Fanon:Strange Palms: Difference between revisions

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== Generation 0: The Baby Boomers ==
The town Marshall and Cherish move to is gleaming with opportunity. The [[Lucky Simoleon Casino]] has just been built, and business is booming. Concert venues are erected around town and Simfests operate on a biweekly basis, drawing crowds and popular artists alike. It's a vibrant young town with a promising future.
This first generation of Strangetowners consists mostly of the original residents, with the addition of the Curious household who moved here from Twinbrook. These are the people for whom the lush, green parts of town were built. They live in the big, gleaming houses on Golf View Road, eat at the Blooming Cactus Bistro, and enjoy Drinks at Diamondbacks. They are also going to be the parents of the next generation of Strangetowners - and boy, there sure are a lot of them! In order to populate the entire forest of Strangetown family trees with all the right grandparents, there were going to be a lot of babies born in these golden years!
This first generation of Strangetowners consists mostly of the original residents, with the addition of the Curious householdfamily who moved here from Twinbrook. These are the people for whom the lush, green parts of town were built. They live in the big, gleaming houses on Golf View Road, eat at the Blooming CactusRomon's Bistro, and enjoy Drinks at Diamondbacks. They are also going to be the parents of the next generation of Strangetowners - and boy, there sure are a lot of them! In order to populate the entire forest of Strangetown family trees with all the right grandparents, there were going to be a lot of babies born in these golden years!
My starting families included:
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Curious=<gallery orientation="none">
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Curious4.jpg|Cherish haunts the house.
Curious5.jpg|Zo Whelohff meets her late future father in law!
Whelohff=<gallery orientation="none">
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Whelohff2.jpg|Rich retires to spend more time with his family and friends.
Whelohff3.jpg|Rosy at home with Zo.
Nita=<gallery orientation="none">
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Nita4.jpg|Naomi with baby Jeevika.
Nita5.jpg|Jeevika's first birthday.
Nita8.jpg|Jeevika is another year older, and so is Naomi...
Nita6.jpg|Jeevika plays while Naomi looks on.
Nita7.jpg|Naomi is keen to pass on her wisdom to her child.
Nita8Nita9.jpg|JeevikaClark isand anotherNaomi yearargue olderone last time, and sosplit is Naomi..up.
Grunt=<gallery orientation="none">
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Salas-8.jpg|Tatiana teaches Andros to walk.
== Generation X ==
The Lucky Simoleon Casino has turned out to not be so lucky, and the gamblers stopped coming. The poker tables stand empty, the slot machines are silent. Around the rest of Lucky Palms, the businesses are suffering, and the town is beginning to slump into a localized recession.
[[File:The Lucky Simoleon Casino.jpg |thumb|360px]]
Some of the town's wealthier residents move on. Darren Dreamer and Darleen Mataplin move on to more Pleasant pastures, with Darleen's parents in tow; Many of the elders who retired to this little oasis take their pension pots elsewhere; Brayden King and his family move away, presumably to Washington. Isadora Bard outgrows the little desert laboratory and takes her expertise elsewhere, leaving space for a younger, more... curious scientist to seek promotion.
The Simfests fail to bring in the crowds, and the entertainment venues close down, leaving only the bars. Superstar EZ Kool Rock retires from the industry to raise Bhu and run meditation retreats in his hippie commune with his friend Cricket. Wanda Vasquez is now all grown up and pulling pints at the Sandy Place (the dive bar up by the dry lake); Bunny Curious plays at the Poolside Club and gives up on her dreams of hitting the big time; Eli Vokoban dies without ever knowing the true parentage of little Jacqueline; Romon Tanner passes on and leaves the Bistro in the hands of son Ethan; meanwhile, Lennon Sosa leaves his diner business to illegitimate son, Hamm. Aside from the two rival restaurants, the most significant employers in town by now are the Science lab and the Military.
The boarded-up casino is torn down, and the Marketplace is build on the empty lot. But life goes on.
'''The Couples'''
This generation's birth rate is far lower - half that of the one before. Young sims seeking to start a family are in for a murky future in Lucky Palms now. There are fewer work opportunities than their parents had, and rumours are spreading of little green men roaming the town at night, scaring the tourists away. But that's all just a fantasy in Notzo's head, right?
* [[Fanon: Kavi Loner (Sparks)|Kavi Loner]] & [[Fanon: Jeevika Loner|Jeevika Nita]]
I noticed during my planning stages for this neighbourhood that [[Vikram Loner]] is significantly older than his wife and dies before his mother in law. As such, Kavi and Jeevika's romance started early. Jeevika had Vikram in her teens and raised him with the help of her foster mother, [[Cricket Irwin]]. When she reached eighteen, she inherited her mother's house, with its strange underground bunker.
She and Kavi married and moved into the house, raising Vikram between them. Kavi joined the military, and Jeevika joined the medical profession, where she is now encountering growing numbers of sims reporting laser burns, mysterious weight gain, and ranting about an alien invasion.
Paranoia runs in the family, and if Naomi's fear was of a zombie apocalypse, then Jeevika's is of an alien attack in Lucky Palms. She and the rest of the Loner family bunker down in the basement to wait it out until the little green men leave.
* Rock Grunt & Wanda Vasquez
Rock joins the army, just like his mother would have wanted. He spends his young adulthood hanging around the dive bar where Wanda works, trying to chat her up. Wanda is a conservative, homely sort of woman. She's a good cook and she wears cardigans and she's just the sort of wife the army approves of. The pair of them move into the house that Rock's mother once shared with his father - not through sentimentality, it's just that it's the only two bed place they can afford on an army grunt's salary.
