Fanon:The Genesis Project/Chapter 10: Difference between revisions

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Jim's music store is doing quite well too. I am actually glad that I gave Jim his own business so that he can do his own thing (because we all know he wouldn't listen to me any other way). I was worried that David might have been upset that I didn't give him a business as well, but he recently told me that it doesn't bother him at all. To him it is sort of like Jim helping me out with yet another business that he doesn't have to worry about. In fact, he said that he really didn't notice that much because he has been helping me out with my businesses so much. I guess I am just lucky to have good boys.
And to think that I have little ones in the home again is actually kind of exciting. To top it off, three little ones. I can't imagine what it will be like when they become my age (whatever age that is). If it is that we do have to die eventually, I hope that I am around long enough to see what it is like for them. I know that I am going to try to do everything in my power to make it so that I can.{{clrr}}
===[[Fanon:The Genesis Project Lots#738 S Main St|The Carpenter Household]]===
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I know that I should probably report a whole lot more, but I just can't think of much more to report. Everything else is pretty much status quo as far as I can recall. Now talking about recollection, I am finding that my memory isn't as sharp as it used to be. I am also a lot slower in my thinking. It has even affected my cooking somewhat. I guess I can really feel myself slow down. I am not sure what that means, but it could just be that I need to get some rest. Maybe I am coming down with another flu. I mean, it has happened before. I must say though, I don't remember feeling like this when it happened.
It could be that it isn't just me. I have noticed that several of the other Originals have felt some of the same things: slowing down, worn down and tired, not as sharp as we used to be. None of the other boys feel the same way, so maybe it is just the affects of being old and gray. (Although Mike will make it very clear that he isn't gray like the rest of us.) So maybe I'm not getting sick after all. I could just be nothing after all. Still makes me wonder though.{{clrr}}
===[[Fanon:The Genesis Project Lots#737 S Main St|The Potter Household]]===
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What has amazed me is Jason! He has told me that he has absolutely no interest in getting pregnant. He will get someone else pregnant, but not himself. I guess that is alright considering the family name will be cared on by Martin's kids. And if that wasn't enough to amaze me, Jason has taken to the potter's wheel to improve his trade some more. I would say he is about as good as Martin is now. They both have a bit to go before they are as skilled at the wheel as I am, but Jason had said that he never wanted to learn. I wonder what has caused him to change. Could it be because Martin has his hands full with the little ones, or could it be that I have been slowing down? Maybe both?
As far as the progress with the businesses, there really hasn't been much this past season. I guess we will have to work harder in the winter to make it up. I did add a small room to the shack for Kevin and Adam. I just might have to think about adding more later with another on the way. There just won't be enough room for 6 of us in a two room shack.{{clrr}}
===[[Fanon:The Genesis Project Lots#507 Middle Row|The Gardener Household]]===
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Business has also been going well. I have found a few things that I believe are seeds of various types. I think that I will plant them now so that I can later expand to getting some shrubs and flowers to sale because this place needs some green touch other than just the grass under our feet. I am actually just excited to see these plants grow as I am to see my own kids grow. I know that they aren't exactly the same thing, but it sure feels the same.
I am surprised that Eric seems to be able to handle raising the boys, helping with the businesses, and help me with the plants all while tossing the ball or other sports related activities. I barely have enough energy to run the businesses and tending to the plants to keep up with my occasional hikes around the neighborhood before I am so run down and tired. In fact, I don't recall being able to keep up with everything that Eric is doing when I was (probably) the same age. I only had one son, and he now has two! I guess I really did raise him well with the healthy food that I have been feeding him. Who knows what kind of diet we had before we came here. That could be part of the reason that we are so run down. Hopefully when they are old like us, the boys won't be as tired and worn.{{clrr}}
===[[Fanon:The Genesis Project Lots#563 Middle Row|The Taylor Household]]===
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It will be quite interesting having more babies and at the same time. I don't know how I will be able to handle having three little ones running around. I know I had a hard time when the two were babies, but I guess now that they are grown up that they will be doing most of the tending to the babies needs. Quite honestly, it is a good thing because I have been really feeling worn out and tired just thinking about it. In fact, I get worn out just running the businesses.
And speaking of the business. I guess we are doing alright, but it seems that there aren't many things being bought any more, which is kind of odd considering that winter is coming around the corner. In any case, I have been talking with the boys about doing some different types of textile than we have been doing in the past. Hopefully it will add some more variations for our neighbors to buy as well as giving them some higher standard of living. I mean, we aren't just scraping for wood to keep warm in the winters and food just so we don't go to sleep starving. It's high time that we start enjoying some luxury of living now that we are flourishing.{{clrr}}
===[[Fanon:The Genesis Project Lots#605 Middle Row|The Plummer Household]]===
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