Bella Goth/theories

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Here we have where all the theories of Bella Goth that exist, enjoy!

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I wish i can see Maxis and talk to them


  • I think that all the suspects are behind this except Don (in a way).If you notice in Mortimer's memories he thinks it's good that Bella got abducted however Cassandra and Alexander think it's bad.One of Dina and Nina's ancestors is a alien if you look at their family tree so this is what I think happened.Don is engaged to Cassandra and when Bella started to see Don frequently Mortimer never wanted to speak to Don again.Mortimer had just met Dina and Nina when they started talking about aliens.Mortimer was intrigued because Dina and Nina talked about it as if they had met a real alien.He came back the next day when Dina started to be all over him for his money but Mortimer was only intrested in the aliens.Bella had just been to Don's house for the fifth time this week but this time Don didn't care about talking to Bella he just wanted to make out with her.Unfortunatley that didn't go down very well since in Don's memories you can see that he was rejected by Bella.Back at Dina's house the sisters told Mortimer that they were a descendant of Pollination Technician 7 who is an alien so they are part alien.Now he wants to see their alien relatives because he wants to see an alien so Dina has a proposal.She will get the aliens to come to Pleasantview in exchange for Bella.Mortimer agreed but now they needed a cover up story or else Dina will end up in prison while Mortimer will end up as the most hated person in Pleasantview.They had their cover up story now they needed a trap for the bait and what much better than Don who has been visited by Bella a lot recently.Mortimer and Dina bribed Don in taking part in this so now they needed a way of getting Bella to see Don which they did do.On the night of the abduction Mortimer was looking through his telescope if he could see the UFO while Dina was waiting patiently for the moment when Bella was gone and Mortimer's fortune was hers.
  • I've re-did the game a trillion times. I've brought her back, I've said she was dead, I've forgotten about her. But in my latest (and most played without re-intalling!) game, I've decided it was all the Calientes. But in the right of JUSTICE! Now I'm sure that Maxis wanted the Calientes to do it because their money and woohoo hungry. But in my wild imagination, I imagine Aliens can see into the future and see Bella is an awful human who tries to take over the world (Sci-Fi, much). So they go back in time and land in Strangetown and have enough children so they can stop Bella. Of course, this is the Caliente sisters. They move to Pleasantview and Dina gets close to Micheal so she can learn about Bella. They then seduce Don (yep, Don is a little puppet!) into bringing her to the telescope, and she is abducted and brought back to Strangetown.

  • Well I think this is a crazy thought but I think Olive Specter came to Pleasantview and than murder Bella and than forces Don to tell about the alien story.
  • I believe that Don was in love with Bella and invited over her. He invited her over and he tried to make out with her (in her memories it shows that don tried to make out with her). However like it says in the memory he was rejected, he probably then hung around with her and Bella then was abducted by looking through the telescope and she was abducted.
  • Well Bella is still alive on the Goth family tree. But the Bella in strangetown was a new Bella replica. On the sims there are no murders soooooooooo Don could not have killed her.
  • I think Bella was just visiting Don (They were going to be in-laws) came across the telescope, and couldn't help looking into it. The aliens came, she was gone, and Don was busy woohooing a chick he met. He finally realized what happened, and informed everyone. Then, the Sims events pick up from there.
  • My theory is Don knew aliens were coming by watching the news. Every day, being rejected by beautiful Bella, if he couldn't have her, no one would! Anyway, he called her up and Bella came. Don was trying to seduce her, but Bella was to in love with Mortimer and cared for her children. Don asked her to look through the telescope. While he was going to get some refreshments, Bella was abducted.
  • I say Bella was abducted on Don's deck. He has a telescope, she's a woman, saying a lot, and you can only get abducted from a telescope.
  • I say Bella was kidnapped by Don Lothario because she didn't want to cheat on her husband and then he sold her to the aliens or something for money.
  • Perhaps, but I personally think it didn't actually involve Don although the picture shows her at his house...of him and her and the telescope yet she would have to be part of the family to be abducted from another household (and if he was in her household he would have received a memory maybe he was meant to and did not!?!) therefore she was probably abducted at her own house yet it is possible that Maxis deleted her for a storyline or even by accident; well not really deleted but more cursed as in she was attached to a Death Token! It's true the Caliente sisters are so called interested in Mortimer's large sum of money...! Yet thats your choice if you let them get at it as Mortimer does love Dina Caliente!...Traces of Bella come up about anywhere! The mystery still stays...The legend is alive!
