Fanon:A Sim's Tale: Book 2: Difference between revisions

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|genre = Drama, Romance
|creator = [[User:Rizkirafu|'''Rizkirafu''']]
|numberofchapters = 3839
|originalrun = September 13th 2015
|status = Ongoing
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Then the bus left...
==Chapter 4: CalienteDina SistersCaliente==
School already ended, but some of the students were still there for after-school activities.
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"Wait? So you mean that they can not see you?" Chris surprised. "That's right, it's because I born from your imagination. I'm your Imaginary friend after all." Charlie explained. "I see..." Chris said nodding his head, apparently understand what Charlie said.
==Chapter 7: Caliente houseSisters==
[[File:Sim's_Tale_Caliente_house.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Mortimer arrives in Caliente house]]Mortimer Goth ride his bike to the house dubbed ''Capitola A''. The house was big. The interior of this frame-A house flashed back to the 70s with flair. The backyard included a grove of pine trees and a massive deck. "This must be the place" Mortimer thought "Caliente house...".
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"Leona, is that really Jean!?" Darlene asked. "Yup" Leona answered "she told me that she will return home two days earlier than we thought" "Really!? That's great!" Darlene excited "I think we should tell the others about this!". "Well, you right" Leona agreed "I'll tell Alex and you can tell Bella and Kaylynn". "Aye aye captain!" Darlene said. "Can you just stop calling me ''captain''?" Leona said
==Chapter 10: Nina Caliente==
[[File:Sim's_Tale_Landgraabs.jpg|thumb|200px|Nancy and Geoffrey relaxing]]
Nancy and Geoffrey Landgraab were relaxing in the front yard of their house. Suddenly, their son, Malcolm appeared, wearing a formal suit.
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“What book is that Lily?” John asked. “Well, remember when he talk to his... Imaginary friend last night?” Lily said “he said something about turn the imaginary to become real”. “And...?” John asked again. “Well, I think that book can help him” Lily explained smiling, but John became confused.
==Chapter 26: How to make your Imaginary Friend real==
''In Chris’ room''
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"Ah, it's really good to have family" Big Steve said watching.
==Chapter 35: Swimming Time==
[[File:Jean's_lab_scene.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Jean tried to made the potion]]
Jean was in her lab trying to figure out how to made the Imaginary Friend Metamorphium potion. She had bought some books to help her. “Jean, you look tired” Leona said entering the lab “You should rest”. “Yeah, you are right...” Jean said put off her glasses and rubed her eyes.
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The students were able to out from the building on the time, half of the building now burned. "Is anyone saved!?" the teachers made sure that everyone saved. "Dina! DINA WHERE ARE YOU!?" Nina suddenly yelled "I CAN'T FOUND DINA! DINAAAAAA". Everyone surprised. "Don't tell me she is..." Leona said looking at the burned building.
Realizing that Dina was still inside, Leona rushed back in to the building. "REDIFIELDREDFIELD!" the teachers yelled. "LEONA, DON'T!" Jean and Enrico yelled in unison.
==Chapter 39: Reconciliation==
Inside the burned building, the smoke blocked Leona's view. "DINA!" Leona yelled calling for Dina, "DINA WHERE ARE YOU!?". There was no answer. "*''Cough''*" Leona started coughing, "I must found as soon as possible" she said.
Suddenly, another coughing sound heard from the corner. Leona followed the voice, and finally found Dina. "DINA!" Leona yelled. Leona ran into Dina, she saw that Dina was stunned. Leona knew that Dina was pyrophobic due to her childhood-tragic past. Leona knew that now the fire caused Dina to remember the day when her father, Flamenco, died.
"Dina! Dina!" Leona shooked Dina's body, Dina's sense returned as she surprised seeing Leona there. "Le-Leona? What are you..." Dina said. "Come on Dina, stand up, we need to get out of here!" Leona said. "I... I can't, my leg!" Dina said holding her right leg. Leona that checked on Dina's right leg, it seemed that she twisted her leg.
"Let me help you then" Leona said helping Dina to stood up, carried her. "Why?" Dina suddenly said "Why did you help me?". But Leona didn't answer and kept moving.
The smoke became thicker, the temperature of the room was increased. Leona started coughing. Dina realized that Leona inhaled the smoke too much. However, Dina herself also felt the same since she was longer trapped inside the building. "Leona... *''cough''*, leave me alone..." Dina said "You... You don't need to worried about me".
"Are you crazy! I will never leave my friend!" Leona yelled. "F-friend?" Dhe asked "Le... Leona, do you still...". "*''cough''* Dina, listen... *''cough''*, I knew that we didn't get along lately in these two years, but...*''cough''*" Leona said coughing "But... you must know. Whatever happened, you... *''cough''*, you're still my friend".
