Fanon:Nia's Diary

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Nia's Diary
Name Nia's Diary
Genre Diary
Created by DarkSuicune2000
Rating T+

Original Run Began March 11, 2017
Status Ongoing

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Nia's diary is a composition book that belongs to Nia Toadstool, and contains 100 double pages which record Nia's life in Watersman, beginning in June 2015 when she buys it record when she is going camping with her parents. Nia keeps it updated throughout the year, keeping track of everything that has happened thus far. Extra snippets of information about Nia's thoughts are revealed this way. Her book says "THIS COMPOSITION BOOK BELONGS TO: Nia Toadstool" on Thebes's cover.

If you want to learn about your character, writing a journal about them definitely helps you try to get a feel for their personality and inner thoughts.

See Timeline

June 25, 2015

Ah, yes! We are going camping today, so before we left I bought this journal to write about my camping adventures! I'm in the car and I can't wait for this. I haven't gone camping since 2009!

June 26, 2015

Yesterday wasn't great. When we arrived to our campsite at 7pm, it was so hot and stuffy and we had to unload the car, set up the tent, I'm surprised we didn't die from heatstroke. I was so tired I didn't even write anything. Just went in the motor home and slept. That's right; I get the motor home to myself at night! Mom and Dad get the tent. I'm sorry, but I don't wanna wake up with a bunch of mosquito bites on my body and look bad in my swimsuit at the pond. We're going tomorrow. BYE!

June 27, 2015

Oh my god, you'll never believe what just happened. We were at the pond and there was this really cute boy. He was my age! He had long brown hair, he was muscular too. He had cute freckles on his face. I sat next to him. I didn't catch his name, but I remember our conversation well. Apparently he's from New Mexico and is visiting his aunt here in Watersman. They're all on a camping trip. Anyway, he was really attractive. I'm gonna find him tomorrow and ask his name. Yeah, yeah, I'm dating Ethan, but I don't think it will last long. Plus, he has been sending me weird texts about how horny he is thinking of me. It's too much information, I told him, and he responded with "that's just how teenage boys are." Excuse me? A 14 yr old boy shouldn't be sending his girlfriend that crap! Can't he just masterbate or something? For Pete's sake, I'm just an innocent 14 year old girl! Also, Lexi told me that she has spotted him with Jill Charlotte. I don't know how true that is, but I hope he's not cheating. Ethan and Jill both do charity work at that restaurant. Maybe that's why they were hanging out. Anyway, the boy I met could be Ethan's replacement if things don't go well with him.

June 28, 2015

I'm sad. Apparently the cute guy I met yesterday was on his last day of camping. I saw his family packing their supplies. I tried to talk to him but his father told me lost because they were too busy. He was awfully rude to me, but I think he just wanted to leave ASAP. He looked like more of an indoorsman; a white collar worker. But something about this boy tells me I'll be seeing him really soon. I know this is a little weird, but I snapped a photo of the cute guy on my phone. I really, really liked him. Maybe someday we'll meet again. Oh who am I kidding? What? Am I going to track him down in New Mexico? I can't even drive yet, let alone drive thousands of miles away through Nevada, Utah, and Colorado, all the way to New Mexico to meet a guy I met while on a freaking camping trip. Oh well, it's memory at least. Plus, I can show Lexi how cute he was. And he was REALLY cute. I hate to see this, but even cuter than Ethan.

June 29, 2015

Ugh, I went back to the pond to relax and read some books but all I can think about was that boy I met. I hope that I can forget about him soon because it's getting really annoying. I just wanna read!!!! Anyway we had a campfire tonight. I'm looking from the bed. I wanna go back home already. I showered today and my hair is getting frizzy. Especially because I don't have a straightener right now because I left it at home and I always straighten my hair. I feel like I can't even go outside.

June 30, 2015

I finally found my hair tie so now I feel less insecure about my frizzy hair. We had a hot dog roast tonight, then we ate s'mores. I have also been reading, as per usual. I have read 4 books this summer and I feel like I have lagged behind. We only finished middle school on June 4, 26 days and only 4 books? And July begins tomorrow. Or maybe I'm an overachiever? I'm reading Fahrenheit 451 this week and it's soooooo good. It's about this guy named Montag who lives in a dystopian future where books are banned. Can you believe that? BOOKS BANNED? I would die. What would I do in my free time? Anyway, I really like this book so far. Ray Bradbury has a poetic way with words.

