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<u>'''Serge Barb'''</u>
[[File:Serge using the punching bag.png|600px700px]]
<blockquote class="note">Serge loves to fight, but little does he know that life in the military isn't all about fighting.</blockquote>
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And Serge does love to fight.
[[File:A fight involving Serge at the nightclub.png|600px700px]]
<small>(Mrs. CrumpleBottom looks extra spooky tonight.)</small>
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Serge has 10 body skill points, meaning that most Sims lose fights against him. The more athletic Sims in town have a chance against him, though.
[[File:Serge losing to Julio.png|600px700px]]
Serge is enemies with almost all the playable Sims in town, and more and more townies are starting to hate him. He has the lowest [[Reputation]] in the hood, and it's not uncommon for disgruntled townies to get his bosses to demote him. His worst enemy is Amar Newbie, the polar opposite of Serge. Serge isn't angry at Amar for being wealthy, though; he's angry at all Servos in general because his old wife fell in love with one, and since Amar is the best Servo in town (hands down), Serge likes to pick on him the most.
[[File:Serge slapping Amar.png|600px700px]]
Serge's mischief isn't limited to fights, though. It's not uncommon for him to show up at other Sims' houses to kick their trash can or to steal their newspaper. As a trade-off, other Sims do the same to him.
[[File:Serge kicking trash can.png|600px700px]]
[[File:Amar kicking trash can.png|600px700px]]
Serge is officially banned from Amar's owned community lots, although that doesn't stop Serge from getting in the way.
[[File:Serge fighting in front of The Servo Band.png|600px700px]]
<u>'''Serge's abode'''</u>
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Serge lives in a shabby house on a 1x1 lot next to St. Simmin Park, but it's not because he's poor.
[[File:Serge's house - exterior.png|600px700px]]
The ground floor has room for a parking spot for his pickup truck. Stair-climbing is mandatory to get up (on the other hand, the Newbies don't have an elevator either), and Serge believes that stairs are an easy and effective way of getting exercise.
[[File:Serge's house - first floor.png|600px700px]]
The second floor has his kitchen, dining table, weight machine, and punching bag. There's also a bookshelf for Serge to fuel his knowledge aspiration on.
[[File:Serge's house - second floor.png|600px700px]]
Third floor has his bedroom and a bathroom.
[[File:Serge's house - third floor.png|600px700px]]
The roof is home to his chess table and a telescope. When not fighting, Serge has an appreciation for the stars...
[[File:Serge's house - roof.png|600px700px]]
...and spying on Sims.
[[File:Serge looking through telescope.png|600px700px]]
Conveniently, the Newbies live directly down the street from him, so he has nice voyeur access to their home.
[[File:Serge spying on the Newbies.png|600px700px]]
Amar has an NID of 1, so he's always the [[Telescope#Shoving Sims|shoving Sim]].
[[File:Amar slapping Serge for spying.png|600px700px]]
<u>'''A brief glimpse of life in the Barb family'''</u>
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Serge needs to leave by 6AM in order to get to work on time, so Serge's up by 4AM...
[[File:Serge waking up.png|600px700px]]
...only to find that ''someone's'' been digging up his lot overnight!
[[File:Serge's lot -- an excavation site.png|600px700px]]
Serge needs to get to work, so he exercises, eats breakfast, and hops into his pickup truck. He will have to deal with this mess later.
[[File:Serge jumping rope.png|600px700px]]
[[File:Serge eating breakfast.png|600px700px]]
[[File:Serge getting into pickup truck.png|600px700px]]
The newspaper delivery boy drops off the morning paper. I move the newspaper up into the house and move the old newspaper down, just so the newspaper thief would (inadvertently) help Serge out a bit.
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Like today!
[[File:Tony stealing the newspaper.png|600px700px]]
Serge gets home and quickly cleans up the disastrous mess in his yard.
[[File:Serge filling in holes.png|600px700px]]
Serge has two friends — [[Jessica Picaso|Jessica]] and [[Matthew Picaso]]. Both of them being in the military career as well is a bonus for Serge, and he enjoys chatting on the phone with both of them.
[[File:Serge on the phone.png|600px700px]]
Serge has two loves in his life, aside from his only friends. One is the weight machine. Even though Serge's a mean guy, he's a fitness enthusiast and he knows his stuff. If you got on his good side at the gym, he'll push you like a good workout partner would.
[[File:Serge working out.png|600px700px]]
The other is his small, miserable, but humble garden. While the Newbies have two such gardens, tending to them is a huge chore as they're burdened by the fact that they need to sell the produce in excellent condition — or they will have to be discarded. Serge gardens for fun, and if the neighbours don't ruin his plants, he gets a nice meal out of it.
[[File:Serge gardening 1.png|600px700px]]
[[File:Serge gardening 2.png|600px700px]]
Serge isn't a slob, unlike the Newbies, so he keeps his house clean and tidy even though it's not that beautiful or impressive to begin with.
[[File:Serge cleaning toilet.png|600px700px]]
[[File:Serge scrubbing counter.png|600px700px]]
After he's done with the affairs in the house, he can either retire to bed, or go out for a night of fun!
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First off, though, why not go to the small 24/7 corner shop?
[[File:SimVille Corner Stop view.png|600px700px]]
The shop doesn't see an awful lot of traffic, mostly intended for the people from the nearby bus stop to buy some supplies before or after the lengthy journey to the train station that leads into the city. Tonight there are a few townies out, many of whom have never met him before!
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Why hello, my name's Serge... say, is that a llamabug on your shirt? What's a llamabug? ...boing! Made you look!
[[File:Serge annoying people.png|600px700px]]
You smell like — and belong in — a llama petting zoo!
[[File:Serge insulting people.png|600px700px]]
It looks like you haven't showered in a week! Here, let me give you one right now!
[[File:Serge throwing drinks.png|600px700px]]
Eventually someone will have enough and start a fight. Or they'll slap Serge and he becomes furious enough to start a fight himself.
[[File:Serge getting into a fight.png|600px700px]]
Alan Greaves (internally named [[Cooper Garth]]) became Serge's first victim tonight.
[[File:Serge fighting Cooper Garth 1.png|600px700px]]
[[File:Serge fighting Cooper Garth 2.png|600px700px]]
[[File:Serge fighting Cooper Garth 3.png|600px700px]]
And Serge wins!
[[File:Serge defeating Cooper Garth.png|600px700px]]
Serge also argued with [[Katy McGaw]] over how dumb her pink dress was.
[[File:Serge arguing with Katy McGaw.png|600px700px]]
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