Fanon:New Homeland: Difference between revisions

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(27 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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{{Property|Mathetesalexandrou}}{{Fanon-end}}{{Fan fiction
|name= Developmental Hell
|genre= Fan Fiction
|creator= [[User:Mathetesalexandrou|Mathetesalexandrou]]
|numberofchapters= 13
|originalrun= 1 April 2012 - 21 December 2012
|proceeded = [[Fanon:Developmental Hell|Developmental Hell]]
|status= Ended}}
'''New Homeland''' is a subset storyline of the Time Paradox universe, set at the Ecclesiarchal capital of Hekatonschoinos. Its main characters are of orphanage near Bridgeport, which was also destroyed in a non-hostile fire from Kallisto's bombardment of Bridgeport. The orphans as well as the patron and his son make home in the new town, having been contacted by Kallisto for the collateral damage.
==Main Characters==
Line 33 ⟶ 41:
*<span style="font-style: normal; ">Eun Jin Choi: A "spoil of war" taken from the 3rd timeline. Eun Jin Choi has always been a Philhellene, one of the reason for her easy transition to the Greek-dominated Papal State. Also one of the favorites of the Big 6, particularly Kallisto and Kallistrata. Eun Jin is also a nerd, wanting to take a part of the "machine cult" (as Eun Jin would say) of the Papal State quite zealously.</span>
*<span style="font-style: normal; ">Persephone Phalara: Alongside Krinias and Seleukis, the teen members of the Mathetai Mouson. Persephone is a relatively new member, and lacks experience. Hoewver, Persephone had been working on a family machine shop as an assistant before joining, hence Persephone has some handiness skill.</span>
*<span style="font-style: normal; ">Ho Young Kang: Tae Jong's younger son (as compared to Sung Hoon). He is bookish like a typical stereotypical asianAsian.</span>
*<span style="font-style: normal; ">Gyuri Kang: Tae Jong's younger daughter (as compared to Yuri). Gyuri is more of a rebel, despite having some skill related traits.</span>
*<span style="font-style: normal; ">Chiranjivi Maurya: Miyu's personal butler and the younger butler of the Japanese visiting family. Has been known to be a legend at endurance due to his rough life at the slums of India, and thus is a point of interest of the Big 6, who wishes to study him or even employ him.</span>
Line 620 ⟶ 628:
Herakleia: Heh.
Miyu: Aristophanes, is it possible for us to renoucerenounce our standings?
Aristophanes: No. As far as I know all of you are to be assigned to a spot. I believe you know where you will go.
Line 788 ⟶ 796:
Stratonike: Yes, and it does follow most of the codex rules and the standing conventions. However, it seems to be lacking in the underground aspect, but if Esomena's designs are executed well, such shall pose minimal problems. And Esomena is taking the Arabs well, look at them minarets!
Kallistrata: Of course, of course. To the second dossier, then. We should call Hypatia, this involves the academic performacesperformances.
Stratonike: Go figure.
Line 947 ⟶ 955:
Herakleitos: And the vocabulary is growing strong, miss. I presume you're trying to shift to the official language here?
Miyu: Me? Speak Greek? Uh-uh. No way I'm working as aan official under that batcrap insane Kallisto. No, no, no, no.
Herakleitos: Ahem.
Line 1,087 ⟶ 1,095:
Ptolemaios: Hmm... Oh wait, I already have a wife, what am I thinking?
Kallisto: Ah, attempingattempting to get more power via romance? A clever move, but not clever enough. However, you have well judged the risks and rewards, Philadelphos. Why don't you go with the incest route as the Aigyptioi did? Oh wait, your wife is your sibling...
Chiranjivi: That is so wrong.
Line 1,167 ⟶ 1,175:
Emil: Our patron is always happy for another one of his games, is he? But then I do wish that he'd work with magic as he always wanted to.
Athena: I believe we have ana huge announcement...
Hugo: Go on, turn on the channel.
Line 1,308 ⟶ 1,316:
Kallisto: Excellent. However, I believe such an Order is better placed here, given that the WooHooium infestation is worst in our own capital.
Kallistrata: The task should be undertaken by us: after all, the Order was created to enforce the absenseabsence of the heretical material outside our own eyesights. We may be psykers, Kallisto, but we cannot see every WooHooium in the Papal State, much less the entirety of the globe.
Kallisto: Heh, very well. However, I must laud you for your incomplete Chrononomion project: I have undone the damages incurred by Tessa and Hippias.
Line 1,332 ⟶ 1,340:
Stratonike: Excellent.
Kallisto: And I also sense Miyu paying another visit to the Chapel. Miyu must love our resources. Miyu, get your arse to school! The Pope compels thee!
Kallistrata: Our Sunset Valley Chapter has been much more productive these days, although I am anxious to see more renovations to make that town look much more like a proper Papal domain. The chapter reports that the Al-Dar has invited them over to celebrate the creation of their enterprise, although my sight report that the nectar is full of the life fruits, ironically the thing that the connoisseurs are pointing as a key detracting factor in my nectar. Things are starting to get much more lively around here, mostly for the better. Now, I shall take my leave. I need to have some forever alone moments.
Kallisto: Ditto. I shall get to more improvements, although what we need eventually is an full-scale redesign of our Chapel-Barracks. Wait, Kallistrata: we should also not lag behind our own disciples: We too must engage in our production, artistical, mechanical, and financial. All Chapter members, converge!
Hypatia: You've called?
Jessica: Chapter serf present.
Eurydike: Yeah?
Lysistrata: What is your will?
Kallisto: Our Sunset Valley Chapter has recently have proven themselves exceedingly fruitful, producing and improving with extreme speed. We shall not fall behind in the drive. Onwards to the Skill room! Ah, and also prepare for another muster. If I recall, Esomena's designs distribute the music far better with one stereo. Darn, that disciple's going to do us much good.
Lysistrata: Very well.
Kallisto: So, Kallistrata, is it possible for us to acquire one of those Al-Dar nectars?
Kallistrata: Of course it is possible. But then is it feasible? Hope the Sunset Valley chapter delivers.
-at Hugo's housing-
Hugo: Leonardo? What are you doing with all that luggage?
Leonardo: Listen, pop. I don't know what came over me, but I was foolish enough to desert the kids.
Hugo: Oh son... The kids were all waiting for you.
Felix: Leo! You're back!
Leonardo: Yes, and how's your grades?
Felix: ...
Leonardo: Agh, "facepalm" Pop, don't you tell these kids to do homework?
Hugo: Yeah, but then Eirene prefers Kallisto's orders.
Eirene: You aren't helping. At least my grade's up.
Leonardo: So it's just Felix now?
Hugo: Seems like it. Kallisto's always been shipping academic reports every day and this is driving me nuts!
Leonardo: Le sigh. Anyone with a logic of 5 or higher?
Hugo: Leonardo... Don't break the 4th wall. EVER.
Leonardo: Come on, pop. Someone has to do it! On the other hand, I believe Kallisto's holding another muster.
Hugo: and none of us were explicitly invited. True, anyone can go to the party, but then I think I'll refrain. I need a break given my job.
Leonardo: Ah, pop. I'm right with you.
-At the Chapter's Chapel-Barracks-
Kallisto: Ah, we must grieve.
