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It's going to be a great day.
It's going to be a great day.

== Prologue, Part 3 - In the eyes of the Tomboy ==
== Prologue, Part 3 - In the Eyes of the Tomboy ==

''Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t.''
(Being written out)

The first day of school, and some kid's idiot parents are out of town already. Now the whole school's talking about the party. Worst part: I haven't been told. So I promptly raise my head and scan the hallway for the boy who was holding the party.

"Hey!" I yell down the hallway, causing several students to turn their heads, "I'm invited, right?"

The boy, Sam, simply grins at me and nods. I smirk in satisfaction, knowing the charm I cast soundlessly, before turning back to Lilith and Dirk.

"Well, that was easy." I remark. Lilith bursts out laughing. We both know I cast a spell on that boy to make him say yes.

"You talk too much, seriously." She says. I grin back, "Oh wait, you want me to turn back to the Computer? Sure as hell could use it, I want my Warden to seventy-five pronto."

The Pleasants were the only magical family said to exist in Pleasantview. Apparently, they were the only ones with any magical blood left, because the earlier generations had bred out into extinction. Not the Pleasants though, the Pleasants were pure thanks to their great-grandmothers and grandfathers who forbid marriage with Non-magical Sims. Mary-Sue's lucky her biological parents were Witches. Her adopted parents probably don't have a clue on her abilities.

I trudge down the Hallway for my Arts class. Arts... the best thing ever. Where I could express myself, my feelings, my love for drawing... and where I could learn to draw the portraits of my LotRO Characters. Lilith shares Arts Class with me. We both love it, but her favorite hobby is writing and poetry. We were both people of language and art, crafty ones. I consider myself fairly good in Mathematics, but I hate that subject like hell so I won't go into that.

We spend most of the morning flitting around to various rooms. Arts, English, Math, History, Biology. Just a few on the schedule. Even though I speak English like a native speaker my first language is German. I was raised as a Half-Swiss, Half-Filipino and spent a few years in the Philippines before we came over to SimNation and moved into Pleasantview. Simlish was easy enough, but I thought it sounded like utter gibberish, but I won't say that out loud. Makes you look like an idiot, y'know?

The afternoon rambles on slowly. It starts drizzling a little and Sports goes by breezily and quick enough without any agony. By the time we get out of class, I'm smiling because of how quick the day went. Bring on the Night! I get home.

"I'm home!" I say as I open the doorway. My mother's in the kitchen, cooking no doubt, "I'm going to a party tonight, so don't bother cooking for me, okay?"

"What party?" The sound of my mother's voice, aggressive, is enough to make me defensive, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I just found about it this afternoon." I lie bluntly. A broom comes flying out of the nearby closet and begins ushering me into the room.

"You are NOT going to a party!" My mother shrieks, clearly angered. I feel my stubborn temper flaring.

"Like hell I am!" I yell defiantly, swishing my wand and causing the broom to zoom back into closet. I am so ''not'' going to pass up the chance of going to a party, and my mother isn't about to stop me going. After a few shouting matches and snide remarks, we eventually settle down into an agreement: I'd go to the party, but come home at 11PM.

I don't bother to ready myself because I know it's going to be one of these rough teenage parties, filled with smokers, alcohol, and the occasional ecstasy. I don't do drugs, nor do I smoke. I'm usually called the "Pure" tomboy because of that. Smoke-free, and Drug-free. The only thing I tend to indulge in is alcohol, but I make sure not to get too drunk. Already have an addiction on my plate, can't get more, can I?

I hate myself for that addiction.

Once I'm out Lilith's broomstick zooms into view and skids into a stop before me, almost crashing into the nearby hedge. With a chuckle of laughter I mount my own broomstick, and we're up in the sky.

''Flying feels wonderful.'' It's truely exhilerating. I'm not concerned about people seeing us because it's pitch dark and it's a New Moon, so we traverse the skies freely. Once in a while we dive to the ground and conjure eggs that fly towards neighbour's front doors, leaving a nice, egg-scented mess to be discovered the next day.

I don't know how long we've been pranking the neighbours with our silly tricks. I guess it's been around two years since I moved in, met Lilith, became her BFF. Started causing ruckus in the neighborhood a few months after I found out she was also a witch. Been a regular routine for... half a year now? I don't remember anymore. But then again, you tend not to remember the day you started pranking, because there was nothing significant about it.

We fly into a clump of bushes and cast a spell that camouflages our brooms into the hedge. We step out and walk across the street, and judging from the loud music inside the white-shingled home, I guess they must have really started getting it on. Once we go inside, we're greeted with a loud booming music filled with scratching. I see someone brought a DJ along to sweeten the music. Around us people are dancing, drinking, smoking, or tossing things back and forth. I spot a group of kids chucking brightly coloured pills into their mouths, and I know it's going to be one of these troublesome parties we'd have to get out of sooner or later.