  • I say Don and the Caliente sisters wanted Mortimer and Cassandra's money, so they decided to get Bella out of the picture by luring her to the telescope and having her abducted by aliens.
  • I remember looking at memories of some Sims and say that Bella was abducted by aliens.
  • I think Dina Caliente wanted to marry Mortimer and claim his money, so she had Bella go over to Don's house to look through the telescope. I say Don had no idea Dina wanted to get rid of Bella, so he didn't know she would get abducted. With Bella out of the picture, Dina could get Mortimer's money, then after he died, she could marry Don instead.
  • I think Don and Dina teamed up to get Bella out of the picture. Dina wanted Bella out to get Mortimer's money. Don wanted to marry Cassandra and knew Bella did not approve.
  • I put a video of the Strangetown Bella getting abducted at his condo on television and put on the news channel. Now, Don is even more popular and Cassandra split up when they were enganged because the truth and now the Goth family hates him (even Cassandra)even more.
  • I think he worked together with Mrs. Crumplebottom, who I believe to be his secret mother. The two threw Bella in a closet and made up a story about aliens.
  • Well, I for one am absolutely sure that Bella's disappearance was definitely an alien abduction, and Dina Caliente most definitely had something to do with it. In case anybody forgot, let me remind you all that the Caliente sisters are alien-human hybrids, for their grandfather is an alien. If you need proof, take a look at their family tree. Somehow, someway, I just know that Dina is somehow responsible. The sisters came to town, Dina spotted Mortimer, dollar signs in her eyes. Only one person in the way of her life of luxury, Bella Goth. If this is NOT the case, then I also have another theory. The one responsible is none other than Mortimer Goth, but with Dina's help. Mortimer's aspiration is knowledge, he's a mad scientist, or at least was. He'd probably do anything to spot UFO at least once in his life. Dina, hoping to get closer to Mortimer, offers her help, a devious plan in mind. She tells Mortimer that she can get him a good alien sighting, but needs Bella to do it. She tells him of her alien heritage, convincing him of that its true. Then, she assures him that Bella won't be harmed, and he finally agrees, but asks why she needs Bella and not him. She tells him that Bella is a beautiful woman and that she will catch the alien's eye. She also adds that she would do it, but she is related to them, so it would be a little weird for her. The next night, Dina hides in the garden, while Mortimer calls Bella up to the rooftop, telling her he spotted something interesting through the telescope and wants her to see it. She looks through, sees nothing, and questions him. He tells her to keep looking and after a minute, she would see something. She does as he says, and suddenly says that she sees something, and its getting closer. As it gets closer and closer, Mortimer spots it, and they both realize it's a UFO. Bella is overcome by fear, while Mortimer is overcome by amazement. Suddenly, a beam shoots out from the center of the UFO, shining on Bella. She starts to be sucked up through the beam, and she grabs the telescope and calls out to Mortimer for help. He grabs onto her arm, pulling her back to him as hard as he can, crying out for help, and for Bella to hold on to him. The aliens pull harder, and soon succeed in pulling Bella right out or Mortimer's grip and up through the beam, into the spaceship. As soon as they have her, they shoot back into the sky, leaving a twinkle behind them. Mortimer goes onto a state of shock, which soon turns to grief. He sobs and screams for Bella. The kids come running out to him, asking him whats going on, and he yells at them to go back to bed. They obey, and Dina comes running, trying to comfort him. He pushes her off, screaming at her, saying that she assured him that nothing like this would happen, that Bella would be fine. Dina then breaks down, playing victim, saying how she never imagined that this would happen, how sorry she is, how she would do anything to get her back, how she would convince them to return her. This calms Mortimer down, and soon they are comforting each other. As they hug, Dina whispers in his ear that everything will be fine. In her mind, Dina already knows that Bella is gone, and will not be making a return anytime soon, and she continues to hug Mortimer, smirking the whole time. (note: it is said that Bella was last seen scaling the deck of Don Lotharios condo, but if you look at Don's memories, you will notice that he has no memory of Bella being abducted by aliens, while Mortimer does. You will also notice that Don has no memory of ever woohooing with Bella, or of even meeting her to begin with. Also, we must remember that her being at Don's condo is merely a theory, there is no proof that it's true.)
