Fanon:Spectral: Part Two: Difference between revisions

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These are the next chapters of Spectral after 1 - 8 readable on [[Fanon:Spectral|this page]]. I will begin this page on chapter 9 :)
::: Chapter 9X - AwakeMemoirs, is finallynow finishedpublished! Read(Perhaps ita andbetter weep,title myis friends ;needed?) -{{MadiSig}}
:: {{MadiSig}}
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<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">Flames are dancing across my eyelids. </span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">A single earth-shattering, bone crushing ''CRACK! ''explodes throughout the universe. Bits of sand brush my eyelashes. </span></p>
<h2 style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">Chapter X - Memoir</span></h2>
<p style="margin-left: 40px; ">“O-pheeeeliaaa!” trills a feminine voice, weary and exhausted. I shiver. I can hear the voices, but blackness clouds my eyes.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">“Ophelia Nigmos, what ''are ''you doing?”
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">“Sorry, Momma,” says a soft, child’s voice.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">My senses come alive. Not only can I hear, but see and smell and hear. Vanilla candles assault my nose, and I peer through an archway to see a tiny honey-blond girl with deep, smooth chocolate skin. Her mother is crouched in front of her, twining the little girl’s hair around a long finger.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">Ophelia looks up at her mother, her chin down, and their matching emerald eyes meet. The mother smiles sadly. “Come on honey, your daddy is waiting,”
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">The girl nods. “Okay Momma. Can we stop in Flaxen?”
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">The mother rises and brushes off her skirt, and the pair swishes past me. My fingers dig into the wood grain. They’ll see me, I think, but I stay still as they pass.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">Ophelia’s eyes flitter to mine. She cocks her head, but her mother pulls her along before her open lips can speak.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">The scene fades and clears, changing into a lush, overgrown garden. A woman’s head appears above the towering plants, wiping her brow in the hot air. The sun beats down and glares my vision. I guess it is about noon. The woman, past middle-aged, places a straw hat over her graying brunette bun. She wipes her brow, hiking up her black skirt.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">The little girl strains against her mother’s hand, which is bound tightly around her slim wrist. “Auntie Ollie!” she calls excitedly, frowning up at her mother.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">“Hello, my dear Ophelia.” The older woman smiles, straightening. “Good afternoon, Willow.” She says, noticeably less pleasant.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">“Olive.” Says the mother, her long red hair blowing in her eyes as she jerks her daughter to a halt. Ophelia is still smiling, but she remains still, swinging her arms. Willow smiles at her daughter, and so does Olive, who has her hands folded in front of her.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">“Auntie, Auntie, can -,”
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">“Ophelia,” Willow says softly, pulling the eager girl closer. “I’m sorry, Olive. Creon’s waiting in the car, - we were just visiting Mother and Father.”
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">“Yes, yes. You’re extremely busy. I understand. I’ll see you…when? Once I’ve grown old and Ophelia is nearly twenty years old?”
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">Willow screws up her face. “What do you want me to do, Olive? You can’t ''have ''everything, just because you ''want ''it. Which reminds me, what ''exactly'' happened with ''Hugh''?” Willow’s face reddens in anger, her pitch climbing as the words tumble from her lips.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">Olive’s eyes dart about the garden anxiously.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">“Have you buried him here, too?”
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">“Shut your mouth!” Olive roars, slamming her hat to the ground. “Get out of here, Willow. And take your daughter too; wouldn’t want to forget a piece of your ''perfect life''!”
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">My head throbs. Again, the girl, Ophelia, with tears in her eyes, looks over to me, standing in the garden behind Olive. A man runs over, with cropped onyx hair and a pressed dress shirt. “Willow,” he calls with a hint of warning in his voice.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">“Thief!” cries Olive.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">“Gold-digger!”
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif""> Olive’s lips curl and her cheeks flush bright crimson.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif""> “''Murderer!''” shrieks Willow, as Creon tries to pull the frantic woman away.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif""> Olive snarls, sounding almost feral.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in">''<span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">Help, </span>''<span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">the child mouths.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif""> And then I remember. I ''know ''Ophelia.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">Ophelia.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">The school, the funeral, the…
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">The cemetery.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif""> “Adrienne!” I scream. Blackness shrouds me. </span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">A snap, like a photo being taken.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">Olive, her face glowing, smiles softly, gazing across the men and women dresses in black. Ophelia, now a young woman, plaits her loose blond hair, head low, nervous green eyes darting from face to face.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">Olive survey’s the other rooms of the funeral parlor, wandering from face to face. Her gaze frequently travels to her distraught niece, who sits in an armchair in the foyer and says not a word to anyone.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">My vision flashes, and Ophelia stands above two fresh graves, in the center of a decaying garden. Olive is next to her, and amid the long-deceased plants, two glinting new headstones are placed in the center of the graveyard.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">Willow and Creon Nigmos.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">The two are alone. Dust blows in the breeze and I’m watching them through a wrought-iron fence enclosing the old garden. Twenty graves dot the landscape.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">Ophelia swipes at tears and pulls a piece of crinkled paper from the pocket of her long trench coat.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in"><span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">She begins reading, her voice choked and dry. Only Olive can hear, but the absence of an audience seems to strengthen Ophelia.
''<span style="border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; font-family: 'Arial Narrow', sans-serif; ">[[File:Chapter_X.jpg|thumb|358px|Ophelia's insightful Poem about Olive's thoughtless outtake on Willow and Creon's deaths.]]</span>''
<p style="border-style: initial; border-color: initial; margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; text-indent: 0.5in; ">''<span style="border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; font-family: 'Arial Narrow', sans-serif; ">
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in">''<span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">“The break is the bay of briefest breath,
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in">''<span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">Though dark is the day of decaying death.
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in">''<span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">To bear a bought-en brine long broken,
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in">''<span style="font-family:"Arial Narrow","sans-serif"">For a tear of no thought is a thoughtless token.”</span>''</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent: .5in">I feel as though I am being pushed backward by some gale of immense force. My scars burn in an all-encompassing pain, so drastic and unexpected I cry out in terror. Pitching into darkness, the breath flies from my lungs and smoke replaces my oxygen.</p>
<span style="border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; "><span style="border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; "></span></span>
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