Kallistrata: What is it?
Kallisto: I believe you are quite wary of what is going on outside the 4th wall, right?
Kallistrata: Yeah?
Kallisto: Llamas have beat the bunnies.
Kallisto: So shall we launch a campaign of purging them llamas?
Kallistrata: I believe some people demanded removal of the llamas through various protests.
Kallisto: Oh really? So, how shall we do it?
Kallistrata: One can always drop a few Rods of God at the South American area.
Kallisto: But then that is for another time. For now, we have some more interrogation to do. The muster must go on. Ah, well met, Yuri.
Yuri: I don't know why you are keep inviting me into these musters, but if this is a ploy to...
Kallisto: No. We don't implant any subliminal propaganda to make people join. A cult must be formed of people who joins in their own volition. The Machine Cult especially so, for unwilling members do not contribute as much.
Yuri: Well, that wasn't the answer to the question I was asking, but then I guess it will do.
Kallisto: Indeed. Ah, the Alkmaionids and the Attalids have taken up the call!
Philetairos: Woo! It's been ages since we've gotten into a good party...
Kallisto: This is no party. Parties are heretical, and those represent those blasted anti-intellectual celebrity culture that feeds the lowest common denominators that the mainstream media loves to harp on.
Philetairos: Aww. But then musters are no fun without fun, right?
Kallisto: ... Preferably not, but then for a pragmatic purposes, I guess why not. Ah, would you like to try some? "Offers Freezer Bunny Ice Cream"
Philetairos: Don't mind if I do. Ah, I only wish that Basileion of yours would be a bit more lively...
Kallisto: Fear not. We've got some fresh wave of immigration. Praise Alexandros. Anyhow, Stratonike has noted of your horse fad.
Philetairos: Yes, but not me. It's mostly Olympias. Thetis also seems to have some interest in the horse as well...
Kallisto: Ah, is that so? If you want another horse, I can bestow upon you the mighty [[Fanon:Boukephalos Syrakosios|Boukephalos]]. It seems like Olympias has tried out in a race but hasn't done so well. With practice. I'd think Olympias would be very fond of Boukephalos, replicating another Alexandros in the equestrian fields.
Philetairos: Gee, thanks for the offer, Kallisto. I shall discuss this with Olympias. Ah, greetings, Kleisthenes.
Kleisthenes: So, how's things going up there?
Kallisto: I presume you want to meet your friends, families, and houseguest?
Lysistrata: Ah, my old host. How's your financial status?
Kleisthenes: Not too shabby. My job's paying quite well, and bill amount is hefty indeed, but then manageable given our occupational status.
Eurydike: Ah, here's my family. So, we have nephelokokkygia ready to be established, and then once we have done that we can spread some rainbow fishes and bunnies...
Kleisthenes: Whoa, whoa, Eurydike. Your insanity hasn't abated one bit.
Kallistrata: Ah, the glory of nephelokokkygia. We seriously need a new quip. But then nephelokokkygia's so good... Where's my lagos? What am I thinking, I can conjure one! BUNNEHS. Speaking of that, we should reprimand Tessa for that unexpected complications.
Kallisto: Yes.
==Chapter 10: Living up to the name==
Leonardo: Ah, how's your work, Athena?
Athena: Not so well, my patron. However, this sculpting work is quite rewarding.
Leonardo: Yes. I am quite proud to see contribution even by the young.
Athena: Well...
Leonardo: Ah, you're trying to lament the fact that the Greeks aren't viewed in a positive light back at the city, eh?
Athena: I might have, and I might have been adopted. But if that was the case I would not have this opportunity.
Leonardo: Hmm. Here, Kallisto sent this to you.
Athena: An invitation? I've heard that they've renovated their living space.
Leonardo: Yes. But focus on the sculpture. Breaking the focus is the single most common factor in making or breaking the sculpture.
-At Naos-Stratopedon III-
[[File:NaosStratopedon3AudienceHall.png|thumb|Kallisto and Kallistrata makes speech.]]Kallisto: Hellenes! We have finally renovated several key structures in the neighborhood! We have now set the stage for an social revolution, one that is to overthrow the standing aristocracy of the old!
Kallistrata: As Ecclesiarchs we must do what we can to propagate the revolution: Become paragons that we're supposed to be, and remove heresy from within! The blasted aristocracy continues to suppress the commoners with golden mirages, and it is the academia that will set the commoners free! Lead the GLORIOUS REVOLUTION!
Hypatia: Aye!
Stratonike: Aye!
Lysistrata: Aye!
Eurydike: Aye!
Jessica: Aye! (I want love)
Pi: Ok.
Kallisto: Chapter dismissed. -others exit- Ah, Kallistrata. We're getting our own share of artistic community.
Kallistrata: You're talking about Xenotima?
Kallisto: And the Orphanage. That Athenian girl's being looked on by Leonardo. That Leonardo is as rebellious and productive as any Ecclesiarchal member.
Kallistrata: Yes. Leonardo may not like our command structure, but I will find him more pleasing than any of them aristocrats over there. Ah, and I have issued an order to Jessica to hold another muster. That Chapter Serf has developed significantly since her first debut. I believe that hypnotherapy is also an good factor, alongside our resident gaze.
Kallisto: Alas. Only if we could do the same with the Swansons. Come to think of it, Antigone, despite her tolerance of heresy and the heretical act of bringing a "boyfriend" home, hasn't been as nearly as heretical as Tessa.
Kallistrata: Your point?
Kallisto: I have been wielding the rod of double standard. We have kept Tessa around despite her heretical act, while kicking out Antigone.
Kallistrata: You seem to have a point there. Your rationale was that Tessa was quite experienced, and if I recall Antigone is way more experienced than Tessa.
Kallisto: Exactly. Hence I shall have myself a trade.
Kallistrata: Ah. You will recall the heretic?
Kallisto: Yes. despite Antigone's history, Antigone's far more responsive to our methods.
-At Hugo's Orphanage-
Hugo: Ah, finally some progress, Felix!
Felix: My thanks, Hugo. So, can we go to the new inn-thingy?
Hugo: Ah, the Pandokeion? You certainly are as lively as you ever were, Felix. But then the Pandokeion's mostly for tourists.
Felix: Aww. We never get to go to fun places like that big giant party house over there on the island.
Hugo: Felix, you aren't old enough to visit such places. Sure, Kallisto keeps it safe from unsavory elements here, but in the outside world, such things aren't the rule.
Felix: Then where can we go?
Hugo: Think of the places. I'm sure there are plenty of places to go. Oh wait, Eirene! You've been invited to another muster, again, This muster thing is wearing us out...
Eirene: Darn it. Is Kallisto that interested in these muster things? Ah, I guess things will turn as it goes. Anyhow patron, surely you have no plans of adopting another dog?
Hugo: Dogs are ok, and I can certainly use one. Why?
Eirene: Because you may want to remember what happened to one of those black guys.
Hugo: Ah, black guys? Surely they must be thieves?
Eirene: No. Thrasymachos was no thief. Oh wait... What did happen there?
Hugo: Yeah. You're saying that there was a dog around here. I do not recall any dogs, except the little ones at the Korean household way over there. Did they do something?