Dina surprised, she could't belive what she heard.
Suddenly, she remembered the time when she and her family arrived in Sunset Valley.
''Just a week after Flamenco's death, Dina, with Nina and Katrina moved in to Sunset Valley to started a new life. Dina however, could't forget her father's tragic death and became self-contained and rarely speak with other people.''
''However, one day when visiting Central Park, Dina met Leona for the first time. Leona was accidentally hit Dina with her baseball, fortunately, Dina wasn't hurt. "Oops sorry, I didn't mean to" Leona said. "A-ah, it's okay" Dina said giving the ball back to Leona. "Hey, are you new here? What's your name?" Leona asked nicely. "Dina" Dina answered. "Hi Dina, my name is Leona, nice to meet you" Leona introduced herself.''
''"Hey Leona, the water baloon fight is about to start!" Leona's friend, Bella, called. "I will be there!" Leona said "Hey, we will have water baloon fight, wanna join?". "W-what, uh, I don't know" Dina said. "Come on, don't be shy, hey guys! We have new friend here!" Leona said pulling Dina's arm, "What? Wait!".''
''"After that, Dina finally could smile again. Leona became Dina's closest friend. Whatever Dina had a problem, the first person Dina would asked for advice was Leona.''
''Unfortunately, their relationship became strained during their freshman year in high school. Both Dina and Leona were good in sports and recruited to the school's women basketbal team. Dina felt that she was overshadowed by Leona since she saw Leona's abbility was much better than her. She became more jealous when Leona crowned as MVP and became popular.''
''To made matter worse, Dina was once had a boyfriend, but they broke up after she learned that her boyfriend also admired Leona and even, asked Leona for a date. Leona rejected his proposal of course, but, it made Dina completely despise her. During the training session, an angry Dina attacked Leona in front of their teammates. A fight broke between which causing them suspended in a match.''
''Since then, Leona and Dina became enemy until now...''
Back to present time.
Leona became exhausted, she inhaled the smoke too much. "Dina, are you (*''cough''*) okay?" Leona said looking at Dina who almost fell unconscious. "My God..." Leona said. Leona continued walking, however...
Leona lose her ballance, both she and Dina fell to the ground. She really had reach her limit and about to lose her consciousness. "Darn it..." Leona said "Maybe... maybe my time is up". She looked at Dina, only to found her already passing out. Leona then looked at the burned ceilings and shed tears. "Mom... Dad... Jeanie... Chris... everyone" Leona said "I'm soryy...".
As Leona about to lose her consciousness, a shiluette of a guy appeared before her. "There they are!" the guy yelled. The guy approached her, followed by two others. They were firefighters. "Quick! Give me the oxygen!". Leona could see the firefighter took a portable oxygen tank. However, just before the firefigter installed the oxygen on her, Leona passed out.
"Leona... Leona..."
A voice heard, calling for Leona. Leona opened her eyes. Her head was still spining. She then looked around and found that she already home in her room. In the room, there were not only her family, but also her friends: Bella, Darlene, Kaylynn, Annie, Mortimer, Alex, and off course, Enrico. "Oh God, Leona, you really made us worried!" Lily said hugging her daughter. "It was so lucky the firefighters arrived on the time and saved you" John said.
Leona became quiet for a moment, but she suddenly remembered something. "Dina, what about Dina?" Leona asked. The door suddenly opened and someone entered the room. It was Dina, who came together with Nina and their mother, Katrina.
Leona got up from her bed and ran approaching Dina, hugging her. "Thank God, Dina, you are saved!" Leona said, but Dina only quiet. "We come here to thank you for your attempt to save my daughter" Katrina said "you are really brave, Leona".
"Leona, there's someting Dina want to talk with you" Nina said, "Come on Dina, just tell her". Dina sighed, and she started talking. "I... I really thank you for saving my life. I never expect that you still cared and would risked your life for helping someone who always troubled you" Dina said "I... I don't how to say this but... I... I'm really sorry for all what I've done". Everyone became quiet. Dina began crying "I... I knew I've been a douche for these whole time, I knew that I always gave you trouble, and, and I..."
"Dina..." Leona said, cutting Dina's sentence "I've already told you that whatever happened, you are still my friend". Dina surprised, she stunned for a moment. But later, a happy smile could be seen in her face. "Thank you, Leona" Dina said. The two then hugged each other, their feud was officially ended and they became friends again. Everyone smiled, felt happy for them.
<span style="font-size:14px;">-'''To Be Continued'''-</span>
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