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The bus finally stopped at the Pleasant house, Mary-Sue still at work of course. Angela, Lilith, and... Dustin, all exited the bus and entered the house. Dustin didn't come over often, but was always allowed to, Lilith was never allowed to bring Dirk home, big surprise. Angela and Dustin occupied the living room, forcing Lilith out. Lilith simply sat on the swing outside, watching Angela and Dustin chat by the TV. After an hour, Lilith saw Dustin was just leaving, so she figured it was okay to go back inside. Lilith took a bag of cookies out the cupboard and watched as Angela and Dustin said their goodbyes.
"I'll see you soon babe." Dustin hugged Angela. Angela puckered up hopefully for a kiss, but by then Dustin had already started to walk away.{{#tag:ref|Angela and Dustin have not had their first kiss at the start of the game.|name=kiss|group=note}} Dustin flashed Lilith a slight smile, and Lilith for a brief second felt like she was still in Dustin's world. Angela unpuckered and sulked for a bit, Lilith taking this opportunity to taunt her bully.
"What are you looking at, freak!" Angela yelled at Lilith. Lilith giggled seeing Angela so worked up.
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"Angela, put the phone down while we're eating please, and won't you please tell your sister she looks ridiculous?" Mary-Sue snapped in a rare moment of discipline against Angela. Angela obliged.
"Lilith you look really, uhhh, how do I describe this. Like a nightmare from 2004?{{#tag:ref|Lilith's emo style was very popular in the early 2000's, also 2004 is when ''[[The Sims 2]]'' was released, though this story is set in present day 2018|name=emo|group=note}}" Angela smirked. Lilith rolled her eyes and finished her last mouthful of pancakes. As much as she despised her mother, Lilith could admit Mary-Sue made some amazing pancakes, but then again she also made Angela so that takes some points off for her. Lilith put the plate in the dishwasher and went up to get her bag, but Mary-Sue stopped her.
"Lilith, you're not going to school with those piercings on, not on my watch." 
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''11:45am, Pleasantview Community High School''
Ah lunchtime, the one period of the day Angela didn't have to be around that freak of a twin she had. She had Lilith in almost every class of hers, but lunch was the time of day she could act like Lilith didn't exist to her. During lunchtime, Angela hung around with her friends, [[Meadow Thayer]] and [[Tosha Go]]{{#tag:ref|Meadow and Tosha are both Pleasantview teenage girl townies.|name=townies|group=note}}
"Hey Angie, my boyfriend's having a party tonight, you should stop by, have a few drinks and dance a little, it's gonna be great!" Tosha's boyfriend was [[Orlando Centowski]]{{#tag:ref|Orlando is a male townie in Pleasantview|name=townie|group=note}}, one of the more popular guys in the school. Angela had a huge crush on him before she met Dustin, one of the only good things Angela ever got from Lilith. Angela wanted to go, but declined, she knew her mother would be mad if she didn't finish her book report on Murder in Pleasantview.
"Sorry I can't, big report due tomorrow." 
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"Yes. I'll come. Pick me up at 7, okay?" 
"You got it, it's a date. No. NO. Not like a date date, but uhhh... yeah, 7 it is. Haha." Dustin stammered before awkwardly walking away. Lilith smiled, she thought he's was so cute when he's flustered. The bell rang for the last period, and Lilith skipped inside, she had to plan what she was gonna wear.
''6:03pm, 215 Sim Lane''
''Will finish chapter later today.''
Lilith was out the shower. She had managed to successfully avoid Angela for most of the day, Angela was in her room doing her book report as predicted. Mary-Sue was doing some work downstairs, so Lilith had the rest of the night to be Lilith without distractions. Lilith skimmed through the clothes in her wardrobe. Should she wear a dress? Lilith had this lovely black dress she could have worn, but decided against it. Lilith instead chose a Paramore{{#tag:ref|Paramore is a rock band formed in 2004|name=group|group=note}} T-shirt she'd bought recently, and paired with with her jeans and ankle boots. The finishing touch was this purple plaid flannel shirt, which instead of putting on she simply tied around her waist. Paired with her new look, Lilith felt a sense of confidence she hadn't felt in a while. Lilith stared at the clock until at 7 exactly, she saw Dustin from her window and her heart skipped. No one noticed her sneak out. Dustin was waiting by the car.
"Hey Lil." he said, smiling at her in the adorable way he did earlier.
"Hey Dustin. I'm ready." Lilith smiled back and jumped into the car. She was actually alone in a car with Dustin, oh god, what now.
"You look great by the way." Dustin said quietly, obviously looking a bit hot and bothered, and probably a bit awkward that he was daring to compliment his girlfriend's sister. Lilith smiled and thanked him, and they stayed pretty silent for the ride.