  • What I think is that when Maxis was testing alien abductions they used Bella as a test subject and there was something wrong and she never came back and they thought it'd be good for the storyline!
  • I think Bella, being protective of Cassandra, went over to Don to tell him he better not mess with her daughter, I think Don thought Bella was in his way and ruining the chances of his plan to marry Cassandra. So he convinced her to look in the telescope.
  • i think that Dina called the aliens (she is an alien/human) and told them to abduct Bella Goth on her neighbors roof, Don Lothario. they said something in alien that meant yes. she told don to invite Bella over and have her look stargaze through the telescope. he did. then, they both went to the roof, went down and called nina and told her it's working. she then told the aliens to do it, and they did.
  • Bella was abducted by the aliens, on her own roof, and the aliens eventually decided to return her. But they brought her back to Strangetown. About a year later, she got involved with the dark arts, and moved to the new town that will be coming with apartment life. She was made the people's leader, but a spell went arigh, and she was kicked out. Not wanting to bring shame on her family, or Pleasantview, who deeply despised the magical art, moved back to Strangetown. The End!
  • I think that Don gave Bella a Dead Token of rejecting a make-out (look at the memories) so he decided to get rid of her. Dina did not do a thing because she arrived AFTER it happened.
  • personly, i think that Don was stalking Bella and she came round to confront him, he made up the story about the telescope thingie and then locked her in a closet. He kept her locked up for a few days and then drowned her in Brandi Broke's pool and they mistook her body for her husbands...then Don gets revenge by leaving Cassandra at the alter...THE END
  • I think Dina wanted Mortimer and had Bella look through the telescope. Don, Nina, and Mortimer had no idea (Mortimer age transitioned, so Cassie and Alex didn't know either, Nina was a teen at college, and Don was chatting with Kaylynn)! Then, Nina came back in time to see Bella abducted, Dina told Mortimer, and then Cassie and Alex, and told other witnesses to forget it or drown!!!!!
  • Shes in that little box they put all townies when there not in the streets. drinking coffee, sleeping on the blue chouch watching the tiny tv....
  • I think that Don was really jealous that Bella didn't love him, and the dina caliente wanted mortimers money so they conspired to get bella abducted (They knew about aliens because they are in their family tree's)so that Don could get his revenge and dina could get her hands on Mortimer.
  • I don't think Bella is totally innocent here. I think she was cheating on poor Morty with Don. Why? Firstly, she's a Romance Sim. Romance Sims cheat on their spouses a lot, no matter how 'devoted' Bella is to Mortimre. Secondly, Don has a memory of her rejecting a make-out. Building up to a make-out takes time, as it means 'serious affection.' As well as many romantic interactions beforehand. But if she was having an affair with Don, why did she reject the make-out? Did she catch him with Cassandra and got furious for cheating on him? Hmm . . .very mysterious . . .
  • I think that Don Lothario loved...not Bella or Cass, but Mortimer's money. He first plotted to kill Bella-that would mean one out of the way-but when he came over, she started fiddling with his stuff and looked throught the telescoe at the wrong time....but Don didn't care. Hours Later, aliens dropped Bella in Strangetown, all memory of her last life gone.
  • I think Maxis is the culprit for the disappearance of Bella Goth. Or was it the Caliente sisters? They are related to aliens. But I'm sure it was Maxis...
  • Here's what I think I got these ideas everywhere and put them together Bella was just friends with don because her daughter was going to marry him. she looks through the telescope then when don leaves she get's abducted by aliens. She arrives at pleasantview lost. Meanwhile in Strangetown her long lost sisiter who the aliens kept relished her and she forgot everything and all she could say was Bella Bella Goth?
  • I think that MORTIMER is behind her abduction. I think Dina Caliente was busy getting ready to WooHoo Don for like the billionth time. She saw Don trying to make out with Bella, but saw Bella slap Don. She ran to Mortimer's house, told him that Bella was with Don. With his mad scientist knowledge, he made an alien phone, called the Aliens and had them abduct her. He then got mad at Dina for even knowing that Bella went over there, and got FURIOUS at Don for tring to make out with Bella, so he used his mad scientist skills to make people think Don is behind it all. He later forgave Dina, but Dina told everyone that it was Don and Nina because she is a little WooHoo-crazy hypocrite. Nina, oblivious to the entire thing (She should be the blond, not Dina) went on WooHooing with Don. Don told everyone that Dina was part of it, but he never mentioned that he wasnt a part of it.