Eirene: Perhaps. But Kallisto ain't the one to look at dogs in a favorable light.
Hugo: Hmm. But then my dog, if I get one, will be nice.
==Chapter 11: PETDIE==
Sooner or later, the Hekatonschoinos community was in a pet craze, specifically cats and dogs, and the craze was not limited to immigrants: even Klerouchoi, such as the Mathetai Mouson, adopted such pets, and all seemed to go well for the animal community until one day.
-Military School-
Eun Jin: YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS! YES! Freedooooooooooom!
Chiranjivi: You must be excited. What's the issue?
Eun Jin: The furry nightmares... are gone! Yes! Yes! Wooooo!
Chiranjivi: Furry nightmares? Oh Miss, you should not take delight in loss of life.
Eun Jin: You haven't been through what I've been through. I'm pretty sure your mistress is probably looking for you over there.
Chiranjivi: Ah. We do have a cat.
Eun Jin: Really? I presume he's old and lazy? Because I'm pretty sure your pet isn't as active, aggressive, and dirty as ours, not that any of them are good.
Chiranjivi: I stand corrected. But to hate on animals is no good.
-Hugo's Orphanage-[[File:HugoLosesDog.png|thumb|Hugo Loses his dog.]]
Hugo: My dog... My dog... "sobs"
Felix: Is there something wrong?
Hugo: Our dog has passed away. The official records say that the dog has passed away due to a meteor, although the carcass was quickly disposed of by the Ecclesiarchy. Why!?! Why... "sobs"
Felix: Mr. Hugo, don't cry. Please...
Hugo: But Felix... It's our dog. Our dog's dead.
Eirene: Let's face it, the inevitable has happened sooner that we've expected...
Emil: Eirene, that's no way to treat death.
Eirene: Emil, you may want to check out the news.
Emil: What about it?
Eirene: Our dog isn't alone.
-Newspaper main body: On the Papal Capital of Hekatonschoinos, scores of dogs and cats have disappeared mysteriously, only to be found in the cemetery marked dead. The official reasons vary, from meteor to starvation. One such animal, Shironeko, was found dead due to starvation according to official records, although some suspect something, given that Shironeko is from a relatively wealthy household. The Papal authorities deny any accusations as of the moment, claiming this to be preposterous as their enemies were primarily romance, and dogs and cats are only secondary evils. Some do find this fishy, since none recalls finding a meteor these past few days. However, some have reported meteors alongside the shores, although no signs of terraforming are visible.-
Emil: Ouch. That sarcasm is of some appropriateness there, Eirene.
Eirene: Not that things will ever go well. Whether it be the dumb celebrity garbage back at Bridgeport or our pompous new academic overlords here. None will care for such little things.
Hugo: But I guess I should get going.
Eirene: Where shall you go, patron?
Hugo: I hope Kallisto will offer me some condolences. She has proved largely generous since.
Emil: I seriously doubt Kallisto will help you there, Mr. Hugo. Heck, the papal authority did claim dogs and cats as enemies.
Hugo: ...
-At Naos-Stratopedon III-
Lysistrata: Thy presence honors us. What businesses do you have with the Ecclesiarchy?
Hugo: I wish to see Kallisto, please.
Lysistrata: Ah, a frank one, eh? You do not look well.
Hugo: Yes.
Lysistrata: Is that so? Wait, Kallisto looks ready to have your audience.
Kallisto: What grievances do you have, greyskin?
Hugo: Kallisto, such names should not be spoken, as this is not the time for light-heartedness.
Kallisto: Oh really? Yes, I presume you were one of the indirect victims of the plague?'
Hugo: Yes. My dog just passed away.
Kallisto: A shame, but frankly, there is nothing we could do about it, given the lack of workers or experience in animal medicine. The plague will continue to spread, and maybe die out with the decimation of the target populations.
Hugo: ...
Kallisto: Seems you want a shoulder to cry one, good one.
Hugo: Thank you. "sobs" I hope I can live it up. "exits"
Kallisto: Where was I? Ah, to tend to the future magos.
-Kang Household-
The Kang family sooner or later believed that a more lavish living was appropriate for the patriarchal family, and before the Swansons could take it, moved to the Basileion Seleukeias at the eastern edge that was added with the addition of the Nomadic Peninsula. There Yuri took advantage of the large fruit stores of the Agora Nektaros and the Basilikos Paradeisos Pankarpion, stacking on life fruit stocks and planting some in the household lot.
Meanwhile, Sung Hoon had made close friends with Nicole, his superior and partner, and as Yuri called Kallisto over for advices, he followed suit and called Nicole to come over.
Kallisto: Ah, greetings, future techpriest! How goes your business at the Basileion?
Yuri: Good to see you, benefactor! I wanted to seek some advices with these fruits.
Kallisto: Ah, you've started your own garden, have you not? Then I recommend building a nectary chamber as soon as possible.
Yuri: What for?
Kallisto: As it is the most profitable avenue to convert your fruits into cash. It seems like you're the first one to take advantage of these gardens. You'd probably need that to pay for the bill.
Yuri: Thank you, I am doing what I can to help the Earth.
Kallisto: As you would say, good one. I hear that you have made some time machines and miners like our hetairoi over there in the Naos-Stratopedon III.
Yuri: That's too much.
Kallisto: Meh, you've already demonstrated mettle and skills of a magos already. I find your traditional mentality a little disappointing, given your display of skills.
Yuri: ...
Kallisto: But as patron, I'd like to see that garden being developed for use. So I shall invest in your business.
Yuri: How so?
Kallisto: I shall personally invest in you by building the nectary chamber for you.
Yuri: Thank you, benefactor. Ah, who's this?
Nicole: Hello? Wait, you're not Sung Hoon... Ah, greetings, Kallisto!
Kallisto: Seems your brother has made friends with one of our hyperetai. How's business, Nicole?
Nicole: Nothing unusual. We don't see criminals these days.
Kallisto: Of course. Nicole, It seems like your newfound friend's calling you.
Nicole: Yes, I shall get going.
Kallisto: Ah, and one more thing. Watch for heresy.
Nicole: But...
Kallisto: Do not let us down. "Nicole goes in"
Yuri: Heresy?
Kallisto: Yes, heresy. I believe you know what I'm talking about, good one.
Yuri: Romance? What's wrong with... ah, screw it, I had this discussion one too many times.
Kallisto: Heh. So, how's familial financial status?
Yuri: Gotten us a few thousand simoleons with the time machine. Our cash reserves increased by more than half.
Kallisto: Excellent.
Yuri: I am concerned however.
Kallisto: On what grounds?
Yuri: Pets are dying.
Kallisto: And?
Yuri: The medical branch has nothing to stop it.
Kallisto: Yes. But I will have to suggest that there are other priorities... such as mass cybernetics.
Yuri: No, Kallisto. Progress can wait. Welfare is important.
Kallisto: Do you find the welfare here deficient?
Yuri: For the pets... yes.
Kallisto: Then take up euergetism.
Yuri: ...
==Chapter 12: Supernatural Revolution and More Development==
And so it was, the Papal States saw the Supernatural Revolution. Of course, given the Ecclesiarchal love of power, they've embraced the supernatural, and alchemy facilities were built throughout the capital of the Papal State. Not only that, sorcery saw a place in the Papal State, and brooms became the vogue things that occupied the streets of Hekatonschoinos.
