Fanon:Out of Nowhere: Difference between revisions

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|creator = [[User:DarkSuicune2000|'''DarkSuicune2000''']]
|rating = K+
|numberofchapters = 14
|originalrun = July 18th 20152016
|status = Ongoing
|preceded = [[Fanon:Five Years Later|Five Years Later]]
|preceded =
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"Oh, I will get it the door. Stay here guys." Nia went to answer the door.
It was Gregory's best friend, and neighbor, Dominick Klein. He had brown hair, a beanie, some facial hair, and a green shirt on.
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"Okay thanks!" Nia tried to shut the door but Dominick walked in.
"Oh hi Lexi. Hi random girl, that's wearing old lady clothes." Dominick greeted.
"Oh my! Who is this handsome man?" Jadyn said, walking to him.
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"Thanks Grandma, I'm so sorry that Grandpa Victor has died..."
"Oh, you don't need to say sorry dear. It was his time." Carrie said. "I'm so happy to still be alive, but I feel so old..."
"Oh grandma, you're only 75 years old." Nia said. "Not that old!"
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"Wait, Mom?" She said.
==Chapter 3: Maywood Glen==
'''To be continued'''
'''October 13rd, 2027'''
"Oh my goodness, Nia, she's onto us!" Jadyn said.
[[File:Carrie_and_Jadyn_meet.jpg|thumb|Carrie and Jadyn...]]
"What is going on here?" Harmony said. "Who are you?"
"I have to come clean." Jadyn said. "I am-"
"This is Lexi's cousin Gertrude." Nia interrupted. "She is visiting for the weekend."
"Oh, I'm sorry then." Carrie apologized. "But, Gertrude, you are the spitting image of my mother, but she died 20 years ago."
"Yeah, but, I'm not your mother. I am Gertrude." Jadyn played along. "A regular woman from this time period."
Nia facepalmed.
Later, it was October 14th, in the morning. Nia walked into the living room where Lexi sat on the couch. Nia took a seat next to her.
[[File:Whats_up_girlfriend.jpg|thumb|Nia with Lexi.]]
"What's up, girlfriend?" Nia said.
"What's up with your outfit?" Lexi asked.
"What's wrong?" Nia asked.
"You're wearing a blue plaid shirt with a blue hoodie over it. Should I explain anymore?" Lexi said.
"If you excuse me, maybe I want to stay warm because it is October, and cold." Nia replied.
Suddenly, Jadyn walked in.
"So, girls, I chose my own outfit. How do I look?" Jadyn asked.
[[File:Jadyn_walks_in_now.jpg|thumb|Jadyn's odd outfit.]]
Lexi stared at it. "Wow! You look like... you need another hour to get ready!"
"What's wrong with it? Isn't this what normal girls wear in 2027?" Jadyn asked.
"That's my clown Halloween costume." Lexi replied.
"Oh, help Jadyn pick out another outfit, Lexi. You're the fashionista." Nia said.
"I'm on it." Lexi said.
Jadyn walked out. She was wearing a red sweater with a red skirt. Nia knew that this was an old school uniform from Lexi.
[[File:Jadyn_in_uniform.jpg|thumb|Jadyn in uniform.]]
"Lexi was so kind to give this. She said it was her favorite outfit." Jadyn said.
"Actually, that's Lexi's school uniform from when her mom sent her to a music boarding school. And she hates that outfit" Nia said.
"Oh, well, I still like it." Jadyn said. "Anyway, I need to some fresh air. Could you possibly take me to a park or something?"
"Sure, there's one called Maywood Glen that I love to go to." Nia said. "Come outside, wait until you see cars from this time period." They walked outside to see a blue car.
"Whoa..." Jadyn said. "This car is superb."
"Thanks." Nia said. "Let's go now."
They arrived at Maywood Glen.
[[File:In_Maywood_Glen.jpg|thumb|Maywood Glen]]
"What a nice park!" Jadyn said.
"Yeah." Nia said. "I spent hours here as a teen, and even as an adult. It was my safe space to read, write, and the quietness always helped me get inspired. And get away from the drama of high school."
"I see..." Jadyn said. "Ooh, there's a chess table. I love chess. I went to chess camp in 1945."
"Go play chess, I'll go on my computer and work on my novel. This will be my first one. It's called 'The Kiss Dare' and I'm almost done."