''7:10pm, 210 Wright Way''
When Lilith arrived at the party, the first thing that hit her was a wave of music blasting through. Dustin left her side to talk to Orlando, leaving her virtually alone and helpless. Lilith stood by the door for a full minute, unsure of what exactly to do in this situation. She collected her thoughts and decided to go get a drink, deciding there was no point in spending the duration of the party chilling in the corner by herself. Lilith collected a Dim and Gusty cocktail from the refreshments table, a handful of potato chips, and just kinda stayed by the refreshment table waiting for Dustin. The music changed to an old house song called "Dreamer"{{#tag:ref|The song Lilith is referring to is [ "Dreamer"] by Livin' Joy.|name=dreamer|group=note}}, and of course, whenever this song comes on anywhere, Dirk was singing along at the top of his lungs. Lilith rolled her eyes and focused back on her drink, then she got another one, and another one, until things just seemed a little bit lighter. Lilith wasn't super juiced, just a bit juiced, and she was ready to drink another one and head home, but the song suddenly changed to something by Paramore. Dustin finally appeared.
"Requested this for you." Dustin announced with a smile. Lilith about melted onto the refreshment table.
"Awww, that's so sweet. How did you know I like Paramore?" Lilith said, slightly slurred. Dustin simply pointed at her shirt.
"It's a little obvious." Lilith and Dustin fell into laughter. And they stared at each other for a moment, Lilith didn't want to leave Dustin's side for the rest of the night. 
The party downstairs got a little boring, so Dustin and Lilith decided to hang out upstairs for a bit, away from the prying eyes and the loud music just to talk about their lives. They talked about everything, the death of Dustin's dad [[Skip Broke|Skip]]{{#tag:ref|Skip Broke is deceased by drowning at the start of the game.|name=skip|group=note}}, the divorce of Lilith's parents, their respective relationships, and then they got onto the subject of their friendship.
"You know I was so hurt when you cut me off, right?" Dustin said sadly, very quietly too, almost like he didn't want Lilith to hear.
"It hurt me to cut you off too. I just couldn't do it though, you and Angela wasn't something I wanted to see. Tell me though Dustin, do you really connect with Angela?" it may have been the juice talking, but Lilith just felt like she needed to ask. Dustin hesitated for a moment.
"Yes, but not really like that anymore. I care for Angela and I want to make this work, but sometimes I feel like we're drifting apart, or that maybe she's not into me. Everything I've talked about with you tonight I've never gone that deep into with Angela." the last statement surprised Lilith. Dustin couldn't tell Angela, his girlfriend, but he could tell her twin sister who he had a pretty nasty falling out with only a few months back. 
"I'm sorry I cut you off Dustin. I know you had a lot going on and I wish I was a better friend. I care about you a lot, like a lot lot. If I hurt you further than you were already hurting, I feel awful." Lilith spilled out, suddenly she wished she fought harder for Dustin instead of letting Angela sink her home manicure set nails into him. Dustin gave her a sad smile, but accepted her apology. In that moment, Lilith didn't know what came over her, but she leaned over on the bed and kissed him. It felt really wrong for many reasons, one of which was that this was Dustin's first kiss, what if he wanted that with Angela and not Lilith and this is just driving the wedge between them further? But it also felt really right, because Lilith was doing what she wanted to do for months, she forgot about Angela, she forgot about Dirk, all she thought of was Dustin for that brief second. Then she broke the kiss. 
"I- I'm sorry I don't know what came over me, I'll just get up a-" Lilith was about to leave, but Dustin grabbed onto her arm and kissed her back. Lilith didn't know how to react, but she let it happen. Suddenly, the door burst open, and Lilith and Dustin stopped. When they looked, no one was there. Lilith leaped up from the bed and dashed over to the door, but she couldn't see anyone outside the door or in the hallway, everyone was downstairs. 
"Someone saw us!" Lilith shouted back at Dustin. Dustin looked terrified.
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. Aw god Lilith, this can't get out! It was a mistake." he yelled. Lilith looked back at him, she said nothing, she just looked. She knew it wasn't a mistake and so did he, but they needed to tell themselves that in case it got out. Lilith ran out of the house, "Pound the Alarm"{{#tag:ref|[ "Pound The Alarm"] is a song by Nicki Minaj.|name=nicki|group=note}} playing in the background as she ran. She looked and saw the silhouettes of party-goers jumping to the beat. Then she just ran home, wondering which of those silhouettes saw her kiss Dustin, and which one is going to tell everyone the next day.
==Chapter 3: A Scandal in PCHS==
''Coming soon...''
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