Herakleia: Hmm, never knew those scholars actually had an interest in the metaphysical.
Eirene: Same stuff, different avenues. This hunger for power will never turn out well.
Herakleia: Our resident pessimist again with the prediction? For some reason, I am inclined to agree.
Eirene: Meh, don't call it pessimism. Call it cynicism please. Or better, Kynismos.
Herakleia: Nonetheless, these outfits aren't half bad. Well, those city folks may laugh, but then the Papal State has always been the backwater in fashion...
Eirene: More with the vain fashion thing?
Herakleia: Old habits die hard. But in this case, it seems like it is dying.
Eirene: Indeed?
-Science Academy/Lab-
Herakleia: Another day at the lab. These people just love engineering, don't they?
Ho Young: And so?
Herakleia: Hmm. Isn't it a bit odd for engineers to be the most visible segment of the society?
Hypatia: Cough cough Cold War America since 1950s.
Herakleia: Ah, one of the ruling people. I guess I can't really afford to argue.
Hypatia: Indeed? Well then, get going and embrace science. But then I got to say, this magic stuff's quite radical.
Herakleia: You're a Witch?
Hypatia: Yes indeed. Human augmentation has always been an Ecclesiarchal favorite. Never knew Kallisto would go so far.
Herakleia: Oh my.
Ho Young: Now I'm scared.
Hypatia: On what grounds?
Ho Young: I now can see my [[Fanon:Yuri Kang|elder sister]] being turned into a cyborg.
Hypatia: Meh, do not fear. Do I look like a cyborg to thee?
Ho Young: Hmm... Asides from the arms, nah.
Hypatia: Then thou shall not fear. Kallisto only wishes she can pull that off.
-Naos-Stratopedon III-
Kallisto: Yes, the time has come! Behold, the Stone of the Philosophers!
Kallistrata: And finally, we now possess the means to refine our own gems! No longer will we be reliant on foreign sources!
Jessica: So, what exactly does a Philosopher's Stone do?
Kallisto: Turns things into gold.
Jessica: Oh, like the Midas's curse?
Kallisto: Indeed, but then we can control it, so we don't have to worry about seeing gilded sims everywhere.
Jessica: Sounds good!
Kallisto: Of course, chapter serf. With this tool we can now more easily control the amount of gold that backs our currency. You are well familiar with the money economy, right?
Jessica: Sort of.
Kallisto: Of course, that alone will not give us full control of the price of money. However, it is a step forward, allowing us to more easily appreciate our currency when we need it.
Hypatia: On the other hand, it should be noted that our economy is export-oriented.
Kallisto: So you're saying that appreciation of our currency won't do us any good?
Hypatia: Yes.
Kallisto: Of course. But, one should also note that we must invest in our infrastructures with foreign goods. With the recent surge of new goods, appreciation will be beneficial on the long run.
Hypatia: Very well.
Kallisto: Excellent! Onwards, we must get to work.[[File:Philosopher's_Stone.png|thumb|Stratonike works on increasing the gold reserves.]]
-Alchemy Room-
Hypatia: Kallisto, you do realize that we don't have to do all these, right?
Kallisto: Of course, the fiat money. However, it is always nice to have ourselves some sort of hedge, allowing our businesses to be more attractive to investors.
Hypatia: Yes, but mind you, most of these investors will be of the non-productive rich.
Kallisto: Aha. But then only real purpose of these investments are to raise a skilled population aimed at the overthrow of such class.
Hypatia: I see. Alright, then.
Stratonike: Let there be gold!
Kallisto: Excellent, excellent!
Sometimes after the initial contact with the Philosopher's Stone, the Ecclesiarchy works on building the gold reserves to support their representative currency, the Drachma. However, all doesn't flow out so well...
[[File:Philosopher's_Stone_Fatal_Interaction.png|thumb|The Chapter Serf gets into a fatal situation.]]Jessica: Uh-oh... Ahh!
Kallisto: Oh dear, an undocumented element of the Philosopher's Stone? -Hurries down to the Alchemy Room- Oh gosh, Jessica's been turned to gold. No problem. "snaps finger"
Jessica: Oh man... What was this...
Kallisto: An event of no concern. You're out, and you're ok.
Jessica: But then... Nice golden statue over there.
Kallisto: Darn, a statue of 50k goodness. That's some real boost to the gold reserves...
Jessica: With all due respect, my liege, isn't this toying with my life?
Kallisto: Of course not. You've been extracted out just fine, and thou shall continue to fulfill the role as a chapter serf by building up the gold reserves.
Jessica: Yes...
Kallisto: But then to compensate for the unexpected, go get yourself a bite. We've got some ice cream machine that you've always wanted.
Jessica: Thank you, I guess.
Kallisto: Alright then.
Kallistrata: Ah, the gold transmutation. A fine statue, I suppose.
Kallisto: Indeed. The chapter serf is an very valuable asset in the field: the chapter serf doesn't know this, but the serf is immune to such death even if our countermeasures fail.
Kallistrata: How so?
Kallisto: Remember the fire incident, right?
Kallistrata: The Lysistrata's medicine incident? Yes.
Kallisto: As you know, every full member of the Ecclesiarchy is provided a Death Flower to prevent them from dying an unexpected death.
Kallistrata: And?
Kallisto: Jessica's incineration incident has not resulted in the loss of the said Death Flower.
Kallistrata: Indeed?
Kallisto: Given that, it seems like something is protecting Jessica from unnatural death without the need of a Death Flower.
Kallistrata: Hmm. Now that's some true asset to the Ecclesiarchy.
Kallisto: Ah, we've got ourselves another news: We're going to Sunlit Tides: It seems like they've got some tools that may be useful in improving the Balaneion.
Kallistrata: Indeed? Does it involve improving the hot room?
Kallisto: Exactly. So let us prepare. Ah, and I think I can take my old gaming friend and his troupe with me. I'm sure at least one of them will be very excited.
-At Hugo's Naos-Stratopedon-
Hugo: So, it seems like Kallisto's ordered a vacation for the students.
Emil: Really? Oh yay!
Felix: Can we go part-aaaaay?
Hugo: Sort of.
Herakleia: And where exactly are we planning to go?
Hugo: I've not said anything about that...
Athena: We're going overseas? I've never thought I'd be happy to get out of this academic pit.
Eirene: So where to? Pretty sure we're not going to fare any...
Herakleia: Silly Eirene, cynicism against vacation is for... Forget it.
Leonardo: Don't worry kids, we are considering a vacation overseas.
Herakleia: No way!
Leonardo: Yes indeed. I may be grumpy and all, but even I have some responsibility to ensure that those I am charged with are content. So, We've just received notice from the Ecclesiarchy...
Herakleia: And?
Leonardo: They have been working on a trade agreement with the said town. In fact, the Ecclesiarchy was eager to import some tools...
Eirene: Of course, their love of utility.
Leonardo: And if the Ecclesiarchy approves, we may follow them in their business trip, and you can get yourselves a taste of the spas over there.
Athena: No. Way. Are you sure you're not kidding?
Leonardo: No. If Hugo's words have any value.
Herakleia: Yes... YES! Please let that be true!
