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Mortimer, however, is just a boy. While he has no say in these matters, this issue has his father acting more distant than ever and his mother doing what she can to play both sides of the feud. Mort's only friend is Bella Bachelor. While Gunther Goth may not approve of Mort's lack of connections this early in life, Mort is just happy to have an ear to talk to. Despite his differences from his parents, Mort is a learned boy with a penchant for old literature and fine art. In an era of change, the Goths remain stone-willed and traditional. When a blue box arrives outside of a planned SimMart, however, the Goths will soon learn the true meaning of 'change'.
Like the Doctor, Ryte is a Time Lord. One of the foremost minds in his field, Ryte is in the computer simulation business... and business is good. Before the Time War, Ryte was a humble designer of entertainment simulators. With the outbreak of the Time War and the murder of his family, Ryte has become focused on preserving those he cares about. Ryte has taken his work very seriously, however. The desire to preserve what was left of his city led to the desire to preserve Gallifrey itself in a computer simulation. Before long, Ryte had made it his mission to catalog every planet in the universe that had yet to be ravaged by the Time War.
To house this computer simulation, Ryte has built the Cruciform, a massive construct in deep space filled with massive servers. His quest to save the entire universe in this form has taken its toll on his mind. Sanity has given way to madness and Ryte desperately searches for people to test his simulation.
At the start of the Time War, the Time Lord war hero Andraste was called into action. With a fleet of battle TARDISes, Andraste has visited many places around the universe, saving them from the Daleks. Some would call her a saviour, a figure to look up to in battle. Others would call her cold and calculating, willing to make difficult choices too easily. Whatever the case may be, President Romana herself has placed her utmost trust in Andraste with the Second Battle TARDIS Fleet. Cunning and beautiful, Andraste has favour amongst the Time Lord Council and many connections on Gallifrey. Shortly after the Battle of the Cygnus Rim, Andraste disappeared without a trace.