've become... eccentric. Other Sims whisper behind your back, arguing whether you've gone insane, achieved enlightenment, or maybe even both. You've remained oblivious to these discussions, distracted as you are by the thought of a nice hot cheddar-on-wheat.''
|Unlocks the Bottomless Stomach, Slower Motive Decay - Bladder, and Paint Grilled Cheese aspiration benefits.