July 1, 2015

It's July, happy July!!!!!!!!!! Wow, we are already 1 month into the summer but we aren out of things to do though! We went boating and fishing on June 12, and we are planning to go again on July 12. Spending time with the family is so much fun. I love my parents. I won't have them forever, so I should be close to them. It also helps me escape school drama. Last April there were like three Jill Charlotte cheating scandals. She was caught dating Kayde Duende, Konnor Foster, and Kevin Ivy. (Does she have a thing for guys with K name?) She is known to cheat on men. I hope she stays away from Ethan. *_* That would be so embarrassing if Ethan cheated on me. And now that they are hanging out together on their virtue signalling charity work, there is a chance. And yes, I do think she is just virtue signalling. Someone as rude and catty as her is just doing it to show how charitable she is and get more attention. I'll talk more about her when school starts.

July 2, 2015

Oh my god. The temperature is like 110 degrees Fahrenheit. It's too hot to do anything. It's too hot to even write or read. Going to the cold water soon. We're going to the Independence Day parade and fireworks show on Saturday. We're returning home on Sunday.

July 3, 2015

Still very hot, but not as hot as yesterday. I'm so excited to go to the fireworks show tomorrow. I have gone every year since I was born. Yeah, my parents took me there as a baby. I still have the picture, dated July 4, 2001. It's our family tradition.

Have I mentioned I completely forgot about that boy by the way? There is something about these woods that give you a calming feeling and melts away all of your problems. I forgot about the money I owe to Lexi. Hahaha. I'm certainly going walking and hiking again this summer. Especially when I begin high school, I mean, if things were hectic for me in eighth grade, I can't even imagine how things will be in ninth. I have a GPA of about 3.7 but I plan on raising it to 4.0 by the time I graduate.

I wonder what life will be like for me, when I graduate in 2019. That seems so far away... Well, I will eventually know. It's time for me to go now, we need to get some supplies before we go to the parade tomorrow at the beach.

July 4, 2015

Today is the day!!!!! It's 6 am and I am sooooo excited!!!! Yeah I started an alarm for 6 am because I am so electrified! Also, I realized that it has been a month since school ended on June 4. Anyway yay! Happy independence day!!!!


Okay, it is 9 pm and I just got back! This day, like normal, did not disappoint! The breeze was so nice, and I could feel it dancing across my face as we walked around. Lexi and her brother and mom joined us this time, we all got pictures together. And as usual, the beach was so much fun. I am positive that it will be just as great next year! So we arrived and set up our area at like 7 am before everyone else arrived. Of course I have a stack of books to keep me company. I finished Fahrenheit 451 and I started the October Country. Maybe I should save that for October though... eh... anyway I read my book until Lexi and her family came at about 9 am. Then I went around with Lexi and we played with the rides that were set up around the boardwalk. Then at about 12 am we had lunch, I had a hot dog and some curly fries. I don't remember what she ordered but I think it was something vegetarian.

Then after lunch Lexi and I just had some long conversation about the upcoming school year. We wondered about the classes we had and possible future relationships. I wonder if Ethan will get any better this year. Surprisingly, I didn't see him at the parade. I saw him last year, even when we weren't dating. Man, it feels like yesterday when he and I kissed on New w Years Day at our family's new years party. Yep, it was December 31, 2014. My parents were busy entertaining our guests, which included my unlce, aunts, cousin, (I only have one cousin and uncle), some neighbors like Ethan's family, Jill's family, Lexi's family, and other people like their co-workers. Ethan and I had sneaked away to the backyard, and we kissed, just when it turned to January 1. It felt like something out of a movie.

we had a great relationship for the next 6 months, but after summer started, we hadn't seen each other since. Anyway, after Lexi and I talked at the boardwalk, we saw that there was a party happening and people were dancing to the song Headphones by Anjulie. It was really catchy so we decided to dance at the party. However, a lot of drunk high schoolers and college students took over the scene which prompted us to leave.

Then mom and dad wondered where we were so we had to return back to our spot. It looked much different than this morning. There were people at every corner of us, when it was empty this morning. Then Lexi's family and my family hung out there, having our conversation. Cole (Lexi's little brother) is already 11 years old! And he will turn 12 in January. He was so cute as a toddler and now he is child, and soon he will be a pre-teen. Of course, he is obsessed with Pokemon, Angry Birds, and Minecraft. Typical young boy these days. I hope Minecraft gets unpopular soon, because it's really annoying. Soon the sun set, then we watched the firework show! It was so beautiful. There were so many bright colors. Then we started packing up and went back to our camp spot. Then we had some hot dogs for dinner with s'mores. Today is our last day. I can't wait to go home. I can finally wash my rat's nest frizzy hair. (Yeah, I am still wearing ponytails and buns). Good night. I got quite a day tomorrow.