Leonardo: Calm down, calm down. They did not make the decision yet, or at least didn't communicate it to us. And to you kids, we've got ourselves a whole lot of beaches, spas, and other amenities.
Emil: Yippee!
And soon after, the Ecclesiarchy gives the ok to Hugo's group, and the party sets out to Sunlit Tides, the Ecclesiarchy looking to try out the attractions and the facilities that they deem potentially useful, while the other simply wanting some relaxation. Unknown to Hugo's group, the Kang family had gone ahead of even the Ecclesiarchy, having taken a large vacation home. Not to be outdone, Hugo follows suit with an equally spacious and luxurious home. As for the Big 6, they do the unthinkable, replicating the entire Naos-Stratopedon complex in Sunlit Tide as a base of operations. Here, each group does what they want to do: however, there were bigger things in store than they had ever anticipated...
-First day at Sunlit Tides, Vacation home of the Kang Family
Taejong: We're here, folks.
Gwibin: Luxurious, fitting for a regal family. Excellent.
Taejong: Of course, I can't let my wife down, can I?
Gwibin: Yes indeed. What are your inputs?
Sunghoon: Gosh, This is better than those wacky structures that the Ecclesiarchy makes for us to live on. Perhaps they came here to study house decorations?
Gwibin: Perhaps. I wouldn't mind living here for a change. These beaches are far better than any in the forsaken islands.
Hoyoung: A vacation home eh? Quite well done if I may say so. So, when can we jump in?
Taejong: Relax, you'll get your chance. Anyhow, you are well aware that you will still be going to school, right?
Gyuri: Seriously? No! Who set us up for this travesty?
Taejong: Well, it's an town ordinance.
Hoyoung: Couldn't Kallisto go bribe these people into neglecting enforcement?
Taejong: Kallisto? You think Kallisto would do that? Shame on you, son. You should be happy that we've got ourselves a patron who is deeply interested in your education...
Gyuri: Oh god. So much for our vacation.
Taejong: Relax, children. We are staying here for 2 weeks. You've got 2 weekend periods to have all the fun you want.
Hoyoung: Ok, this better be worth it.
Taejong: Don't question the decision, son. But we shall see to it. Anyhow, who's up for the visitation to the Overlook?
-At Hugo's Orphanage's vacation home
Herakleia: Oh my god, I can't believe it! Sunlit Tides, the vacation paradise of all SimNation!
Leonardo: I and Eirene can only wish to be as half as excited as you're.
Eirene: Oh great, overrated Island of beaches. And Leonardo, I don't think I wish to be excited.
Hugo: Ah, Eirene, cynical as usual, eh? Take it easy.
Eirene: Yeah, except we'll be spending five seventh of our days here rotting in school that would make Papal academic hellhole look like paradise.
Felix: What? No way! What is this?
Hugo: Sorry folks, it looks the town's got an ordinance requiring enrollment of even the tourist kids.
Emil: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo...
Athena: Ah, so what about it?
Eirene: Look at this place. This place is fitting for party mongers and other people who'd be pro-Bridgeport. Isn't it only natural to conclude that we'll be experiencing some anti-Greek sentiments?
Leonardo: Don't be silly, Eirene. I'm pretty sure they're all too happy to get some money off tourism.
Eirene: Perhaps. After all, we've funneled like 200k to the unbalanced wreck of an economy.
Leonardo: And I thought I was grumpy and pessimist. Well, I have my complaints here: No sculpting tools here.
Hugo: Oh son, being yourself as usual. As for you, Eirene, come on, lighten up. We've come here to relax and such. Pessimist statements will only sour the mood here!
Eirene: hmm. I guess it's too much to shatter Herakleia's fantasies.
===Subchapter 1: The [[Wikipedia:Kinetic bombardment|Rod of God]], Death, and Power Play===
Kallisto: Alright, comrades, listen up, particularly the Serf! We have not come here to play or dress in skimpy outfits to draw heretics in, but rather to study their facilities and replicate anything that they might have useful to us, understood?
Hypatia: You are indeed yourself, Kallisto, insisting that is already accepted.
Kallisto: Never hurts, right? Given the romantic BS that we had...
Hypatia: Of course, of course. Fortunately our brains have been rewired to prevent that sort of happening.
Kallisto: Excellent. If I recall, there should be a facility at the summit of this island. Kallistrata, I presume you are ready to test the new amenities?
Kallistrata: Always.
Stratonike: And I shall observe the military body in Sunlit Tides. According to our data, it seems very insignificant, with no notable figures. But then one can scratch something out.
Kallisto: Indeed. Eurydike, Lysistrata, and Hypatia: be sure to look around your workplace for anything of value: potential recruits, notable figures, and attitudes regarding our state.
Lysistrata: Of course. They'll be welcoming Ecclesiarchal healthcare.
Kallisto: Such shift in attitude will be most welcome.
[[File:KallistrataSauna.png|thumb|Kallistrata tries out the Sauna facility at Sunlit Tides.]]
-At The Summit (The Place of Rest)
Kallistrata: So here's where they've positioned what could be valuable to our Balaneion, eh? Ah, let's take a look, shall we? "Makes steamed vegetables" Hmm, so far so good, they've covered food, although we do have food court at our Balaneion. "Tries the steam bath" Ah, the steam bath. Quite frankly, this is more of a sudatorium thing rather than the caldarium. Curse the barbaroi. "Tries the hydrotherapy" Good, good, although this isn't a plunge bath. Hmm, this is rather ambiguous indeed.
[[Silas Allender|Silas]]: Holy COW, is it me or do I spy a ruling member of the Papal State? Never mind accursed Bridgeport, I gotta see that person in person!
Kallistrata: Oh great, more visitors. I was about to enjoy the solitude...
Silas: Greetings, tourist! How's the sauna?
Kallistrata: Definitely not what I was looking for.
Silas: Excuse me? You don't like it?
Kallistrata: No, I mean I was expecting something along the lines of hot plunge baths.
Silas: Oh. But you are quite a figure: In fact, you people are famous around here.
Kallistrata: Indeed? I presume you are not the biggest fan of Bridgeport, I presume?
Silas: Heh, quick to jump to conclusions, eh? But I can have autograph?
Kallistrata: Oh great, moar nuisance that follows fame. Alright, here you go.
Silas: OMG! This is going to be so awesome...
Kallistrata: You look like someone who's fit for the military: a somewhat experienced hand, I see.
Silas: Wow, you've got good eyes: How did you know I got some experiences with fixing?
Kallistrata: Believe me: We can tell the pros from the fraud.
Silas: So, will you accompany...
Kallistrata: Heresy.
Silas: So your reputation was true.
Kallistrata: We've suffered too much from the heresy of romance. We shall never tolerate any room for that nonsense.
Silas: ... Ok. It was good meeting you.
Kallistrata: Ah, yes indeed. I hope you throw the shackles of heresy. -Silas leaves- Well... where was I? Hmm, the facility was good, although this isn't exactly Caldarium stuff. Sometimes later, I may need to try the massage tables, which definitely have a place in the balaneion. "Hears the Wahine family arriving, as well as Silas starving" I guess I need to provide them a service. "Serves Tri-tip steak"
[[File:KallistoRodofGod.png|thumb|Behold, the Rod of God!]]