  • I think that No one was behind it because the telescope that Don has doesn't abduct people.I think she was abducted and Mortimer just happened to witness it and he was happy about it and Mortimer told everybody.
  • Well, I think we're all forgetting the fact that she was supposedly seen "scaling the deck" of Lothario's condo. I don't have any guesses as to reasons or what was going on besides the idea that scaling implies climbing. If she had been invited for romantic or subversive reasons, there's no reason she would have to climb up the building. She could just walk in the door like any normal human being...sim. If she was climbing the building, then she was going uninvited meaning that she was there in secret. Spying? Was she trying to find something out about Don? And was she caught? Or perhaps his condo was the first place she came to as she was trying to escape from someone or something else. Oftentimes in an attempt to escape from something, the one running climbs up something. Don could've been gone, sleeping, or "unable" to answer the door when she showed up. And does "scaling" imply upward or downward climbing? Because downward could just as easily imply that she was trying to escape. If the Bella in Strangetown is a fake, we can't rule out alien abduction. But was it planned or lucky coincidence for one or more of the three most suspicious characters in Pleasantview? The ones who know something are the ones who disappear.
  • Real story, Bella was abducted by aliens, and as you know, there is a crashed flying saucer in strangetown, that was the alien ship that Bella was on, when they crashed Bella lost all of her memmories and everything else. That is the Maxis created story, technically, she isn't gone, but hidden in Pleasantview. The creaters used cheats to hide her, but if you do control+shift+c and type in Boolprop TestingCheatsEnabled true, click on any character and shift at the same time, click spawn, and Tombstone of L and D, Then click add neighbor to family and Bella's name will be there if you want to bring her back to the game. The creaters also created a townie in strangetown to look like the real Bella, who you may have seen.
  • In my game, I decided to do some investigating. I looked in the files. And the photo's, the memories. Everything :). I decided that Bella's abduction had some weird part in the game, and this is my final conclusion. Mortimer, suspected Bella of having an affair with Don Lothario. He watched them getting close, and when Don decided to get close to Cassandra too, it was the final straw. Proof: If you look at the photo of Don with Cassandra, Mortimer is in the background looking not-so-pleased. Also, Mortimer has no happy memories of him and Bella at all proper...until she was abducted. So, he hated Don. But being the mad scientist that he is, he thought more of knowledge, and because he was so angry with Bella, he thought "how cool would it be if Bella was abducted". And when she was, his memory of that was highlighted green. And, he thought that he may see some Alien's near house because of that. No, he wasn't looking for Bella. He was looking for a flying saucer. If you look at a picture, it shows Mortimer smiling, and has Bella on his mind. He's thanking her for this piece of knowledge. Now, bring Bella Back. As you'll know, as soon as you bring Bella back, Mortimer hates her. He wants nothing more to do with her. Why is this? Mortimer and Bella where in "love" weren't they? And when she's "dies on another lot" Mortimer has a gravestone saying "Bella died" but its green. Why does he hate her so much? And why are Mortimer and Don not friends? They're down as "just met" when you start the game. But if someone was marrying your daughter, you'd want to know the ins and outs. But Mortimer doesn't. I sense a guilty man guys ;).
  • It could be possible that when Bella was abducted, the aliens could have cloned her and put her clone in Strangetown, with no memories of her loved ones...
  • I don't think Nina or Dina Caliente was involved, as they came to town after Bella's abduction. BUT WAIT-what if she was never abducted at all? Don, being an idiot, probably was marrying Cassandra only for her daddy's millions. After killing Cassandra, he could use her inheritance to trick out his bachelor pad and make it the coolest love nest in town. So that was his plan. Then one night Bella came over to get to know him and he made a not-so-suave pass at Bella, as she is, I have to admit, more beautiful than Cassandra. Bella caught on and was going to go home and tell Mortimer. There's a little room on top of the condo, and Don locked her in there, deleted the room and starved her. Then-AH HA!-he slumps her DEAD BODY over the telescope and the aliens abduct it! And he lies about it! AND THERE IS NO GRAVESTONE MEMORY!!! stupid theory, I know, but I don't think Don married Cass for love.
