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Oops, the policeman's coming. Talk to you later.
Oops, the policeman's coming. Talk to you later.

==6th April 2010==
Evening, Lexi!

We're now in an orphanage, with beds and everything! I'm so happy that we finally have somewhere to stay while we're stranded on Earth.

We somehow fooled the police, and then the social workers that came afterwards, into believing that we were twin sisters. I have no idea how, since we looked nothing like each other. Maybe fraternal? I don't know. We decided to share a modified version of my last name, 'Clipper'. Now, we're Alexandria and Sara Clipper! How cool is that?

Anyway, the social workers decided to take us into the Sunset Valley Orphanage, where we'd stay until someone decided to come and adopt us, upon which they would become our foster parents, if they were eligible. Sounds good to me. We get to share a room until then.

We got the whole morning to ourselves until lunch! We decided to take a break from being Sims for a while. I shut and locked the door and Zrala closed the curtains. Then we took turns changing out of our disguises looking at the other as they changed into fresh clothing.

Now back to our old selves again, we went back to talking in Sixamian. Really quietly, of course. It feels good to speak in your own language after several days of speaking nothing but a foreign one. Your chops get to relax a bit.

"What shall we do?" Zrala asked. "We have an hour till lunch."

"I don't know," I replied. "Let's try to find a board game to play!"

We hunted through our room, but we couldn't find any Sim games that we were already familiar with. We could only find one called 'Scrabble.'

"Scrabble...that's new," I thought aloud. Zrala and I sat down on the floor and set the game up in the accordance to the instructions. It's a word game, where you have to form Simlish words, trying to accumulate as many points as you can. Fortunately, we were both fluent in written as well as spoken Simlish, so we didn't have too much trouble in that aspect. It was just how the game worked that took us a while to get.

As soon as I formed the winning word "extraterrestrial", the head nurse called up the stairs to all the kids. "Kids! Lunch is ready!"

After abandoning the game and rushing to get back into our disguises, Zrala and I ran downstairs for some food.

"Okay, kids, we have some new faces today," the head nurse announced as we all sat down for lunch. She gestured to the two of us. "These are Alexandria and Sara Clipper. Please make them feel welcome into our home!" Some of the children waved at us in greeting, others smiled at us before starting to eat. I took a look around and just realised how few children there were in the orphanage compared to those back on Sixam! While there would be hundreds of children in one huge facility, here there were only about one classroom of them! It's a good thing, though, that most Sim parents decide to keep their children or are there to take care of them.

"Hi!" a boy next to me introduced himself. He shook my hand. "I'm Darryl Hemingway!"

"Alexandria Clipper," I replied. "That's Sara, my twin sister." Zrala waved.

"Really?" the boy looked visibly surprised. "You two look nothing alike!

"''Fraternal'' twins," Zrala corrected me.

"Yeah, that's the word," I laughed, feigning previous ignorance.

"I'm new as well," Darryl said. "It took some getting used to, but now I'm happy here!"

"Who were your parents?"

"I'd…rather not talk about it," he looked really sad the moment I said the word 'parent'.

"I'm sorry," I apologised.

"No, it's alright," Darryl looked at me and smiled. "It was nice meeting you!"

After lunch the head nurse approached us with some papers.

"Hello Alexandria, Sara," she said. "I need you to choose what elective you'd like to study. They could be music, art, a whole range of subjects."

I took a look at the list. Art looked especially appealing, while Zrala looked like she was gravitating towards music. We both chose the subject we wanted.

"Thanks, girls," the head nurse smiled. "Classes begin tomorrow morning."

Zrala and I went out to the playground to catch a bit of sun. It was so warm and comforting! Sixam's sun is old and is starting to expand. Luckily, Sixam is one of the outer planets, so it won't be consumed by it when it expands into a red giant, but some days it gets really, really hot.

Darryl caught sight of us and then ran up to us.

"Hey Sara!" he greeted Zrala, and then turned to me. "Hey Alex…is it okay if I use 'Alex'?"

Alex…hmm…it sounds good. Alright. A short form might make me look more Sim-like.

"Yeah, sure!" I said. So now I'm ''Alexandria Clipper - Alex for short''! Great!

"How do you like the place so far?" Darryl asked.

"It's really nice!" Zrala said. "It's not too crowded or anything."

"I think this town is beautiful in general!" I said.

"Yeah, me too!" he said.

"What do you want to do?" Zrala asked, directing the question at both of us.

"Let's play…," Darryl said, pausing mid-sentence. He reached out to Zrala and tapped her on the shoulder before running off. "Tag! You're it!"

"Catch me if you can!" I cried as I sprinted away in the opposite direction.

"Aww come on!" she sounded frustrated that she'd just been tagged, just like that. I giggled. Then she turned to me and, like an angry bull, charged straight towards me. I screamed and ran off as she hurtled towards me.

I only got caught three times, which I am quite proud to say! (The others, on the other hand, got tagged quite a few times.) The other children gradually joined in until the whole orphanage was participating!

The tag game, along with a few others including high-and-seek (my personal favourite), passed the time extremely quickly, and before we knew it we were back inside for dinner!

After dinner, Zrala and I helped to clean up before stumbling back upstairs after a good first day. Definitely much better than the previous ones.

You know, Lexi, I still wonder where Wrelis and Rghenot are.

''more to come...''
''more to come...''