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Eirene: Right.
==Chapter 2: First Day==
Leonardo: Get up, children! The time for school is nigh!
Eirene: Meh...
Herakleia: Let's get this over with.
Athena: I am in agreement.
-At School-
Seleukis: Have you heard? We're getting a teacher finally!
Eun Jin: Great, so much for independent curriculum,
Miyu: And games.
Chiranjivi: Now, now, Miss Miyu. You should be happy that the Papal State's found a teacher while their R&D is in progress!
Persephone: Oh, we've got new students! What a huge expansion! Hello there!
Herakleia: Hmm, never knew that the Papal State had such body of students. Alas, the male population is highly lacking.
Athena: Isn't this nice? We won't be hit by boys any time soon...
Eirene: Yeah, yo, one with the glasses!
Eun Jin: What business do you have with me?
Eirene: You probably one of those people who don't like this partying nonsense.
Eun Jin: and we don't get any here. Praise the Lord. We're in agreement here for a moment, now I must go glorify bunnies...
Eirene: Hmm, someone's got her heads in Nephelokokkygia.
Eun Jin: Kallisto would say this all the time. But then Kallisto also would say that Nephelokokkygia is probably going to be a reality...
Eirene: Jeez, wonder how Kallisto operates...
Leonardo: Greetings...
Athena: What the... Leonardo?
Leonardo: Surprised?
Seleukis: Wait, you know this guy?
Herakleia: Yes, he's our effective warden.
Seleukis: You guys are orphans?
Herakleia: You have a problem with that?
Seleukis: No. But then reminds me of our lost member who's supposedly leading Sunset Valley...
Herakleia: You mean one of those 3 girls that pop out on the new intermittedly?
Seleukis: Yeah. The one with the headphone.
Herakleia: Esomena, eh? Heard that Demetria's had an eye on her for that music talent thing. Funny that Esomena's stuck in this thing called "No Romance" thing. Must suck to follow that belief.
Seleukis: Go figure, although this dating thing is highly overrated.
Eirene: Someone's speaking sense...
Leonardo: Now now, let us all introduce ourselves. By the way, Athena, seems like I'm the only teacher around here. Hence Kallisto offered me a huge buff in salary, supposedly to keep me at the job while Kallisto finds alternatives.
Seleukis: Ok... But then does this mean that those extracurricular activity sessions are gone?
Leonardo: Apparently no.
Krinias: Yeesh.
Miyu: Come on...
Eirene: Fill me up on this: What's so wrong with the extracurricular activities? I believe they come right to your house.
Miyu: That's exactly the point, genius. The problem is that these accursed lessons are so long that it depletes my gaming time!
Chiranjivi: Please excuse my mistress's manners, miss. My mistress isn't known for a sensitive tongue.
Miyu: What do you know about tongue, butler?
Chiranjivi: Miss... Please respect others, and particularly the tutor.
Miyu: Fine, I just hope that this means shorter lessons... Because this means even less gaming time!
Herakleia: Le sigh. Yo, the guy with the yellow hair, what's your name?
Krinias: Krinias. What for?
Herakleia: Herakleia here. And this here is Athena and Eirene.
Leonardo: "Of course Herakleia would lead in opening up..."
Athena: Greetings.
Eirene: Hail to thee.
Chiranjivi: And I am Chiranjivi, and my mistress here is Miyu.
Seleukis: Seleukis here. Krinias here's my brother.
Persephone: I am Persephone, pleased to see all of you here.
Eun Jin: Wait, here comes the other newcomers...
Gyuri: Jeez, this place needs more buses... Hello there.
Ho Young: Hmm, a good mix of people, I suppose. Wonder why there's no African population around here.
Chiranjivi: Come, fellow students! Chiranjivi here.
Leonardo: Gosh, Chiranjivi's so well-mannered.
Herakleia: Too well-mannered.
Miyu: Hey, don't diss my butler.
Herakleia: I don't think my opinion needs censoring.
Eun Jin & Eirene: Le sigh.
Krinias: Now you girls, we don't need to...
Leonardo: Whoops, this introduction's taking way too long! We shall postpone that! Time for some studies!
Miyu: Nooooo... I knew I should have skipped this day...
