Fanon:The Diner Guy: Difference between revisions

what was I thinking when I wrote this? made my stupid story less stupid... for better or worse
m (Robot: Automated text replacement (-GEORGIEGIBBONS +Lost Labyrinth))
imported>Lost Labyrinth
(what was I thinking when I wrote this? made my stupid story less stupid... for better or worse)
(One intermediate revision by one other user not shown)
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'''plz give me the job!!!1111!!'''</big>
That was the the application that Lucas sent in to the Diner. In reaction to this, Jose said, "Well, at least it is better than the one from that guy who claimed to be a zombie..."
It read,
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"You were just in a crash weren't you, after you had to deliver a pizza, correct?" asked the clerk. Lucas nodded. The clerk then turned around and revealed himself to be Ronald McDonald. "Is it because I scare children at parties I throw for them? No. You argued non-stop with Immam and I just wanted to stir things up! You know we're business rivals, that's why I tried to kill you!" said Ronald. Lucas sprinted out of the McDonald's, only to slip in a puddle and fall to the ground. "You'll be back! See you when I ruin your restaurant!" shouted Ronald.
"Immam! Why did you give me a pizza from Ronald McDonald?" asked Lucas. Immam looked confused and replied, "Oh come on you incompetantincompetent loser, he shapeshifts for parties. We don't even sell pizza here! Burgers and kebabs, yes but no pizza!" replied Immam. Lucas then felt relieved and said, "That explains why yo-I mean he was so nice to me, eh?" Immam then looked at Lucas with hatred and walked off.
Lucas then sat in the toilet thinking about everything. "If it wasn't his car or his pizza and it was Ronald's then...oh my god, this makes no sense!" said Lucas loudly to himself, so loud that Jose walked in and said, "Shut up already amigo, some of us are trying to watch Sim Idol...NOW I MISSED WHAT SIMON COWELL SAID AND IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Lucas then sat there laughing at Jose as he had walked out of the room.
=== Chapter VI: Don't Stop the Party ===
"The fries are meant to be cooked for five minutes, not two! Sometimes, you are very stupid!" moaned Immam. Lucas had become annoyed with Immam and his attempts to overshadow Lucas. "If you would just let me do what I want to do, you'll find that I'll do well enough. I am not bouncing around like the energizerEnergizer bunny and I don't pop in and out all the time like [[:File:Melvin.gif|Melvin]] does. That means I can't learn to do something immediately, you give me no room to grow and I have had enough. I can do what I want, even if it is party all night long!" argued Lucas. Lucas then stormed back home.
"The burger is undercooked, the floor is dirty, the sauce is in the wrong place! I REALLY DON'T CARE WHAT HE THINKS!" shouted Lucas as he stormed into his home. Lucas then turned on some music and danced the night away. He invited some friends around his home as well as eating a pizza that wasn't made by Ronald McDonald and drinking non-stop. The [[Sunset Valley]] [[police]] were too busy raiding a warehouse to even care about Lucas' party.
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The next morning, the alarm went off at Lucas' home. He said to himself, "Hurrah! Another useless, boring day dealing with annoying, nasty, obnoxious people like Immam in addition to staring at Lauren all day while having Jose complain about noise. How terrific!" He went to the [[refrigerator]] to drink some Milk. He threw up straight after. Lucas grabbed the phone to call in sick. "Hallo dur...I threw up on milk and I can't come in today, please give me the day off so I can practice home cooking and beat Immam!" said Lucas on the phone. An annoyed Jose replied, "Nice try amigo, my wife left me '''again''' today and she took the kids. Do I get a day off? No I don't! Now get to work and stop wasting my time again!"
Lucas did reluctantly go to work. On his way, he had recievedreceived a text message from an unrecognised cell phone number. It read, "<big>HaHa U fAiL aT wOrK u ShUd GiV3 Up</big>". Lucas replied to the message with the term, "Nou". As he arrived into work, he noticed that Lauren wasn't in her uniform. He asked, "How come you're not in uniform? Jose making things weird?" Lauren smiled and replied, "Nah, it's my day off. I am the customer and I want you to cook me a burger and some fries while you're at it!" Lucas rushed to cook the burger.
