Fanon:Maximus Moneygrubb: Difference between revisions

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Before the events of the game, Maximus is staying with his older brother Ansel in his replica mansion at Midtown Meadows, in Newcrest. Many big life-changing events take place just mere weeks (years actually in sim time) before the game starts; Ansel loses a small fortune in the horse races, and his wife leaves him, causing him to explode in anger and die as a result.
During this time Maximus and his wife [[Fanon:Violetta Moneygrubb|Violetta]] sent their youngest child [[Fanon:Corvus Moneygrubb|Corvus]] (a toddler), with their eldest child [[Fanon:Draven Bloodshy|Draven]] to wait out the storm in the family's summer home in [[Fanon:Windenburg|Windenburg]]. max and Violetta attempted to assuage Ansel's anger, only to have him possess the mansions and cause both Max and Violetta be scared to death and also haunt the mansion as a result.
Ansel's eldest children; [[Fanon:Mason Moneygrubb|Mason]] and [[Fanon:Coquetta Moneygrubb|Coquetta]] moved her father's, uncle's and aunt's urns to a cemetery out of town and began scouting for roommates to help pay for the steep cost of living in a lavish mansion. As Maximus and Violetta began settling into their new home in the Willow Creek crypt; they had adjusted to the afterlife and ultimately accepted their fate as ghosts, however they continued to fear and worry for their sons whom they had not had contact with in ages. Fortunately Coquetta and Mason had brought Draven and Corvus back to Newcrest to live with them in the family manor, and would on occasion bring them to meet with their deceased parents.
Eventually a lethal fire broke out in the middle of the night and razed the entire Moneygrubb mansion to the ground, the only thing left intact being a magic wishing well recently unearthed in the back garden. Ansel, who had previously died of anger reappeared in the Willow Creek Crypt, but as a living sim once again. He urged his brother and sister-in-law to seek out the magic well and make a wish. Max and Violetta had gotten used to their time as ghosts, however they missed the time they shared with their sons. So Maximus took his wife in hand to the remains of the Moneygrubb mansion at Midtown Meadows, tossed a coin and made a wish and miraculously the wishing well restored both Max and Violetta to life, angering Ansel who was spying nearby, and who nearly bankrupted the family fortune in making wishes for restored life and being repeatedly rejected by the wishing well.
Maximus and Ansel rekindled their friendship, more or less made amends and the latter invited his brother's family to move in with him in the new Replica Manor, at Rippling Flats, located still in Newcrest but on the opposite side of town in a different neighborhood. Max and Violetta were reunited with their sons, and not long thereafter Violetta announced that she was pregnant with her and Max's [[Fanon:Derby Moneygrubb|third child]].
With a third child along the way and a new lease on life, Max needed to find work, which was not difficult being that he had a distinguished degree in business. He entered the Business Career and would eventually be promoted to Angel Investor. A few short years later, Draven, Max's eldest, became a teen while his younger sons aged into a child and toddler respectively. Max's family spent little less than a year remaining with Ansel before he was able to buyout Twin Oracle Point, and renovate it into a large family estate. Max and his family move out of Rippling Flats and into Twin Oracle Point at the very start of the Sims 4.
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