Kallisto: Ah, so Kallistrata seems rather reserved about this. I guess I shall have to give the verdict myself. "Sees Julian and Alastair" Infernal people! Y U VISIT THE FACILITY THAT I NEED TO TEST? No matter, I shall commence with the... "Julian asks for autograph" AAAAAA! Sincere apologies, here you go. "resumes testing" Hmm... This may not exactly be what we're looking for, but if the massage thing has any value, it wouldn't hurt adopting this into our balaneion. But then, I shall go inspire awe with some people. "calls forth a rod of god"[[File:AlastairDead.png|thumb|Alastair, the first casualty of Kallisto's Rods of God.]]
[[Maggie Strong|Maggie]]: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!
[[Alonso Candelaria|Alonso]]: OH MY GOD!
Kallisto: Huh? Did something happen?
Grim Reaper: Ah, finally some dead spirit. I guess Kallisto does deliver.
Kallisto: Oh crap. Oh wait, my Rod actually killed someone? Hmm...
Alonso: Report Kallisto!
Maggie: Police!
Kallisto: Oh crap. "forcibly teleports them home, resetting them" This isn't good.
-Next Day-[[File:KallistoEurydikeProblem.png|thumb|Kallisto gets Eurydike to revive Alastair as a ghost]]
Kallisto: Darn it, this is going to... Oh wait, I can turn this into an opportunity. I simply hope the news spread too far... "goes to work"
-After Work, at the Science Center"
Eurydike: You've called?
Kallisto: Yes. Is anyone around?
Eurydike: Not anyone who's not occupied at the moment.
Kallisto: Good, you'll need to hear this: a closely guarded information. "whispers" So here's the situation: last night, I've called in a Rod of God for some amusement. However, things went awry when a kid got killed in the impact. So I will need you to get him as a Ghost, and teleport to the Chapel immediately, understood?
Eurydike: Affirmative. Darn, that is a dire situation here.
-Some times later, at the Chapel portion of the Naos-Stratopedon-
Eurydike: It is done as you've requested.
Alastair: What is this? What am I? What have you done to me?
Kallisto: Relax, kid. We're going to turn you back into a normal sim, so sit tight.
Alastair: What is happening to me?!?!?!
Kallisto: Gah, calm down already. We've done this a couple of times.
Hypatia: Darn, we don't see people that distressed to be a ghost.
Kallisto: Indeed.
Hypatia: I guess it is true: No one wishes to die young... unless you are in the East Asia.[[File:AlastairQQ.png|thumb|I'm too young to die!]]
Kallisto: Ah, the Ok-Swae or Gyokusai <ref>referring to the term 玉碎, which literally means the shattering of jades: this alluding someone dying beautifully (e.g. for a noble cause), although this meaning was muddled by the Japanese military doctrine of World War II that encouraged suicidal attacks. Ok-Sweh is an approximate transliteration of the Korean pronunciation, Gyokusai the Japanese. As a sidenote, this concept is not too familiar to the Koreans, and most of them associate this concept with the Japanese Banzai charges. As another cultural note, this term, although fragmented, is present in The Romance of Three Kingdoms, specifically when Guan Yu is isolated by the Wu and Wei troops, in a response to a demand for surrender that translate roughly into "Jade does not lose its shine even when shattered, and bamboo does not bend even if burned."</ref> or whatever. Well, this isn't a suicidal attack. It's a pure accident
Hypatia: Now I feel paraphron<ref>Insane in (modern) Greek</ref>.
Kallisto: Ah. I'd probably think of this myself. I wonder if Stratonike thought about this as well, given that Stratonike is a big friend of them Asioi.
Hypatia: So, where are we going to requisition the death fishes?
Kallisto: Do we not have some in our immediate stock?
Hypatia: I dunno, we seldom ate ambrosia these days so we don't really keep inventory.
Kallisto: Indeed? No problem, we shall requisition one from our capital.
Hypatia: Yes of course.
-At the Mess-
Alastair: I'm doomed... I'm doomed... I'm doomed... Goodbye, beloved Penelo...
Kallisto: By Megas Alexandros, you have no faith. Well, I am not too surprised, but then here you go, eat this.
Alastair: I'm not that hungry.
Kallisto: Really? I presume you wish to stay that way?
Alastair: I'll take it.
Kallisto: That's a good boy.
Alastair: This stuff's heavenly... What's happening?
Kallisto: So, welcome back to the material world.
Alastair: Impossible! I live! I live!!! Praise whoever you guys worship! I'm back! I'm back! Yes! Yes!
Kallisto: Ah, the joy of someone returning to life is too much for the same person to handle. Hypatia, your precedent has served us well.
Hypatia: Meh, it's Eurydike. Without Eurydike, we wouldn't have the ghost to operate on.
Kallisto: Right. Now, how shall we deal with the revived victim?
Hypatia: Enroll him in our Cult?
Kallisto: Perhaps, but then he doesn't look like an Ecclesiarchal material to me.
Hypatia: We do have other clumsy characters, including our Chapter Serf.
===Subchapter 2: Law's gamble===
Sooner or later, Kallisto soon figures out that the Police has taken some of Kallisto's funds: a paltry amount compared to the national treasury, sure, but enough to get Kallisto concerned. Kallisto then visits the Police Station to settle the matters herself, alongside the evidence of the accidental accident as well as the [[Alastair Adams|partially successful attempt at restoring the situation to the status quo]].
[[Leo Wahine|Leo]]: Kallisto, right?
Kallisto: Indeed. I have come here to defend myself against charges of deliberate murder, and I have brought with me the resusticated victim of the accident.
Leo: Indeed? Now I don't really see people actually bringing people back to life. But I do have a question: Why drop an explosive charge in the first place?
Kallisto: No, Rod of God is purely kinetic in nature. In fact, I presume you are aware of the Bridgeport incident?
Leo: I see. But I shall need to take some money from thee.
Kallisto: How much?
Leo: 3,500 simoleons please.
Kallisto: Very well. So when shall we return Alastair to the family?
Leo: Hmm... "gets a call" Hold on for a minute, My superior wants to talk to you.
Kallisto: Indeed.
Silas: So here's the murd...
Kallisto: Cut it to the point. I have already demonstrated my lack of intent on murder. Now, why have you come?
Silas: Because there is an issue that always bugged me.
Kallisto: So, what is it?
Silas: This island seem like a peaceful one, right?
Kallisto: And it's actually run by an evil overlord, is that the point?
Silas: Darn, you are quick.
Kallisto: So, what's the deal?
Silas: I presume you are aware of the Kahale family, right?
Kallisto: No, but I do hear that Eurydike has one of the Kahales in the contact books.
Silas: Yes. This is the problem: Kahale family has a supervillain that I cannot foil on my own, and using political means are futile, given that Kai is an effective shield against any political actions.
Kallisto: Hmm, a black ops request, is it not?
Silas: Yes. My request is that you remove an evildoer in our midst. Please make it so, Kallisto.
Kallisto: So, what is in it for me?
Silas: Ever the politician, eh, Kallisto?
Kallisto: Always. I've already undid most of the problems caused by my action. Your request is a liability on our part.