Baby Chip is born soon after their wedding, so named because he is expected to be a chip off the old block.
* Mike Steel & Mary Morel
Mike and Mary had an eventful relationship. They met in France as teenagers and had a long-distance romance for a spell. They even had a child together, but then I left Mike alone for five minutes and he cheated on Mary with her brother, Pascal Morel and Mary got a bit cross.
They broke up, but I decided to go with the flow and get Mike a boyfriend back home for a spell...
* Mike Steel & A.P. Vandeen
Andre 'A.P.' Vandeen is a writer and musician. He's the son of Kitty Price and townie Cornelius Vandeen, and performs under the stage name 'Andre Price'. He's outdoorsy and romantic, and Mike is an aspiring jockey who is at one with nature. They move in together for a spell, raise horses, and take regular holidays to France to see Mike's daughter.
Mike trains both their horses to be fantastic racers and he wins several trophies at the peak of his career. Meanwhile, Andre plays some great concerts and becomes a reasonably successful singer, before the venues close down and he falls back on writing as his primary earner. Both of them achieve their lifetime wishes before reaching adulthood.
Then came the inevitable day when I had to break up my cowboys. A.P. is ridiculously wealthy, thanks to the lavish house left to him by Kitty, and family friend Lina is trying to set him up with her daughter, Jacqueline. Jacqueline is an absolute sweetie, unlike her mother, and they wind up becoming close. Eventually, A.P. tires of Mike's constant trips to France, and leaves him for Jacqueline, leaving him with nothing but a series of romantic novels to remember him by.
Which brings us to...
* Mike Steel & Mary Morel... again
Mike is understandably heartbroken (he turned up at the wedding and cried a lot) but Andre's departure does make him reassess the amount of time and money he spends jetting to and from Champs Les Sims. Lonely and wanting to get his life back together, he discusses some long term plans with his ex-girlfriend, and they try to decide on a way to give Missy more time with her dad. Mary decides to move over to Lucky Palms, and bring Missy with her. They don't get married, but they do reconcile and start up an informal relationship, and Missy Morel settles in nicely.
Mike still rides horses and Mary grows watermelons in the garden.
* Moira Lancaster & Gwyddlang McGork
[[Lang Gwydd]] of Twinbrook had something of a midlife crisis. As he hit adulthood, he decided to change his life (and his personality) and move to Lucky Palms. He's more athletic, and more outdoorsy, and he's also changed his name - again. (McGork was actually his original surname, but people kept calling him McDork, so he changed it.) He's now taken up his old name again and rejoined the science career, hoping to solve the mystery of some of the paranormal rumblings coming out of this little desert town.
Moira lost her mother at quite an early age, but idolized her, and she herself dabbled in the music industry for a while before all the Simfest venues closed down, and she now works at the bistro.
Gwyddlang marries Moira, and they live in the old pharmacy up on Lakeside Drive. Their daughter Grainne is already aspiring to be a doctor, although she seems to take after her father in his youth and would rather sit on the couch with a book than do her homework.
* Andros Salas & Eurydice Tanner
Andros was a strange child with a strange name. This pasty kid attended school like clockwork every day of his life, only making one friend. Eurydice Tanner used to go over to his place after school - well, what kid wouldn't want to go poking around in a big spooky castle? - but never saw his family. Nobody ever did. But Andros was always smart and well cared for, and nobody ever worried.
It was only when he grew up and failed to turn up to his graduation that anybody else ever attempted to look into his home life. Andros was found in what appeared to be a rudimentary medical lab, performing experiments on a glowing fruit and a strange black fish, ranting about how he was helping his father save his sisters and mother.
The house was empty, save for four funeral urnstones.
However, Andros was now of age, and no longer the concern of the authorities. He was left to his own devices, conducting his experiments in his haunted castle. Only Eurydice ever bothers to pay him any mind, and she has come to love this strange, pale sim with his white hair and grey eyes. They marry young, and have a son together - the equally-peculiarly-named Xanthos. He takes after his mother, and looks like a normal sim.
* Zo Curious & Notzo Curious
Zo and Notzo were friends for the longest time, always hanging out together at the Old Marketplace. They both worked at the science lab having grown up together with scientists for fathers, and are as nerdy as you can imagine.
Rich and Rosy take to spending a lot of time around at Notzo's place when they retire, partly as they are best of friends, and partly to act as extended family after the deaths of Marshall and Cherish (whose ghosts still haunt the lot from time to time.) They aren't particularly surprised when Notzo and Zo announce their engagement in later life. Baby Glarn is born soon after the wedding.
When Zo's maternity leave is over, Notzo decides to abandon the science career track and take up inventing. He is naturally gifted in the skill, and is soon building gadgets and blowing up salvaged items all over the place! Zo, meanwhile, is cultivating Marshall's old vegetable patch, growing money trees and life fruits.
Baby Glarn is a genius by nature, but seems to have a slim grasp on reality. Zo blames Notzo's father: Marshall claimed to have been abducted by aliens shortly before he died, and dedicated his retirement years to writing books on the subject. But could their really have been truth in his claims? Either way, his oddities seem to have been passed on to grandson Glarn. His head is always in the clouds, either with theories or with fantasies, and ever since he received that weird doll in the post, he seems to be in a little world of his own. He calls it Glabe, and he keeps insisting that it's alive...
Still to come:
* Annie Hudson & Hamm Shaw
* Bhu Reid & Milony Ross
* A.P. Vandeen & Jacqueline Vokoban
Pictures being uploaded soon!
Anonymous user