"Great, but one thing. What's a computer?" Jadyn asked.
"Just a future device." Nia said.
[[File:Nia_computer_Jadyn_chess.jpg|thumb|Hanging in the park.]]
Nia began to write the last chapter of her novel, but then, she got an video request from her uncle, Jebidah Toadstool...
"Oh, I better answer this..." Nia said...
==Chapter 4: How She Arrived==
"Nia, it's your uncle Jebidah and I have some news." he said.
"What is it?" Nia asked.
"Well, I might have made a time rift in your house." Jebidah said.
"Yes, we saw it. Jadyn McCain is with us." Nia said.
"I knew it!" Jebidah said. "Mixing time travel trips made it into one."
"Please explain, I'm confused." Nia said. "You brought Jadyn here?"
"When Astrid and I were making the time machine teleporter, we wanted to go to to different places. She wanted to time travel to when you had the baby, I wanted to time travel to meet my grandmother as a teenager." Jebidah explained. "But when it started, the two travels must have converted. It sent a rift to Jadyn and she ended up at your house."
"How will we get her back?" Nia asked?
"I've set a rift to open in the same spot on October 20th 2027, at 8:00 am. Just make sure Jaclyn is there." Jebidah said.
"Okay, I just wrote it down."
"I gotta go now, I just wanted to let you know." Jebidah said. Then ended the video chat.
"Who was that?" Jadyn said. "Who were you talking to them on your mini-television set?"
"That was a video chat." Nia told her. "And, I was talking to my uncle, Jebidah. He is your grandson."
"Wow, it's just exciting me, that I have children and grandchildren in the future." Jadyn said. "I wonder how many I will have."
"You will have a daughter named Carrie, who has two kids, my dad Grant and my uncle Jebidah. My dad will have me, and Jebidah has two daughters, Astrid and Vicky." Nia said.
"Hm. Only one daughter, and two grandsons." Jadyn said.
A few hours later, Jadyn and Nia returned home from their trip outside.
"So, do you want to go hang out in the shed?" Nia asked.
"What shed?"
"The shed in our backyard. Gregory, Lexi and I converted it into our recreation room. It has a TV, a computer, my art supplies, Gregory's workout equipment, and Lexi's guitar." Nia said. "Plus, I need to go check on Melody."
Jadyn walked into the shed and saw Lexi watching TV.
"Lexi, Nia and I just returned from our trip." Jadyn said. "It was wonderful. We went a park, then we went to an art museum, then we went to the movie theater and watched a film. Although it confused me. I thought the movie "Dirty Grandpa 4 would be about a grandfather who has low hygiene, but I was not correct."
"You know, what's it like to be from 1946? Is it great back then?" Lexi asked.
"Well, it used to be." Jadyn said. "Before."
"Before what?" Lexi asked.
"Well, things were great for me in 1946, but a few months ago, my mom was in a car crash and died." Jadyn replied.
"That's horrible." Lexi said. "But I can relate. My dad died in a motorcycle crash when I was 5."
"Oh, Lexi." Jadyn said. "I am so sorry."
"It's okay, Jadyn. That was a long time ago." Lexi said.
"Ever since my mom died my dad hasn't been the same." Jadyn said. "He has been drinking alcohol, I'm afraid he will become an alcoholic and start abusing me."
"That's terrible." Lexi said. "But I mean, you'll probably be fine. You'll get married, and have a daughter someday."
"Maybe I can ask my daughter now, she's still here, so I can learn my future!" Jadyn said.
"Oh, I don't know." Lexi worried. "That doesn't sound like a good idea."
Meanwhile, in Melody's bedroom.
"Hello Melody." Nia said. "with this whole Jadyn thing happening, I haven't had much time with you but I'm here now." Then Nia snuggled and played with Jadyn. "Aw you are so cute."
"Waah!" Melody started to smell bad.
"Oh no," Nia could smell it. "Diaper change..."
==Chapter 5: Astrid==
Astrid was in her new job at the marina store. She was with her coworker and friend Candace.
"I love this job so much!" Astrid said.
"How could you like it?" Candace asked. "This whole is one stinky task after another! We had to clean seagull poop off the docks yesterday!"
"I know! I'm tired of having to be clean all the time to please everyone. As this job, I get to be truly myself. While I clean of bird defecation." Astrid said enthusiastically.
