Fanon:If Astrid Met Leona: Difference between revisions

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"And I think I know just the way. Bye Leona." Astrid said.
==Chapter 15: Go to the future==
Astrid went to the door and answered it. It was her cousin on her mom's side, Joy.
"Oh yeah, I remember this," Astrid thought. "She tells me about..."
"Hiya, Astrid! My family and I just returned from our fishing trip and guess what my mom caught a fish, my dad caught a fish, my brother caught a fish and everybody caught a fish! Isn't that great? I would invite you to our next fishing trip, but I don't have enough room in the boat." Joy said, she rambles a lot.
"Hey Joy, I was wondering if you could do a favor for me," Astrid said
"Of course I will," Joy said.
"I was wondering if you could drive me to Sunset Valley, it's really important."
"And I know you're going to say no, but..." Astrid paused. "Wait, do you just say sure?"
"Yeah, why not?" Joy said. "You always did so much for me when we were younger,"
"Well, then let's go now!" Astrid said.
''6:00 pm''
The prom finally started.
Leona sat at the same bench in the school, still having major deja vu, seeing all the same things happen. She knew Enrico would be here any second...
"Would you like a drink?" A voice said, It was Enrico...
"Oh, hi Enrie, how are you wanna dance- I mean, uh... I thought you weren't coming."
"Well I was so bored at home, plus I wanted to watch Annie here who came with Andrew,"
"Oh yeah, hehe, so uh, do you have a date?" Leona said.
"Oh well, not really," Enrico said. "Do you have a date? I heard three other guys asked you to prom,"
"Oh no," Leona said. "Not really,"
"Well, uh," Enrico became nervous "Do you want do dance with me?"
"Oh sure, let's go dance! Yeah!" Leona was still nervous, she didn't know when the fire was going to happen...
In Astrid and Joy's car...
"So anyway, last week my brother went to supermarket and he brought home a cat! And then we adopted the cat and we named it Mr. Whiskers and then my mom always play with him and he so cute and took so many pictures of him and he's so cute!" Joy said, rambling again.
"''Can she drive any faster?''" Astrid thought. They were on the highway between Riverviwe and Sunset Valley, and then it started getting dark...
''To be continued''