Silas: Very well, what if I said Sunlit Tide can defect to your Papal State? After all, Kahales have been very independent of the SimNation and Sunlit Tide is more or less independent as well.
Kallisto: Now that is an interesting deal. However, you are aware of the Papal laws, right? Because if you are using that as an offer, you should be aware that no romance is allowed.
Silas: ...
Kallisto: Of course. Kallistrata was very concerned about your conductivity to romance. Such heresy is blasphemous to the Papal code and history. Of course, I am willing to take the offer. But I am saying this because you will probably have to adapt... or leave should this be the course.
Silas: Now you've made this complicated. Now what if I chose to incriminate you?
Kallisto: Yes. Now who would the parents believe: The claims that their sons were dead, or the currect fact that their son is safe and sound? And that would do you no good, as this would put me in a position where it is better for me to side with your archenemy.
Silas: Alright, alright. Ah, I'm really in the bind.
Kallisto: So we stick to the original plan, eh?
Silas: ...
Kallisto: Hello? I could get the answer any time now, or perhaps the allure of heresy is too much for ye?
Silas: Very well, as a law enforcer and a man I shall stick with the proposition.
Kallisto: Indeed, a very wise choice. Your citizen shall not be disappointed.
Lealani: Mommy? There is a black spot on the porch.
Alana: Don't worry, Lealani, it's probably just shadow... Oh wait... It is somewhat strange... Kai! Come over here to the porch!
Kai: Alright. "hears something" Oh, what is...
Alana: Ahh!
Lealani: Aaahhhhh!
Alana: That hurt... Lealani, are you okay?
Lealani: It hurts... my clothes are burned!
Kai: I'll take a bath for now.
Alana: Alright. Leanali, get ready for school.
Lealani: Ok.
Alana: This travesty is not acceptable! What in the world was that thing? Oh, another one? What in the...
-Later on, at 1 P.M. at the Criminal hideout-
Alana: Kimo, how's the activity?
Kimo: We have some loot. Here, boss.
Alana: Well done, but I must depart for the day. Wait, do you hear something?
Kimo: What is it?
Alana: Oh great, more things from the sky... "Hmm... I could have sworn that something is amiss: Few days ago I've seen another one of these. Wait, could these be the Rods of God? Certainly Kallisto may be behind this, but what has she have to gain from my downfall?"
-An hour later-
After the hour, the entire criminal hideout was peppered by the things from the sky, depressing much of the terrain. Here Kallisto treks in nonchalantly, moving without care to pick up the debris from the hail of projectiles.
Kallisto: Greetings, criminals. Don't worry, I have no quarrels with ye. I simply came here to pick up some stuff, observed from the observatory.[[File:KallistoOffering.png|thumb|Alana: Please! This is injustice!]]
Alana: Hurr, this Kallisto grates on my nerves!
Kallisto: Is there a problem?
Alana: No, please move onward. "Heh, I can catch two stones in one! Kallisto is sure to bring a huge sum of the Papal Treasury and technology with her. If I can screw the Papal presense over, I can rule this island and deal with any resistances!" Oh wait... Why is it so dark... No, You dare? KALLIS--
Kallisto: No hard feelings, local warlord.
Grim Reaper: Alana, a pleasant surprise!
Alana (Ghost): Please restore me! Do not let me pass away without vengeance!
Grim Reaper: I'd love to, but then Kallisto has a bad record in preserving my soul bank. I haven't gotten any good souls since Kallisto came in. No, I only got pet souls. Tata, join my kingdom. (Turns to Kallisto) So, have you any plans to take this soul as well?
Kallisto: Well, Grim Reaper, you just got lucky. I have no intention of taking that soul away from you. Now stop complaining about Jessica. You don't want unlucky souls anyways until they're ripe. Have fun with your new acquisition.
Grim Reaper: I guess that transgression can be forgiven.
Kallisto: As they say, all power demands sacrifice. Thank Alana for hers. Now where was I? Ah yes, to collect my reward.
-At Naos-Stratopedon, 6 A.M.-
Stratonike: So, have you accomplished your goal?
Kallisto: Yes indeed. Now all we have left to do is to reap our reward.
Stratonike: Ah, so you had an interest for a beach town!
Kallisto: Meh. Although as Greeks I'd think all of us have some affinity to the shores one way or another.
Stratonike: An excellent point. But then this was not our objective.
Kallisto: Perhaps, our objective here was to acquire some knowledge. But it seems operational situation has turned surprisingly to our favor.
Stratonike: What do you know, it seems like we found gold in the haystack. Ah, so when shall we begin the Asian expedition?
Kallisto: Hold your horses, Stratonike. You'll get the chance soon enough.
-Allender House, 7 A.M.-
Kallisto: Open up!
Silas: By the heavens you're so impatient! Oh wait, Kallisto? What business do I have with you?
Kallisto: I've done as you've requested. Now I want dominion over this place.
Silas: No. Impossible! So soon?
Kallisto: Yes, of course. That Alana girl didn't exercize her intellect. In fact, she's probably more spaced out than Alastair himself.
Silas: There are ears out there. Get in. (goes inside) Seriously, this has not been even a day and you've already gone with her assassination?
Kallisto: Why not? Is there a problem, officer?
Silas: Well... I expected the assassination attempt to go on for some time...
Kallisto: And so did I. But then my Rod seems effective at getting the job done. Now, shall I go ahead and annex the place? I'm getting impatient already.
Silas: You frighten me.
Kallisto: On what grounds? Oh, the romance thing? Yes. You should be frightened. Maybe that is an impetus needed for you to take off the yoke of the romance is good nonsense, thus making the room for the Platonic way,
Silas: That is an issue. However, the greater issue is how I can persuade...
Kallisto: That will be of trivial difficulty. Eurydike shall handle this for us. Ah, and please attend the annexation ceremony 4 P.M at the Overlook.
==Chapter 13: Intrant Kostopouloi et alii==
With the assassination of Alani Kahale, the Ecclesiarchy quickly absorbed Sunlit Tides into their dominion, and quietly slipped out of Sunlit Tides. This robbed [[Fanon:Isis Stone|Isis Stone]] from meeting her self-proclaimed archrival, although Isis Stone was to remain on Sunlit Tides for some time. The Big 6 returned with the bathing technologies, and immediately had renovated the Balaneion. Kallisto engaged in even more terraforming and lot creating, which leads to the next set of characters...
[[Fanon:Angelos Kostopoulos|Angelos]]: Well then, this is the Papal State. I expected something more cosmopolitan.
[[Fanon:Athanasia Kostopoulou|Athanasia]]: Never mind that. Our only reason to come here in the first place is to outdo our Turkish rivals.
Angelos: Indeed, sister. How's our new home, [[Fanon:Kyriake Kostopoulou|Kyriake]]?
Kyriake: I suppose this doesn't hurt. The spare land over there will definitely be of use.
Athanasia: Right, how's it, Theophylakte?
[[Fanon:Theophylaktos Kostopoulos|Theophylaktos]]: I say this is great, given that we never got a chance to live in a mansion-like structure back there.
Athanasia: Glad to hear it.
Angelos: Now, Athanasia, shall we take a look around our new neighborhood then? It seems like we should pay a visit to the nectaries.