"You're such a slob, Astrid." Candace said, pulling her red hair back. "Now, our boss says we have a 2 hour break, so I'm going to the Glo-Smoothie place."
"Glo-smoothie? What's that?" Astrid asked.
"It's the newest smoothie shop that sells smoothies that glow." Candace said. "The only downside is that your pee glows, but they're working on that."
"T.M.I., and that's coming from ''me''." Astrid said.
Astrid went to her iPad and then clicked the FaceTime app. "I haven't seen Nia since her wedding, I bet that she's available to talk."
"Hi Astrid!" Nia said. "I heard you got a new job! What is it?"
"Scrubbing off bird poop in the marina store," Astrid said with pride.
"Astrid do you need help? Have you took your medicine yet?" Nia asked, with concern.
"Ha ha. But I actually enjoy this job," Astrid replied. "I get to be filthy and get paid!"
"Okay... Anyways, I just had my daughter recently." Nia said.
"I heard that. So, let me guess, you named her Astrid, just like you promised?" Astrid asked.
"What? No, I named her Melody." Nia told her. "When did I promise that?"
"12 years ago." Astrid said. "After we had our adventure in Sims 3 and during our truth and dare game. Don't you remember?"
'''September 1, 2015'''
"Okay Nia, we just finished you eating a cauliflower covered in chocolate and mayonnaise. It made me a little sick watching..." 15 year old Nia said.
"That was delicious!" 10 year old Astrid said. "It's like when I covered my brocolli and maple syrup. The best way to eat healthy."
"Whatever." Nia said. "My turn."
"Truth or dare?" Astrid asked.
"I choose truth." Nia choosed.
"You always choose truth!" Astrid said.
"Fine, dare." Nia sighed.
"I dare you to name your first daughter Astrid." She dared.
"Well, it's our girl code. You have to do it." Astrid said.
"Fine. But Ethan and I won't even have kids. I've already planned the next 20 years for us together."
"And I don't know, Nia, Ethan doesn't seem to be right guy for you."
"Oh please, we'll be together forever." Nia said.
'''Present day'''
"You broke the girl code!" Astrid said angrily. "You promised!"
"That was 12 years ago! I thought I'd be dating Ethan forever back then."
"I can't believe you broke your promise!" Astrid turned her video chat off.
"Nia, who were you yelling at on your "video chat" device?" Jadyn asked.
"My cousin. She's angry because I didn't name my daughter after her." Nia said. "By the way, on August 20th, at 6 am, you must be here to return to your time period. It will be like you never left."
"Good, I hope that my absence in 1946 is will not change anything." Jadyn said. "Well, I'm going to the shower. It's been a while since I bathed myself."
"Okay." Nia said.
==Chapter 6: Different Identity==
Gregory walked in the kitchen with gunk all over his hands.
"Hey Gregory, how's fixing the car going?" Lexi asked.
"Very gross." Gregory said, walking to the sink. "My dad never told there would be so much gunk in the car's tires. He worked on cars for 40 years already."
"And you never did anything with him?" Lexi asked.
"No, I was never interested." Gregory lathered his hand with soap.
Suddenly, Nia walked in. "Guys, why did all my stuff disappear from the rec room?"
Gregory and Lexi stared at her for a second.
"Who are you?" Gregory asked.
"It's me, Nia Brandt." She said. "I've only been dating you for about 10 years now, we have daughter... Did you hurt your head Gregory?"
"What? How are you in my house?" Gregory said. "I don't know who you are."
"Hey!" Lexi said "Back off of my man!"
"If you two are pulling a prank on me it's not funny." Nia said. "By the way, Jadyn is in the shower."
"How do you know about her?" Lexi asked, surprised.
"She was time traveled here." Nia said.
"Sorry, but I need to ask you to leave." Gregory said.
Suddenly Jadyn walked in wearing a bathrobe. "Hey guys, I love your shower. Oh Nia, did you dye your hair brown?"
"What?" Nia said, then looked in the mirror to see her hair was completely brown, not blonde. "Why is my hair brown."
"You know her?" Gregory asked. "Then can you please get her out of here?"
Nia took out her driver's license and read it. It was completely different. Her name was not Nia Brandt. It was Jenna White and her birthday, address, and picture did not describe Nia at all.
"I am so confused..."