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'''Just be Aware''' (or '''A Week of Terror''') is a fan fiction created by [[User:TheSims23|TheSims23]]. It's a sequel to [[Fanon:A Birthday Party|A Birthday Party]] and it has '''nothing''' to do with real life.
The story is about something that happened to a group of friends and changed their lives, in just one week. (The story takes place in [[Sunset Valley]], [[The Sims 3]].)
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As you already know, my name is Christine. A few months ago something happened that changed my life forever. ''Vanessa hit her head and had a dream where she has to kill everyone who have done something to her. She told it to her best friends and they encouraged her to do it. She invited us to her birthday party and tried to kill us with methanol. April drank it and died. After that Vanessa was kept in hospital because of her behavior and her best friends changed school. Before that, my class was separated into groups but after all this happened we were united again. These events have rejoined us, those two groups into one.''
[[File:JBA1.jpg|300px|From left to right; Danny, Sarah, Angie, Christine, Joseph, Ivy and Anna|thumb|left]][[File:JBA2.jpg|285px|From left to right; Maria, Vanessa and Anita|thumb|right]]
==Chapter 1: The night I'll never forget==
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[[File:JBA5.jpg|thumb|right|230px]]As soon as I got ready I headed to Central Park. Angie was already there. She wanted to know everything that happened to me, so I told her all about it. She was terrified. She never hard something like that before. While I was talking about it I was very sure I saw Vanessa, but I couldn't bealive it. I knew she's still at hospital. And, Angie didn't see anything which made me even more unsure. The day just got weirder. I felt scared again, so I decided to go home. I was just sitting and thinking about Vanessa. I was so sure I saw her but I knew that's impossible. I never thought my Summer break would start that way.
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It was Monday. Since I was on my summer break, I decided to do – nothing. Finally, I didn't think about Vanessa so I could enjoy summer. But soon my relaxation was interrupted when the phone rang. I answered it; it was Anna who told me to come to Sacred Spleen Memorial Hospital as fast as I can. I was a bit confused because she didn't want to tell me why and I couldn't find a reason. However, I went there and I was quite surprised. All my friends were there, waiting. I was even more confuse when I saw their faces; they were all sad. I noticed that Ivy's missing, so I asked:
[[File:JBA4.jpg|thumb|left|230px]]„Hey, um... why are you all sad? And where's Ivy?“
Sarah told me the most terrible words someone can hear: „She was at hospital and died an hour ago.“
I couldn't believe. How come? She seemed ok. Many questions went through my head and I asked: „Died? And she was at hospital? Why didn't you tell me that before?“
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[[File:JBA6.jpg|thumb|right|230px]]Wednesday. We were all frightened that we didn't go out. We knew that something might happen to us if we go somewhere, so we just stayed at home. Even though I was at home I didn't feel safe. I couldn't spend a minute alone. Finally, in the afternoon, I fell asleep. Later, my mother, all freaked out, woke me up. I was so mixed up when she told me that Sarah was found dead and her mother unconscious in their house. I got out of my bed as fast as I could. I went there with my mother. I saw my friends standing there. Emotions just flooded me; I've lost 4 friends! It was unbelievable. My life seemed completely different, I was so sad. I couldn't believe that someone is capable of doing it. I asked Angie what had happened. She gave me Sarah's mother report. It reads:
<blockquote> I was making lunch when someone knocked on my door. I opened it. It was a female person. She was wearing sun glasses, a hat and gloves. I couldn't recognize her. As soon as I asked „May I help you?“ she pushed me and I fell. Another two came out of the blue. They were all in disguise but I think they were all females. Anyway, they tied me up and put a tape on my mouth. One of them was watching on me all the time while another two went to my daughter's room and did the same to her. We had to sit on the chairs and then the horror began. One of them started suffocating my daughter. I couldn't watch it. I wanted to stop it but there was no way to do it. My daughter was dead and I could do nothing. I'll never forget it. It was the most horrible day of my life. Soon after they suffocated my daughter they punched me so hard I passed out. Next thing I know is waking up here at my home next to my dead daughter. </blockquote>
I really couldn't believe that this is all happening. How could someone kill Sarah in front of her mother? It's a monster!
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It was Thursday, early in the morning. Police called us to come to the police station. After we came, police told us everything about the evidences they had found. Fingerprints didn't help them much, but the hair did. It was Vanessa's hair. They checked hospital that she was in and they found out that she was missing. Now I knew that every time I thought I saw Vanessa, I actually saw her. That meant only one thing – she was the murderer. Police started to look for her and all we hoped is that they'll find her. The problem was that Vanessa had some helpers and we didn't know who was it. Anyway, while we were talking a loud scream interrupted us. We all turned around and saw Angie all wet and frightened. We didn't know what happened. The policeman gave her a blanket and she said that we should follow her to Pinochle Pond. We went there and saw the most terrifying thing. Two dead bodies were in the lake. As we got closer we saw that the bodies belong to Vanessa and Anna. [[File:JBA7.jpg|thumb|left|230px]] All mixed up we asked Angie: „What happened here?“
„I was walking by the Pinochle Pond with Anna when Vanessa stopped us. We didn't know where did she come from and why isn't she at hospital. Anyway, another two joined her and I recognized them immediately. They were Mary and Anita. They dragged us to the lake and hold our heads under the water. I just pretended I was dead, but Anna drowned to death. After that, all I heard is Vanessa saying: „Those stupid, old docs and cops think they'll find me, but they're wrong. They'll spend so many years on looking for me and I'll be here. Haha. Please, finish the job we started.“ After Maria and Anita left I went to the police.“
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Fortunately, I woke up alive next morning. Police sent a police officer so that we can be safe, but I was still scared. Angie called me because she wanted to come over. She was scared as well. Later, we got some news. Joseph's body was back from autopsy and it was true – he died the same way as Danny did. In the afternoon, we were supposed to go on Joseph and Anna's funeral, but police recommended us to stay at home. I don't know why but we decided to go anyway. After we got there we didn't know where are those graves so I went to look for it on one side and Angie on another. Not far, someone pushed me. I turned around and screamed. Maria was holding a knife; she wanted to stab me. I was helpless, I would be dead if Angie didn't punched Maria who fell on the floor right in that moment. We ran home as fast as we could and told everything to the police. They went there right away and cought them. Angie and I were so happy that we can move on with our lives without fear. We also thanked police who we should listen in the first place, but I also thanked Angie who saved my life.
My life's completely different now. I may've lost lots of friends but I was happy that my best friend, Angie, survived. I also saw that I can count on her any time and that makes her my real friend. I can't say I'm glad that Vanessa died, but I know that I can continue my life normally. Summing it all, I can just say – it was terrible week but it showed me how much friends worth.
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