Fanon:Hekatonschoinos: Difference between revisions

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*Doron Pragmas is a reference to Doron Aroures, the gift of land, which is mentioned in Europa Barbarorum as a method of population appeasement. Of course, in this case, Doron Pragmas is more or less used interchangeably with Kallisto's Klerouchiai (which itself is better named Katoikia, since no grant of land is involved) system in which participants receive work opportunities and dwelling in exchange for religious affiliation and participation in certain Ecclesiarchal programs.
*Arsinoe Ptolemaie (Arsinoe II) is marked as the mother of Ptolemaios Euergetes as Arsinoe is marked as Ptolemaios Philadelphos's wife, although it is Arsinoe I (Fanon: Arsinoe Lysimache) who is the mother of Ptolemaios.
*The Libuoi and the Hugo's Orphanage are the only families in which the male Sim population outnumber the female population. The Kang Family, the Choi Family, the Mathetai, and the Working Immigrants Family have the 50:50 ratio, while the rest, the Ecclesiarchal Chapter, the Attalids, the Alkmaionids, the Ptolemaioi, the Strategoi, the Mathetai Mouson, the Swansons, and the Rich Girls and Butlers have more female Sim members than males. Two households are comprised entirely of females: the Swansons and the Ecclesiarchal Chapter. One household is comprised entirely of males, the Libuoi (Mates if including the upcoming update). With the upcoming update, all additional families (Gao,except Xue,the Tycoons andGao Mate)family will have more males than females.