As Lucas went into the kitchen to prepare the burger, a disgruntled Immam was wondering why he recievedreceived a text message saying, "Nou". Lucas laughed and finished preparing the burger. Lucas took the burger to Lauren and she thanked him. "So, Immam sent me some strange message and I replied and he thinks it's trolling!" said Lucas. Both he and Lauren laughed at Immam. Once Lauren had finished her burger, she said to Lucas, "This burger is proof...proof that you can cook better food than Immam. I don't care if you have a messed up lifestyle, you're amazing and I know you have what it takes!" Lucas thanked Lauren and smiled. "Anyway, I've got to go and buy a new iPod after [[Wikipedia:Bill Gates|some greedy businessman]] came up to me outside the grocery store, installed a computer chip in it and sent a Denial of Service attack to the iPod. I'll see you later!"
As Lauren left the diner, he sent another text to Immam. It read, "Did you get that text I sent you earlier? No? It's because my provider cut me off and I've just got a new one....LOSER!" As Immam recievedreceived and read the message, Lucas cracked up. As usual, Jose had to say about the noise, "Keep it down already, I'm trying to sell my car!"
=== Chapter X: Home Cooking ===
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Lucas gave his cooking skills everything. He managed to prepare a fresh portion of fries, a burger, a starter option, a desert and a drink in a relatively quick amount of time, even if he did confuse the grill and the deep-fryer on one occasion. After he had finished practicing for the day, he wondered, "What in the world am I going to do with all of these?"
Lucas did think of something however, he invited residents of [[Sunset Valley]] into his house to buy the five courses for §4. Lucas did profit however, at the expense of Jose, who had lost money from buying the equipment and gambling on who would lose all of their money in a casino and losing. Lucas eventually became §1000 richer and his food recievedreceived a good review. Much to his dismay, the teenager from Oak Grove Drive appeared but she purchased a burger and enjoyed it. She said, "Wow, I didn't think you had it in you to make something that tastes so good but you did! You should be proud!" Lucas then smiled with joy and replied, "Thank you very much and I'm sorry about what I said, I really am an annoying, obnoxious, irritating loser!" The girl did however forgive Lucas and she decided to move on.
=== Chapter XI: Bliss ===
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Back at the diner, Immam sneaked in and replaced a box of materials for the chef with those branded from McDonald's, which would sabotage Lucas' chance of winning the §10,000,000. However, Lauren was working late at night to look for something in Jose's office when she saw the CCTV footage. She had then had to run to the toilet, where she threw up. By the time she felt better, Immam had already left the building.
Lauren quickly arrived at Lucas' home to warn him about Immam. "Lucas, I don't know if you can hear me but someone, probably Immam, has been into your work area, be careful tomorrow!" said Lauren. As Lauren was about to leave, Lucas opened the door and kissed her. "You said we might not get tomorrow...let's make tonight count!" Lucas said to Lauren. He invited Lauren into the house, where they spent what could ofhave been their final night together.
=== Chapter XIII: Zero ===
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=== Chapter XV: A Reeling Corporation ===
With Lion being taken ill and Immam in jail, Ronald McDonald and Charlie Sheen held a secret meeting in their warehouse to decide how to move forward with putting Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner out of business. "This is no time for jokes! No time for parties! We need to get you off of the drugs and into action! You took a share in the McDonald's Corporation for a reason. I don't want to have to see [[:File:Melvin.gif|Disney's latest character]]cash grab in the Happy Meal ever again!" shouted Ronald. Sheen hastily replied, "The drugs are doing <big>s0m3th1ng</big> useful. I say we take that diner and put them out of business! We grab their bank details and then give Lucas his §10,000,000 reward...from that fund! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...<big><big><big>'''MWAHAHAHAHAHA!'''</big></big></big> Ronald then looked at Sheen and replied, "For once, I agree with you!"
They weren't the only ideas that the corporation had. McDonald's started to deliver food to people's houses, unlike the diner. As Jose watched a news report on the TV regarding this, he angrily shouted, "NO NO NO NO NO OH MY GOD THIS IS NOT HAPPENING! I AM LOSING MONEY AND I HAVE THE BEST CHEF IN THE WHOLE OF [[Sunset Valley|SUNSET VALLEY]]!" Lucas rushed into the office and shouted, "Argh, them...again! We'll combat McDonald's, we'll take it to where it hurts the most. Then Charlie Sheen's life will be even more messed up!" Jose then looked at Lucas and replied, "Amigo, I now like you more than soccer matches...and I love those things!" Jose sobbed and hugged Lucas, much to his dismay.
