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''6:45am, 215 Sim Lane''
Lilith had set her alarm fifteen minutes earlier than everyone else this morning. It was difficult and Lilith felt tired and groggy, but it was all worth it if it meant she could avoid another bathroom debate with Angela. Lilith sat for a second, things must be pretty bad with her family if it meant she was waking up early just to avoid them. Mary-Sue was still mad over Lilith's new and even darker style, and Lilith just wanted to have a day where she could avoid conflict with her family as much as possible. When Lilith entered the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, she saw a stranger for a second and was startled. Less than 24 hours ago, Lilith was still a long orange haired smooth skinned girl, and now what she saw before her was a shoulder length black haired girl with holes over her eyebrows, nostril, and lip. Once Lilith adjusted, she liked what she saw, nay, she loved it. Lilith washed her face, brushed her teeth, and slipped out of the bathroom just as the 7am alarms rang and she heard Mary-Sue and Angela stir in their beds. By 7:30, Lilith had done her makeup, added her piercings, put on her brand new black shirt, and headed down to breakfast.
"Lilith I honestly can't believe what you've done to yourself!" Mary-Sue was still going on about Lilith's new look over their morning pancakes,.
"Well believe it Mom, I love this look! It gives me an edge, and makes me look different from all the other basic girls in my school" Lilith said, glancing over at Angela who was busy texting and smiling, texting Dustin probably.
"Angela, put the phone down while we're eating please, and won't you please tell your sister she looks ridiculous?" Mary-Sue snapped in a rare moment of discipline against Angela. Angela obliged.
"Lilith you look really, uhhh, how do I describe this. Like a nightmare from 2004?" Angela smirked. Lilith rolled her eyes and finished her last mouthful of pancakes. As much as she despised her mother, Lilith could admit Mary-Sue made some amazing pancakes, but then again she also made Angela so that takes some points off for her. Lilith put the plate in the dishwasher and went up to get her bag, but Mary-Sue stopped her.
"Lilith, you're not going to school with those piercings on, not on my watch." 
"Then I may as well not go." Lilith shrugged and retreated to her room. For a moment she genuinely thought Mary-Sue would keep her off, but when the bus came Mary-Sue yelled for Lilith to come down and get on the bus, showing obvious disappointment when she saw the piercings remained on her face. When Lilith entered the bus following Angela, there was an audible gasp, Dirk and Dustin's mouths dropped open. Lilith didn't care whether the attention was good or bad, she was at least getting people talking.
''11:45am, Pleasantview Community High School''
Ah lunchtime, the one period of the day Angela didn't have to be around that freak of a twin she had. She had Lilith in almost every class of hers, but lunch was the time of day she could act like Lilith didn't exist to her. During lunchtime, Angela hung around with her friends, [[Meadow Thayer]] and [[Tosha Go]]. 
"Hey Angie, my boyfriend's having a party tonight, you should stop by, have a few drinks and dance a little, it's gonna be great!" Tosha's boyfriend was [[Orlando Centowski]], one of the more popular guys in the school. Angela had a huge crush on him before she met Dustin, one of the only good things Angela ever got from Lilith. Angela wanted to go, but declined, she knew her mother would be mad if she didn't finish her book report on Murder in Pleasantview.
"Sorry I can't, big report due tomorrow." 
"Aw that's lame" said Meadow. "But Dustin's gonna be there, just something to help you reconsider." That made Angela want to go a little more, and she really could get that first kiss she wanted, but she really had to keep her reputation up as one of the class geniuses. 
"Sorry, I can't. If you see Dustin, tell him I said sorry and I'll see him some other time." Angela walked off to the library. Lilith had been watching the conversation happen in the background, she felt sorry for Dustin in a way. There was an opportunity for Angela to really get Dustin to like her more, and she threw it away. She could always finish her book report some other time. Just as Lilith started thinking about Dustin, he seemed to materialize behind her.
"Hey Lilith." he said. Lilith jumped, and turned around to see Dustin.
"Jesus Christ, you scared me!" 
"Haha, sorry bout that Lil." Dustin said. Lilith swallowed, Dustin was the only person ever who called her Lil, and she loved it. 
"Listen, I'm going to Orlando's party tonight, and almost the whole school is pretty much invited. I was wondering if you want me to give you a lift? Or would that be weird with Angela there?" Dustin said sweetly. Lilith was at least kinda glad Dustin was aware of her battle with Angela. Lilith took the opportunity to tell Dustin the "sad" news.
"Not at all, Angela's not coming anyway. Some lame old book report she's finishing." Lilith shrugged. Dustin looked a little hurt.
"Aw really? Yikes. Anyway are you coming then Lil?" There he went calling her "Lil" again, everytime he called her that it made Lilith's heart melt a little bit. Part of her knew she shouldn't be catching feelings for Angela's boyfriend, but after all she'd known him longer, cared about him longer (and probably more than Angela does now and ever will), and it was Angela who stole Dustin away in the first place. 
"Yes. I'll come. Pick me up at 7, okay?" 
"You got it, it's a date. No. NO. Not like a date date, but uhhh... yeah, 7 it is. Haha." Dustin stammered before awkwardly walking away. Lilith smiled, he's so cute when he's flustered. The bell rang for the last period, and Lilith skipped inside, she had to plan what she was gonna wear.
''Will finish chapter later today.''
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