Chiranjivi: Oh mistress... You know our maid and guardian won't be happy about this...
Miyu: Screw them!
Ho Young: So anti-social over there.
Eun Jin: Move along...
Leonardo: So then...
-Class resumes, class dismissed-
Kallisto: So you students are in good shape I guess.
Eun Jin: Oh, Hello Kallisto.
Kallisto: Ah, our favorite engineer in training! How was the studies?
Eun Jin: Underwhelming.
Kallisto: Fear not.
Miyu: Why?!?!?! Why must you inflict this on us?
Kallisto: Because I am the pope, and as pope I wish to implement the same thing that every other successful societies have, and take it a step further.
Miyu: I hate this town.
Kallisto: Keep in mind, you are the hostage sent by your ruler over there.
Miyu: Grandpa, why did you have to do this?
Chiranjivi: So pope, are you the ruler of the town?
Kallisto: Is that even a question? Of course yes, Captain Oblivious. But then enough of this. As pope I bless all of ye with food. May you all stay in the path of orthodoxy and not stray to the heretical path of heresy. Oh, and as we have a significant Asian minority, we've got some Asian food here as well! Stratonike?
Stratonike: Ye children can certainly use things like stir-fries, as well as specialties from all places. Unfortunately for the non-Chinese, we've only got Chinese recipe for the time being. Thank Hypatia for specially preparing some for you, however.
Eun Jin: This stuff looks good.
Ho Young: Only the tastebuds can tell that.
Kallisto: Glory be with thee, children! I shall be visiting you so be prepared!
Miyu: -groans- Hmm, these stuff are nice. Can't believe I'm saying this, Chiranjivi, but this stuff beats out own cooking at home.
Chiranjivi: You aren't kidding, Mistress! We should present these to our maid and guardian.
Miyu: Yes indeed. I just hope the maid won't get jealous... Because if there's one thing I fear more than no gaming time is a pissed maid.
-Across the table-
Eirene: Of course, we're probably going to talk about the current first impressions...
Athena: Yeah. And I thought Leonardo's cooking here was good. These stuff are stuff of dreams!
Herakleia: You ain't kidding. Tarts over there are awesome, and the Asiatikoi stuff over there are also good.
Seleukis: You guys are the newcomers, right? May I and my brother accompany you?
Athena: Please do.
Herakleia: Of course!
Seleukis: Anyways, you seem quite knowledgeable in the recent events, Herakleia.
Herakleia: And what's so special about Esomena?
Seleukis: You don't know? Oh wait, sincere apologies there. Me, Krinias and Persephone are in the same group as Esomena.
Herakleia: Holy crap. And you don't adhere to this "No Romance" thing?
Seleukis: Quiet there! "whispers" You do know that Kallisto's the one who's behind this "No Romance" thing, right? Don't yell out: Kallisto's a psychic and will read your mind, and if she does find out, she will hunt you down
Herakleia: "whisper mode" Oh my god. That's horrible!
Krinias: Here it is pretty much the law that there shall be no boyfriend-girlfriend relationships. Such relationships are deemed heresy, and this place don't even have prom because of that: here's where Esomena comes to play, Herakleia. Esomena in her visit to Sunset Valley attended the prom, and subsequently became a romantic interest with a guy. Kallisto was Esomena's tutor, and Kallisto was PISSED. As soon as Stratonike told her about it, Kallisto pretty much verbally berated her so badly that Esomena dumped him. This also led to the ban of prom here.
Eirene: Kallisto's got it straight. Prom was always highly overrated.
Kallisto: I sense heresy...
Seleukis: See?
Kallisto: Herakleia, right?
Herakleia: Kallisto is a psychic!
Kallisto: It's psyker to you! Why is it that it takes Warhammer 40k to get people to understand this? Anyhow, Herakleia: I do not have problems with people being rather quite open to this heretical wubby-dovey kopros. Just ensure that this kind of thing stays out my psyker radar, understood?
Herakleia: Jeez, no wonder Eun Jin says Kallisto's in Nephelokokkygia.
Kallisto: Hmm, you've talked to her? Ah, a fine fellow Nephelokokkygaia. I'd think that she'd make a fine minister over here...
Herakleia: Ok, pope, please move along.
Kallisto: Of course, stay out of trouble, student.