The residents of [[Sunset Valley]] saw the McDonald's cars driving around all day in a similar fashion to how often Garfield wants Lasanga. As they were all muttering to themselves, they see a parade outside the [[City Hall]]. It was Charlie Sheen advertising McDonald's. "Today, it is a new generation! No more leaving your home for a Big Mac! No more driving all the way to McDonald's just for a Happy Meal toy, which now, or you could just take a picture of me with a Kodak!" announced Sheen as thousands used their Kodaks to take a picture of him. "Mine is a Polaroid, does that matter? Also, are Kodak paying you to advertise for them? I thought they went bankrupt." asked a member of the crowd. Sheen then continued, "YesSure, that's fine!whatever. But now McDonald's will be delievering food to your door and we'll be opening more restaurants across the city! Our new super restaurant will be opening soon, right next to the business complex!"
Jose and Lucas were sitting in the office watching Sheen on the TV. "Bah! They can't build a McDonald's right next to the business complex! What a load of deep fryer grease!" said Jose. Lucas then looked confused and replied, "That's where...we are, we're right next to the business complex! McDonald is planning to demolish us to build his restaurant here...and we're going to stop them!" Lucas then moonwalked out of Jose's office, only to slip on the floor...again.
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As Lucas wandered around the streets of [[Sunset Valley]], he saw people everywhere eating a Big Mac and carrying around a Happy Meal with Charlie Sheen's face on it. There were billboards with Charlie Sheen too. It was like that he had become the new face of McDonald's, leaving Ronald McDonald in the dark. Lucas saw all of this and thought to himself, "This isn't right!"
Lucas walked past the business complex to find construction-related veichles, again with Charlie Sheen's face on them. The sight of these things angered Lucas. He ran to Lauren's house to tell her what had happened. He knocked on the door. "Lauren! Goddammit open up! This is important!" shouted Lucas. She then ran to the door to greet Lucas. Lucas wondered why she took so long. Lucas walked into her house and saw a pregnancy test in the trash can. He looked at Lauren, wondering what was going on. "Remember...what we did before the cook-off? Well...I'm pregnant!" announced Lauren. Lucas then responded, "<big>YABBAUhh... DABBO DOawesome!</big>"
As Lucas and Lauren celebrated their pregnancy, they rushed to the diner to tell Jose. However, the <s>IRS</s> Ronald McDonald Tax Audit Association had prosecuted Jose as they arrived for "tax evasion". Lucas then saw Charlie Sheen in the back of the transport veichle. "You think you've won, don't you? Well Lion Fabrics is due to deposit the §10,000,000 into my bank account in the morning and that money is going towards our child! But before anything happens, you're going down Sheen! I promise you that this Friday will be your Last Friday Night!" shouted Lucas. Sheen then looked at Lucas and replied, "You really are just a hopeless loser aren't you...pathetic!" In a cuss term to Sheen, a member of the crowd chanted, "Hey Sheen, <big><big>'''U FAIL AT TV! U HAVE A MESSED UP LIFE LOZAR! U FAIL! U FAIL! U FAIL!'''</big></big>" Sheen angrily told his driver to step on the pedal as Lucas vowed revenge.
=== Chapter XVII: The End of an Era ===
"What is it Sheen? Can't you see I'm planning a Final Strike on that diner after you got their leader?" asked McDonald. Sheen walked around the warehouse laughing his head off as he replied, "You just don't get it do you? This current era doesn't work! Give it up! It's all over and I'm taking everything!" McDonald angrily stared at Sheen and replied, "Do you have anything else to say before stealing my remaining dignity?" Sheen then laughed again and shouted, "'''<big>GIVEHahahahaha MEI EVERYTHINGam TONIGHTalways FORwinning! ALL WE KNOW, WE MIGHT NOT GET TOMORROWAlways!</big>'''"
Lucas and Lauren sat down and turned the TV on. The newscaster read, "Our top business story today, Ronald McDonald has filed for bankruptcy after Sheen Enterprises purchased the entire company, making Charlie Sheen the second richest man in the world. It is also rumored that he will take over <s>Microsoft</s> '''Micro$oft''' from Bill Gates!" Both Lucas and Lauren were shocked. Lucas said, "We have to get Sheen before he takes over the world, there has to be a way..." Lauren then turned the TV off and replied, "I know [[Criminal|what Sheen did]] and we're not going to let him get away with it!"
