Fanon:If Astrid Met Leona: Difference between revisions

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==Chapter 313: A La Biblioteca==
On the way to the library, while Jean, Leona, and Astrid were walking Astrid suddenly received a text.
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"Astrid! Thank goodness you're here! This crazy woman is trying to hurt me! SHE'S CRAZY!"
==Chapter 14: Saving Nia==
'''To be continued'''
"Oh, well, you're Astrid." Chelsea said. "How did you get in here? I locked the door."
"Doesn't matter, why are you tying up my cousin?" Astrid said.
"I thought this ''freak'' was you," Chelsea snarled.
"Hey!" Nia yelled.
"Where I come from, that's a compliment." Chelsea said "Anyway, since you're here, I was trying to figure out how you time traveled and stopped me from getting Makayla!"
"No, there's no way you'll know! Come on, Leona! Let's take her down!" Astrid said, then they got into a fighting position.
"Nice try, but you can't defeat me," Chelsea then hit a button, then she disappeared.
"What the? Where'd she go?" Leona said. Suddenly Chelsea was behind Astrid and Leona and she tackled them.
"AHHH! How'd she do that?" Astrid yelled.
"Run!" Leona yelled.
Astrid and Leona ran out of the library's room, and ran towards Mrs. Hall's house.
"We can use her machine and time-travel out of here!" Leona yelled.
"Great idea!" Astrid said, then they ran in the house. A man, Mrs. Hall, and a young boy were eating breakfast.
"Astrid? Leona?" Mrs. Hall said. "What are you doing?"
Astrid and Leona didn't answer and ran into the time-travel room, because they knew if they stopped Chelsea would catch up with them.
"Quick, set it to 3 hours ago!" Leona said.
"I'm on it!" Astrid said. "And I'll put it on 'body mode' so when we travel, we will enter our bodies,"
"Great idea!" Leona said, then they entered the machine. "We can fix this!"
Then they time traveled.
Suddenly, Astrid saw herself, sitting on a couch in her house. However, this wasn't the house she currently lived in, it was her old house in Riverview.
"What? Why am I here?" Astrid said, she checked her phone for the date. "Oh no... I set it to three months ago! I'm so clumsy!"
She was also wearing the outfit she wore on that day, a shirt with a "Nyan Cat" and some sweatpants. Her hair was also longer because this was before her haircut.
"Aw, my old haircut," Astrid said, looking in her old mirror.
"Hey, Vicky, it's time for bed," Astrid's mom, Felicia said.
"Aw man! I was just listening to a new singer who just released his first song, his name is Lance Lewis and he's so cute!" Vicky said. "Why does Astrid get to stay up?"
"Astrid is older, sweetheart," Felicia said "Your bedtime is 5:45pm. You listen to enough music anyway."
Astrid suddenly had ''deja vu'' because she remembered this night. It was the night her mom told her they were going to move.
"Hey Astrid, I have some news..." Felicia said.
"I know, I know, we are moving to Sunset Valley in 3 months," Astrid asked,
"How'd you know? Did dad tell you?" She asked.
"Um... Yeah..." Astrid said. "Yay!"
"I thought would be upset about this,"
"Well, Sunset Valley is where I met Leona last week,"
"What?" Felicia asked.
"N-nothing! Well anyway mom, I need to make a call, hehe..."
Leona was now in her body.
"Okay Astrid, now let's..." Leona then noticed she was wearing her prom dress in her bedroom.
"Huh? Why am I wearing this?" Leona said, "when am I?"
"Leona you look so beautiful!" Bella said, "Let's go show Jean and Alex!" Bella took Leona's hand and then they walked into the living room.
"Hi Alex and Jean, Darlene and I just finished making over Leona and... Tada!" Bella exclaimed.
"You look so beautiful Leona, I'm sure so many guys will ask you to dance!" Darlene said. "Oh yeah don't forget Enrico, he'll probably ask you for a date, ha ha ha!"
Leona's phone went off, it said unknown number. But she recognized it was Astrid's.
"Oh I need to take this guys." Leona went into her room and answered.
"Leona, I accidentally set it to 3 months instead of 3 hours!"
"I think I know that! It's the night of my prom! I'm reliving my prom night!" Leona said.
"Oh that's great, are you going with Enrico?" Astrid asked.
"Well, not really, this was actually the night I fell in love with him!"
"Oh my gosh," Astrid said. "Well, go to your prom, relive it, and fall in love with him!"
"It's more than that Astrid," Leona said, "there is going to be a fire tonight as well. And I save my rival Dina from the fire, then we become friends again."
"Oh my gosh, well, you can go relive your prom night. I must find a way to arrive to Sunset Valley." Astrid suddenly heard someone knock on her door. It was her old best friend, Joie Abrazame.
"And I think I know just the way. Bye Leona." Astrid said.
''To be continued''