  • I believe that the creators used boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. They deleted Bella in Pleasenview but it can be retrieved. They then created a Bella townie and placed it in Strangetown. Kinda like Olive's rumor of a serial killer. They just used the cheatcode and added random people and killed them(along with her family members. . .
  • Well i was playing in stargetown whith my sim and i was to a cumunity lot, and i sawed Bella, i talked to her and i thinked that she was the fake one,and many people told me that she had no phone but in the next day i called her!She came to my hause and she had on her finger a ring (from her wedding probabli)!I think she is the real one!!i hope that!!!!
  • Also, a little clue for why the Bella in Strangetown isn't the same as Bella in Pleasantview is the painting "Bella Squared" might mean Bella to the 2nd power or Bella^2, which means there's two of them.
  • My theory, is that the Caliente family wants more simoleons, so they came to Pleasantview to ruin people's lives. As you see, Nina and Dina Caliente came right after Bella's disapperance. Also, the Caliente sisters are related to aliens. So what they did is they planned on abducting Bella. Dina and Nina, on the other hand, worked on making Mortimer in love with them so they can get in the family and get simoleons. Don Lothario, on the other hand, tries to get more simoleons also. He and the Caliente family united on one side to get the Goth's money.
  • From this info, we know that the Caliente sisters ARE related to aliens.BUT Bella is NOT a romance sim.That is one heck of a lie.She is a FAMILY sim.If u know the Apartment Life expansion pack, this is for u.Anyway, I studied about what 'Bella Donna' means.It means 2 things.1, it means 'BEAUTIFUL WOMAN'.Bella Was A beautiful woman.Dina wanted poor Morty's wealth.Cass was engaged to Don, who was cheating on Cass with Bella, Dina, Nina and that french maid Kaylynn. So, Dina paired up with Don and Mrs Crumplebottom, who was his mum.Dina called the aliens and got them to abduct her whenever.Anyway, the second meaning is a vine they use in witchcraft.They say Bella was the ruler of all witches but got taken back from BDC(Belladonna Cove) to Strangetown.


  • It was that good-fer-nothing Dina Calenite! What she did was she married Micheal and killed him in some beastly little way. Then, she and Don polted to get Bella out of the picture so she could move in on Morti and his millions, Don would marry Cass and Dina would marry Motri. They would both divocre and then dispose of them both in some way. Then they'd marry and adopted Alex, as he cannot possibly overthrow them!
  • The aliens, being human-art freaks (emphasis on FREAKS), saw how beautiful Bella is. They abducted her whilst she ran away from Don after he tried to make out with her. They cloned her twice, once for Bella Square and the other clone was for Marketing Print by Seph Ia. They erased her memory and accidentally dropped her in Strangetown. Don just blamed everything on the Calientes twins, and they said it was him.
  • There is no alive bella she got abducted came back got taken to family bin and deleted, my friend deleted his guy who was still alive on his kids family tree.
  • I think, Dina Caliente Heard About The Goth Family and their money. But When Dina learend Bella Goth Was Mortimer's Wife, Dina asked DON To befriend Bella. But Dina attacked Bella. When Bella was tring to escape she was forced to look thur the telescope. Dina then called Aliens and told them to abduct Bella AND herself. Then the aliens attacked Bella Also Dina, who was in charge of it. They thought Bella was dead and left her in the desert of Strangetown, but Bella woke up in a hospital, after a 4 year coma, which made her forget EVERYTHING!
  • I think that when Michael died, Don invited her over to help her cheer up, knowing that this would be the perfect chance to get her to love him. She rejected his makeout and went home. Dina, being new in town, went to visit some new neighbors. When she saw Mortimers millions, she wanted it all. Anyway, Don got mad at Bella and started getting smitton with Dina and Nina. That evening, as Nina was over, she asked him do rid of Bella. Not forgiving erlier that day, he accepted. That night, Bella was invited over so Don could Apologoze. That was when she walked up to the roof and noticed the telescope. She thought of Mortimer's want to see aliens and gave the telescope a shot. That's when she was abducted. (Mortimer could have witnessed it by looking through his telescope.)

Video Theories