Athanasia: Lead the way, brother. Let us move, Kyriake, Theophylakte!
Angelos: Daughter, you may want to pay attention to the experts around here. They probably have expertise on fields that you probably have interest in.
Athanasia: Why encourage unladylike skills, brother?
Angelos: Because Kyriake has no other recourse. Besides, Kyriake might just pull something up.
Athanasia: Brother, this is not a good way to immortalize the family name.
Angelos: Relax, we've seen women in production industries before.
Athanasia: Like the fabricweavers of the feudal period? Ooh, how esteemed the position!
Angelos: Enough. We should remind ourselves who is the leader here.
Athanasia: And we should also remind ourselves who came up with this idea.
Angelos: Ha, but exert all the influence on your son, not my daughter.
Athanasia: My son needs only a small guidance. Your daughter needs whole-scale resocialization.
Angelos: Objection dismissed. We are going. Gah, this is why I hate arguments...
-On the road, right at the Syrian Peninsula of the Northwestern Islet-
Kyriake: So, father. It is a profound pleasure to join in the short informative trip. The Papal nectar culture is noted to be a leader, having outstripped the Champs les Sims in terms of quality and quantity.
Angelos: Indeed. Kyriake, you were always interested in this nectar thing. Now go onward, and raise some money for the family. "Sees a moving vehicle"
Athanasia: No... This cannot be... Move closer.
Angelos: Alright.
Athanasia: These Turks! These cowards are afraid of our bold move, and they dare emulate us to counter it?
Angelos: Calm down...
Athanasia: Calm down? Are you insane, brother? Our rivals are at our doorstep and your suggestion is to calm down? I wonder if your first reaction to an imminent enemy is to calm down. Now, we should lodge a complaint to these "Greeks" who rule this place. Have they no sense of the Ottoman imperialism?
Angelos: Now I am being riled up. By the why the what the xenoi the... Alright, moving on...
-Hugo's Orphanage-
Hugo: Felix, Emil! I've got some news for y'all.
Felix: What is it, gramps?
Hugo: We've got some more kids in your age level.
Emil: No way! We were feeling lonely for ages!
Felix: How did it become this way, gramps?
Hugo: More development. More people came over as this place gets shaped better.
Herakleia: But still a hunkled pile of mess compared to Sunlit Tides.
Hugo: Now, now, Herakleia, remember what happened back there.
Herakleia: But patron, Kallisto has no thoughts of improving the neighborhood! Kallisto is only interested in adding more industry, which just doesn't cut it!
Eirene: True, the industry crazy concept is dull at best. However, your beautiful Sunlit Tides is also a hunkle of unbalanced economic mess based pretty much entirely on tourism.
Herakleia: Don't you dare say another word in defense of this hellhole.
Eirene: Was I? I could have sworn that I was not.
Athena: Calm down, both of ya.
Eirene: Was I emotional? Meh, given that Kallisto works hard to make the Papal State immune, or at very least resistant fluctuating currency market.
Herakleia: Oh, so this thing is all about stability, eh? What about aesthetics?
Athena: What about it?
Herakleia: The fact that most of the residential lots look like crap. I'd wish that the rulers learned some architecture and design over there.
Athena: I hear that some new houses are popping out. They look considerably better.
Herakleia: Oh really?
Athena: Ya really. Look over here at the new house at the Fayuum Depression Road.
Herakleia: Hmm, not bad. Certainly a huge improvement, I have to give it to them.
Eirene: But then we will have to deal with more pesky classmates.
Athena: Eirene, that is no way to treat newcomers.
Eirene: Well, I'm pretty sure half of the newcomers are going to be celebrity worshipping nutheads.
Herakleia: Ah. We shall see...
Athena: Sometimes Eirene's cynicism do not look genuine.
Eirene: Some stuff are beyond stupidity.
-A few days later-
Edgardo (Robber): So, here's the newcomers' house, eh? Blasted Ecclesiarchy and the overpowered police have snuffed most of us into oblivion, but perhaps this is the chance.
Kyriake: "waking up" There is an ominous presence. Perhaps I should have warded against the evil eye<ref>The evil eye is a superstition in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures, although it also exist in the Hawaiian culture. As for the Greeks (and Middle Easterners in general), this is done with a [[Wikipedia:Nazar (amulet)|blue eye talisman]].</ref>. Footsteps? Intruder? "calls police"
Edgardo: -Enters the house- Ooh, what do we have here? A house with no alarms! Ah, the piece of jewelry...
Kyriake: There is a robber in our midst!
Edgardo: Heh, the craftsman is just a girl. Don't bother me, girl. I'm working on something here. "steals a tiberium piece"
Kyriake: Valuable investment going down the drain! "faints"
Edgardo: Well, you people do have a duty to us. "police arrives" Oh man. "after the fight" Well, I must take a leave here, girl. I do sincerely wish to accept more donations but...
-Next Day-
Edgardo: Wow, I got that sucker hard. Now I can finally claim myself superior to those goddamn law of the Papal St... "Bees swarm around the car" What is this? Why are there bees inside the car? -Leaves at the filming grounds- AAAAAAAHHHHH! Somebody help![[File:NoMercyForTheMisguided.png|thumb|No mercy for the misguided.]]
Kyriake: By the heavens, is that the robber? What amusement. I guess the evil eye's on him. What justice! Now to my worthless career... Gah, why is Athanasia so into me becoming a film star?
-Few hours later-
Stratonike: So you got yourself a new favorite, eh, Kallisto?
Kallisto: Yes indeed. I finally found someone with initiative. Heh, she even took advantage of the tiberium fields for crying out loud! Such knowledge of blessings is something to note, Stratonike.
Stratonike: And why in the world are you intervening?
Kallisto: Because the enemy of my ally is my enemy. Social netting is a duty of the rich indeed, and taxation is a means to that way. However, robbery does not involve terms. Hence such must be accounted for. Now, shall we cause a bit of combustion?
Stratonike: Kallisto, you are you as always.
Kallisto: But then down with the A=A.
Stratonike: Always. Now, what are we going to do with your new favorite?
Kallisto: We'll pay her a visit.
All this event however was put to a complete grind, Kallisto having evicted everyone out of Hekatonschoinos to make what Kallisto hopes is the last overhaul of the capital.
Line 1,338 ⟶ 2,515:
*Aithalida signifies being a part of the deme Aithalidai of Athenai. In fact, Athena and Herakleia having opposite traits is a reference to Athens and Sparta: Eurypontids were one of the two regal families in Sparta, other being the Agiads. Of course, this also reflects the attitude towards women: Athenian view of women are much more conservative and women were to be submissive (hence Athena's shy trait), while Spartan womenswomen's were much more assertive and athletic (as to have bodies fit presumably for healthy children), hence Herakleia's social butterfly trait (which isn't necessarily a fit, although Herakleia also has handy trait, which is also not as fitting. Athletic (and to a lesser degree, Ambitious) trait a better fit, however, it should be noted that Spartan women had economic power, although it is the Roman women who dined with men). This however has no relationship in flirty/unflirty traits. Also, Athena was the patron deity of Athens, while Sparta had Artemis and Ares.
*As mentioned in the footnotes, Hugo's attachment of Kais and Aunel are of Tau origins in the Warhammer 40k lore.
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