Fanon:Survivre avec les loups: Difference between revisions

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''You never asked my story, Mean Man. I thought it was because you didn’t care. But that’s not right, is it? It’s not because you didn’t care . . . it’s because you thought you already knew it. Hell, maybe you did know it, maybe all this is, it’s just . . . maybe it’s just a waste of time. Maybe I’m, like, totally wrong, and you are what you seemed at first.''
As Logan Anoki passes in front of the windows lining the front of the diner, Lucy clears the table he had just been sitting at. Lifting up the bill, she finds that Logan has he left her a twenty-dollar bill to pay for a meal costing eight and some change. She looks off in his direction in surprise.
''But I don’t think so, Mean Man. See, I think I figured you out. Maybe it’s only the meanest of them all who can afford to give a damn.''
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''Did you know how terrifying it was for me to even try? And you weren’t going to make it easy, were you?''
Inside his apartment, Anoki turns his head, hearing a knock upon the door behind him. When he opens it, Lucy is standing there with his book. Logan Anoki acknowledges her curtly, turns and walks into his apartment, leaving the door open. Taken back, Lucy mutters that she brought his . . . he forgot his . . . she’s got his book. Can she . . . may she come in? Anoki says he won’t stop her.
Closing the door behind her, Lucy stops to take in Logan’sAnoki’s apartment. The design is the same as hers, but the room is almost bare, save for a sheet and pillow on the floor, surrounded by books. The only light comes from a desk lamp set upon the floor next to the blanket. Anoki’s been working on a six-pack. Indicating a fresh bottle in his hand, Anoki explains that he’d offer Lucy one, but something tells him she’s a minor. He has sat down on the blanket, leaning against the wall. Walking forward, Lucy declines anyhow, even though a real offer was never made. She’s wearing a green T-shirt with a three-eyed smiley face on it. As she hands him the copy of Walden, Anoki asks her what her name is, calling her “kid.” Lucy protests: she’s not a kid.
Anoki pauses, taking a swig of his beer. Finally, he asks again, this time calling her neighbor. Lucy tells him her name, then tells him she already knows his. Yeah? Anoki asks. Well, kinda. She gave him a name. Is she gonna share it? Anoki wonders aloud. Mean Man, Lucy tells him. Seems kinda judgmental, Anoki observes. Guess it does, kinda, Lucy agrees. Not that he’s mean, though maybe he is, she doesn’t know.
Nice place, she says, looking around. It’s, Anoki responds. Lucy indicates the books scattered about, asking if Logan’she’s read all of them. He’s working through them. Lucy guesses that he likes to read. Logan Anoki observes that she’s made a safe guess. Lucy points out that he has a different book everyday when she sees him at the diner. Anoki tells her that he reads fast. Having picked it up off the floor, Lucy is holding a book of Edgar Allan Poe stories when she asks Logan him if that’s all he does? Just read? She means, all day, he just reads? With narrow eyes, Logan Anoki tells her that he does other things. Like get stabbed? Lucy asks. Sometimes, Anoki tells her.
Lucy moves the Poe book behind her back, holding it with both hands. She wants to know who stabbed him. Does it matter? Anoki asks. It does, yeah, it really does, Lucy responds. Crouching down to meet him at eye level, Lucy explains: if he gets stabbed doing a mean thing to a not-mean guy, that kinda blows. But, if he’s doing a mean thing to a mean guy, that’s cooler. Anoki grabs another beer and takes the cap off with his teeth. He wants to know what makes her think a Mean Man would care about the difference? Holding the Poe book and picking up another, Lucy explains that Mean Man reads a lot. That’s got to count for something, right? Smiling slightly, Anoki asks Lucy if she likes to read. She used to. Now she just writes. Writing’s good, Anoki affirms. No writing, nothing for him to read. Lucy tells him that she’d let him read her thing, if he could find it. She keeps it hidden.
Standing up, Lucy asks if she can borrow the books she’s holding. Sure, Logan replies, taking a swig of beer. Lucy tells him that he can have them back when she’s done. She then heads for the door: she’s gotta go. Logan Anoki follows, asking her if she’s got another date? That wasn’t a date, she assures him. He knows it wasn’t. Stopping and looking him in the eyes, Lucy asks him if he’s gonna look out for her? Can she count on him? Sure, Anoki says and wishes her good night.
Back in her apartment, Lucy sits down at the table by the window. She opens the Poe collection to the middle and proceeds to cut into the pages with an Exacto knife, creating a compartment within the book. Into this space, she places her journal. That finished, she picks up both of Anoki’s books and walks them over to her small bookshelf where she places them amongst her own.
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