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"Why?" Joy said. "I always wanted to help people. Hey ma'am, are you lost?"
==Chapter 16: The Future?==
''To be continued''
Chelsea smiled, got in the car and said.
"Actually, I believe Astrid, Leona, and I, haven't really finished our little 'meeting' now," Chelsea said.
"Huh? Who's Leona?" Joy said.
"Oh, nobody, but Astrid, it's time to take you to another time period." Chelsea got a remote out, then suddenly, Astrid and Leona were in a futuristic building.
They were adults, and wearing matching white uniforms. They were in a business lot..
"Astrid!" Leona said "You're back!"
"Leona!" They hugged, but then looked around. "Where are we?"
Astrid and Leona looked at their phones. It was November 27th, 2045.
"What the? We are adults?" Leona was so confused. "Do we work here?"
"Aw, Leona, we work together in the same building!" Astrid said. Then they saw the logo of the company they worked for.
"Wait, this is called 'Chelsea Burgundy Incorporated' and we work here?" Leona asked.
"When did she create this?" Astrid said, concerned. "This used to be Doo Peas Corporate Tower!"
Suddenly, a big screen showed Chelsea's face on it.
"Good morning, employees. At the sound of the beep, breakfast time will be over, and you must begin to work again." Chelsea's video said.
"I'm confused..." Astrid said.
Suddenly, adult Jean walked by the two girls. She looked just like Lily did in their present.
"Hello, employee number 278 and employee number 279," Jean said.
"What? Jean, it's Astrid and Leona," Leona said.
"Shh! You guys know the rules! We can't use our real names when we are doing President Burgundy's tasks."
Then an adult Chris walked by, Leona and Jean's brother. His tag read employee number 456 "Hello, fellow employees, do you want to begin our Pledge of Allegiance to Chelsea?"
Astrid was staring at Employee 456, or Chris and she blushed a little. "Leona, your brother is really handsome..." She whispered. Astrid even thought he was better looking than Elliot.
Suddenly, every employee was looking at a flag and they said, "I pledge my allegiance to Supreme Leader of SimNation, Chelsea Lucy Burgundy, who has always done great things for the country,"
Astrid and Leona even did the salute, as if they had done it for years already.
"Anyway, Employee 279," Chris said to Astrid. "Do you wanna buy a Chelsea Burger from the snack stand before work, babe?"
"Wait, we're married?" Astrid said, in surprise... "''I'm Astrid Redfield?''"
"Of course, ever since Chelsea set the Arranged Marriage Law up in 2021, the matchmaker picked us to be married." Chris said. "You should know this."
"What else has Chelsea done?" Astrid asked.
"Well, she has invented every major invention in the past 30 years, like cellphones, electric cars, laptops, time travel, and she became the leader of SimNation in 2019." Chris said.
"She never invented those things..." Astrid said. Leona ran to Astrid.
"Astrid, I think that she has used time travel to plagiarize those inventions, and became supreme leader. That's why we're working for her, she changed the history..."
"Wow..." Astrid said.
"Yep, and also, I learned my own future... I got married to Sandi French..."
"What? You're married to a girl?"
"Apparently, in this universe, marriage isn't about love anymore. It's only for families. And all families have adopted kids because WooHoo is outlawed by Chelsea." Leona said. "I also learned that Jean is married to my former boyfriend Enrico!"
"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry..." Astrid said. "But hey, I got an attractive man for my husband, at least, hehe..."
"Astrid! We have to learn where Chelsea keeps her time travel equipment so we can go back and erase this timeline. The future isn't set! This future is only one possibility, but we can change it!"
"I understand..." Astrid said.
They turned around to see a younger guy getting married to an old man.
"What the heck?" Astrid said. Then Chris walked to her side.
"Hehe, that's my high school rival Lance getting married to Big Steve Underwood!" Chris said. "Thank Chelsea I got married to a woman!"
"Lance, you may now kiss the groom," the priest said.
Lance looked disgusted. "No, I don't want to-" '''*KISS*'''
Wow, Big Steve Underwood seems eager to kiss him..." Leona said. "This is gross... Not because it's two men but because it's a forced marriage. No one should be forced to marry someone they don't like..."
"What are you talking about, Employee 278?" Jean said, "This is how our beloved leader wants us to live."
"Yes, we are all supposed to follow Chelsea's orders and laws." Chris said.
"Leona, I think in the future everyone is brainwashed by Chelsea!" Astrid whispered.
'''To be continued''