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"Now Zombie, do you promise to behave on your job and not eat brains?" asked Lucas. The zombie-obsessed employee replied, "<small>i can work so much without</small> <big>'''eating brains'''</big> <small>for enjoyment!</small> <big>'''TROLOLOL'''</big>" Lucas looked at the employee and replied, "At least you said '''trololol''' instead of '''trolololo''', like you did on your job interview."
"Amigos, we've had a tough time recently but I can honestly say that I am happy that things are back to the way they were...'''NOW LET'S PARTY''', but keep quiet at 8pm, [[Wikipedia:Top Gear (2002 TV series)|Top Gear]] is on and I don't want to miss it!" shouted Jose. Everybody celebrated the return to business and danced, with [[Wikipedia:David Guetta|David Guetta]] dropping in, bringing some music with him. As everyone seemed over the moon, Lucas recievedreceived a phone call. "Hello, who is this?...The hospital? What's up?...Yah...I see..."
=== Chapter XX: Heir to the Throne ===
Lucas rushed to the hospital in [[Sunset Valley]] so he could visit Lauren, who was in labor with their child. As Lucas was in his car, he went past Charlie Sheen, who was sitting on the wrong side of the tracks. "Yep...another day in my life! I miss my pills!" cried Sheen. Lucas went past the McDonald's drive-thru to see that Ronald McDonald regained control of his business. "I hereby declare that McDonald's will support the Disney CoroprationCorporation and we will no longer try to oust our competitors by sabotaging everything they have. Today is a new beginning! Time for a birthday party!" As McDonald saw the kids' birthday party, they surprisingly laughed at him, rather than cried their eyeballs out.
Lucas went past Oak Grove Road to see a familiar sight. He saw the girl with another boy and they seemed happy together. Lucas said to himself, "There is always a silver lining, it can come in different forms." As he said his short monologue, he throttled his car and black smoke came out of the exhaust. While the majority of Oak Grove Road were annoyed, the girl laughed and said, "That's comedy!"
Lucas finally arrived at the hospital. He was guided by the Doctor to the room, where Lauren was yet to give birth. "Sorry I'm late, a lot popped up...AND OMG I SAWWON HARDER THAN DAVIDCHARLIE GUETTASHEEN! THIS IS THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE...and I'm finally having a child!" shouted Lucas. Surprisingly, Lauren was understanding of Lucas' situation and she laughed with him. A split second later, she screamed in agony. "Okay, this is going to be tough..." said the Doctor.
After a long procedure, the birth of Lucas and Lauren's child was complete. "Congratulations, you have a healthy baby boy!" announced the Doctor. Lucas went to Lauren's bedside as they looked at their baby. "He has your eyes and my nose." Lauren cried happily. Lucas then smiled and replied, "We have a great looking kid and I know he'll turn out just fine...maybe even better than me." The Doctor looked at Lucas and Lauren happily, knowing that they have something that they could cherish together. "My Mom and Dad said they wouldn't critisisecriticise whatever we called him and I don't know what to call decide." said Lauren. Lucas looked at the baby again and asked, "If that's your you care what we call him?" Lauren then replied, "Anything will suit him!" Lucas took one last look at Lauren and then the baby. He grabbed his cell phone and sent a text message to Jose. The message read, "U will be jelly wen U C our baby, I no U will!" Lucas finally said, "TheI bestguess namewe forshould call him is....[[:File:Melvin.gif|Melvin]]!"
== Development ==
It was made from a fresh idea in [[User:Lost Labyrinth|some guy's head]] and it evolved rapidly. It was also made to fight its [[Fanon:A Nightmare on Oak Grove Road|biggest rival]] but all parties eventually gave up in the fight. The creator wanted to make the story dramatic while entertaining and funny as well as giving a message to the reader, hence the plot, character development and celebrity appearencesappearances.
== Reception ==
The Diner Guy was generally well recievedreceived and was nominated for [ Featured Fan Fiction]. [[User:BobNewbie|BobNewbie]], the director of A Nightmare on Oak Grove Road commented that The Diner Guy "gets better after each chapter." [[User:DanPin|DanPin]] called it the "Best. Fan fiction. EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!"
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