July 5, 2015

Ah, air conditioning. I missed you, old friend. You are needed in the hot Californian summers.

July 12, 2015

I haven't written in a while, it's been a week. I needed a week of relaxation in my nice cool home. LOL! My dad is renting a boat and we are going fishing today. I hope we catch something. And if we don't we'll have nice memories.


We caught 4 fish. Yum. My dad brought them home and is cooking them right now. Sometimes I think "poor fishies, they were caught and died today" but then I eat my dad's delicious grilled salmon and forget about that. Lexi is missing out since she is a vegetarian. She should become at least, a pescatarain. Fish is yummy! Eh, she would probably get annoyed with me mentioning that fish meat is edible because she thinks eating meat is immoral. She can believe that. It's kind of funny. I'm skinny than her, and I eat meat all the time. And I feel good ever since I been exercising a lot. I take jogs every day since the beginning of April.

July 20, 2015

We're going fishing again later, but we're having a weird event. The weather was rainy and cold today. In July? Totally weird. My dad says that should attract the fish.

July 25, 2015

Lexi came over today. I guess I'll tell you more about her. She is Lexi Reed, my best friend forever. We met in about kindergarten on October 31, 2006. We were doing trick-o-treating in the school for Spooky Day, and we were collecting candy from all the teachers. I found that Lexi had the same costume on, so I said hi to her. We decided to trick-or-treat together and we ended up getting so much candy because the teachers thought we were so cute! Then Lexi and I kept talking and playing with each other at recess. The summer passed by, and in Sept 2007, guess who was in my class? LEXI! So we decided to become friends, and later best friends. We have so much chemistry together. It's hard to believe we only met 9 years ago. And Lexi and I still go trick-or-treating together, and we were wearing the same costumes. However, we're both 14 now. We're pretty much too old for trick-or-treating. Next month, I turn 15. Maybe we can go to Halloween parties this year. Well, it's just 3 months from now! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, because it reminds me of when my best friend and I met.

August 1, 2015

We went fishing again on July 29. I'm already finished with my summer reading. Reading the last book felt wrong. I ran out of books and I don't want to re-read any of them. What do I do with the rest of my summer. I suppose I should embrace it before I have to go to back to school and I don't get so much leisure time. Or before it's freaking 2030 and I'm sitting there, missing the days I had as teenager... *sigh*

August 13, 2015

I asked my mom if we can do something on the weekend for fun, and guess what? We're going hiking on Saturday! I cannot wait for a nice, relaxing walk through nature in the cool forest. It will be nice, instead of sitting around in the living room sketching while my mom yells at the TV over politics. An election for a new president will happen next year. I wonder who will win. That seems so far away through, much over a year.

August 15, 2015

So, we just took a break from hiking and I am sitting at a bench in the forest. It's so peaceful here. I absolutely love the sound of the birds singing. Bird watching is fun and so relaxing. I should totally get a bird for my own house someday. I remember I had a pet turtle as a kid, but she died because I forgot to feed her... RIP Myrtle the Turtle, 2009 - 2011. Anyway, walking through these woods has been so calming and relaxing. I even forget that gross smell that the mosquito repellent gives off. I'm savoring the surroundings. This is what I need. I wish I could walk through these woods forever. It also reminds me off how school is coming up, faster than I expect it. August is halfway over, and September 8 is just around the corner. Anyway, these sandwiches that my mom packed are so delicious. I love them. And this water is so refreshing. Or am I just saying that because I feel slightly dehydrated for hiking around for a few hours? Also, next week, I turn 15! I wonder what my mom plans on getting me for my birthday. I hope it's Sims 3. I have wanted that game since it first came out. I remember, I begged and I begged, but my mom wouldn't let an eight year old play a game that's rated T for teens. But now I am a teen, so I can get the game!

August 20, 2015



She bought it this morning at six and thought I was asleep. Little did she know that I do early morning reading... But anyway, I can't wait to get this on my birthday! I have been watching people on YouTube doing Sims 3 let's plays, and I know the Sims 3 is pretty old, considering Sims 4 has been out for a year, but it looks so customizable (is that a word??). And the Sims 4 doesn't look that customizable. Plus, it's the only open world Sims game and it should work on my high powered computer that I received on my 14th birthday. Wow, I've had this thing for a whole year now. It sure doesn't feel like that.