She doesn't, though. I see her huddled in by the staircase, grasping a cigar and a bottle of beer, half-awake. I want to alert Lilith, worried, but before I'm able, I'm dragged by someone's invisible hand into a throng of dancing kids.

== Prologue, Part 4 - Spinning Out of Control ==

At first it sounded like fun, this party. Now I'm having second thoughts about it. I see Isabelle raising her brows at me and I know we're both thinking the same thing: Get out sooner or later. I want to tell her about leaving, but before I can motion anything, someone's hand drags Isabelle into the middle of the dancing. I'm all alone now.

Damn it. This isn't my idea of "enjoying a party"! I look around helplessly lost, and begin cutting my way through the clump of dancing kids. My hand defensively clutched over my pocket in case anything's about to happen. I see many faces in the crowd. Too many. I spot Dirk brooding in a corner, a bottle of beer clutched in his hand, but he doesn't look too drunk, so I go over to him. Seeing my worried look he creases his brows, "Hey Lil, what's up? You look like someone who worries disaster will strike."

"Well doh, someone just snagged Isabelle from me and I can't find her. I have a bad feeling about this." I say irritably, "The party was a bad idea." I make a note to myself to confront Isabelle for the terrible idea of attending party. But she did look as worried as me, so I guess I can't blame her. She probably didn't expect the party to be this rough anyway. I grab Dirk's beer bottle and take a small swig, trying to look normal in the party. People are surely gonna think I'm thinking of ratting out the party with my current worried look.

"Damn it, Lil, that was my last drop." He sounds annoyed but I don't retort back and scan the area.

That's when I see her. In my anger, I drop the beer bottle, ignoring the shattering noise, and march straight towards her, noticing half a dozen bottles scattered around her half-awake form. She looks dizzy, huddled by the staircase, but I don't care so I grab her wrist and promptly force her to stand up. She stares at me with an unfocused look. She's drunk.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I yell at Angela. Who, of all people, decided it'd be a good idea to drag my sister into this? Frail kid who couldn't survive through two bottles. Beside her, Amanda and Gina, fast asleep. They probably passed out from all the alcohol. Tiffany is nowhere to be found, which is unusual considering she's always with Angela.

"Oh... hey Lil...." Angela bursts into a fit of giggles, "You look weird... like two faces!"

"Stop being silly. We're getting out now." I force Angela with me, tearing her off the stairpost and dragging her along. People have been forming a large circle around the living room now, and in the center there's two boys showing off a few dance-moves. I look around frantically, trying to spot Isabelle. I eventually see her, also with a bottle of beer, standing by a seperate group near the bathroom. Her cheeks are red and she's swaying slightly, but she doesn't seem too drunk because she just swats away a palm full of ecstasy pills. I go over to her, half-dragging Angela behind me, and shake her hard on the shoulder.

"What's up?" Then she notices Angela, woozy and drunk behind me, and the red leaves her face, "Oh... cr*p. Who let her in?"

"No time for questions. We're getting out now." I say firmly. We push our way through the crowd, about to make a beeline for the door. The sound of a siren stops us.

''F*cking... this isn't good!'' I start swearing. The last thing I needed was to get rounded up by cops. People around us begin to realize something's wrong, and when someone yells, "COPS ARE COMING!" I know we have to squeeze into the crowd of fleeing teens or risk getting busted. I grab Isabelle's hand and take a deep breath, and we force ourselves into the crowd.

What happens next is so utterly uncomprehending I don't get it. Angela rushes over to Isabelle, and without warning, delivers a sloppy punch.

"What the f*ck?! Seriously?!" Isabelle is caught off guard and stumbles slightly as the fist makes impact with her nose. Blood begins running down her nose and I'm struggling to restrain Isabelle from hitting Angela back, who's now standing there and laughing herself senseless.

"You b*tch!" Isabelle screamed, attempting to wrestle herself free from my grip. I give her a smack on the head. "Idiot! We got the cops on us, no time! She's drunk goddamn it!"

After much hauling and squeezing, we've managed to make it out to the back door. Isabelle looks in a bad shape with her bad nose, and still rather angry, but compliant. We make a run for the bushes where our brooms are parked. Panicked teenagers fly by us, taking no notice of us, and we're mostly left alone. Angela, in the meantime, has begun daydreaming about things. Then she begins shouting, "Gina and Amanda are in the house!"

"Shut up already!" Isabelle whips out her wand and casts a sleeping charm on Angela, causing her to fall into a sort of drunken slumber, but I see the reason behind her words, "She's right, Is. Gina and Amanda are still inside."

"So what?" She scowls. I forgot she hated the trio, "I'm sure they were the ones who dragged Angela into drinking."

When this thought occurs to me, I find myself angry as well. Stupid sister. She shouldn't run off with such retarded people. Might as well smack her head for it. When I do smack her head though, she wakes up with such a startling yell that I have to put a sleeping charm on her again. I know we're in trouble the moment the yell ringed in the air.

The coops were there, and they have handcuffs.

== Prologue, Part 5 - Escape ==

(Being Written Out Now)