Fanon:The Genesis Project/Chapter 16: Difference between revisions

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===[[Fanon:The Genesis Project Lots#507 Middle Row|The Gardener Household]]===
[[File:Joel Gardener Toddler.png|thumb|[[Fanon:Joel Gardener|Joel]] as a toddler]]
{{User:Icemandeaf/times|July 3 2016}} by Eric Gardener
[[File:Tracy Gardener Toddler.png|thumb|[[Fanon:Tracy Gardener|Tracy]] as a toddler]]
[[File:Rob Gardener Baby.png|thumb|[[Fanon:Rob Gardener|Rob]] as a baby]]It seems like Corbin has been pregnant all season. First he had twins, and then he got pregnant immediately afterwards and had another son. I'm not sure if it was because they wanted to have several kids, or if Patrick have a few kids before he turned 40. Either way, it is going to be a busy time in this house. Something that has never happened before. I mean before now, Patrick and Noah were the most amount of children at one time seen in this house. And that wasn't really much different than having only one at a time because there weren't so close in age.
Then there is the fact that this house has only ever had up to 3 Sims, and now there is double that many. Because of that, I have done some expanding to the house. The house and the greenhouse now have a room connecting the two. That should give us enough room to handle three more Sims. Well, maybe only two because one of the twins seems to show signs of being a PlantSim. I have mixed feelings about Joel with his obvious green skin.
On the one hand, it is nice that he will never have to hide the fact that he is a PlantSim like his dam and I had to do. I still don't understand why my dam felt that we had to hide ourselves when it was obvious that the others didn't have any problems with him being one as well. He did say it was something to do with the fact that he didn't start out that way, something about a chemical accident. Who knows! The point is that Patrick and I didn't start out that way either.
Which leads me to the reason for the reservations I have about Joel. His skin has shown to be green right at birth. That is something that I haven't seen before. Makes me wonder if there is something wrong. I sure hope not. It could just be that he is a normal PlantSim, which is nice to know that he will continue the legacy of the Gardeners.
Aside from the births, I have been taking Patrick to Mike's Garden to teach him the ropes of the trade. I am still a bit hesitant about turning it over to him just yet, but I know that I will have to soon because I am not getting any younger. Some of my brothers have already started turning the households over already and taking out retirement, which I might do.
-Eric Gardener
Anonymous user