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<font face="corbel">The story is about something that happened to a group of friends and changed their lives, in just one week. (The story takes place in [[The Sims 3]], [[Sunset Valley]].) </font>
==<font face="corbel">Characters</font>==
<font face="corbel">[[File:JBA1.jpg|300px|From left to right; Danny, Sarah, Angie, Christine, Joseph, Ivy and Anna|thumb|left]][[File:JBA2.jpg|285px|From left to right; Mary, Vanessa and Anita|thumb|right]]</font>
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As soon as I got ready I headed to Central Park. Angie was already there. She wanted to know everything that happened to me, so I told her all about it. She was terrified. She never hard something like that before. While I was talking about it I was very sure I saw Vanessa, but I couldn't bealive it. I knew she's still at hospital. And, Angie didn't see anything which made me even more unsure. The day just got weirder. I felt scared again, so I decided to go home. I was just sitting and thinking about Vanessa. I was so sure I saw her but I knew that's impossible. I never thought my Summer break would start that way.
==Chapter 2: Horrible summer start==
It was Monday. Since I was on my summer break, I decided to do – nothing. Finally, I didn't think about Vanessa so I could enjoy summer. But soon my relaxation was interrupted when the phone rang. I answered it; it was Anna who told me to come to Sacred Spleen Memorial Hospital as fast as I can. I was a bit confused because she didn't want to tell me why and I couldn't find a reason. However, I went there and I was quite surprised. All my friends were there, waiting. I was even more confuse when I saw their faces; they were all sad. I noticed that Ivy's missing, so I asked:
„Hey, um... why are you all sad? And where's Ivy?“
Sarah told me the most terrible words someone can hear: „She was at hospital and died an hour ago.“
I couldn't believe. How come? She seemed ok. Many questions went through my head and I asked: „Died? And she was at hospital? Why didn't you tell me that before?“
„We didn't know it either. We just found it out.“
„Well, what happened to her? She looked just fine at the party.“
„The police asked her everything about it when she was still al...“ Sarah just couldn't finish it. We were all sad because we lost a friend. She handed me a paper where Ivy wrote everything that happened to her. It reads:
<blockquote> I was getting back home. I was out with my friends that night. My friend lives close to the bar we were at, so I had to go home alone. On my way home, someone in disguise suddenly stopped me and another two dragged me a couple of blocks further. They also put a tape on my mouth and a blindfold on my eyes. After some time we stopped somewhere and got in a room. They tied up my hands and legs so hard that after a half an hour I didn't fell my hands. After an hour I felt like I'm gonna pass out. Even though I didn't see anything I think someone was watching on me all the time. Later, someone came and took off the blindfold and the tape on my mouth. There were three of them, all in disguise. They wanted me to drink some liquid but I refused it. But they didn't give up so they forced me to do it. I was weak and helpless. The liquid was horrible. After that, they untied me and dragged back where they first found me. I couldn't move and nobody was there. I passed out. Next thing I remember is waking up at hospital. </blockquote>
I couldn't believe that someone would do such thing. I was shocked, and I still got something on my mind, so I asked:
„She died after police asked her all about it?“
„Yes, she was ok then, but after an hour she died. The doctors couldn't find a reason, so they sent her body on autopsy.“
„Oh, my...“ that thing reminded me of April. Her body was on autopsy as well. Another ''wave'' of fear went through me which remembered me of Vanessa and the thing that I might saw her yesterday.
„So, do you know who did it?“ I asked with trembling voice.
„Unfortunately, no, we, don't. There's no evidences but autopsy might tell us more.“
„That's impossible... Why would someone do it?“
„We don't know. We're all both sad and scared.“
I was so mixed up. I decided to go home to think abouit it all. On my way home I saw Vanessa again. It was just for a few seconds, so I kept thinking that it was all my imagination.
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