Fanon:The Pleasant Diaries: Difference between revisions

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Oh, sim it. It happened again. My fling with Kaylynn is becoming an affair. This is the third time we've got together. Every time she comes over and tries to pretend that nothing's happened, but the tension just keeps growing and then we find ourselves sneaking off together. The girls came home in the middle of it, too. They didn't catch us, but it was nerve-wracking. I need to take a shower and just sit in my room reading.
==Angela Marie Pleasant, Spring 6, 2010==
I feel so horrible. I've been trying so hard to be cheerful, because my family needs me to be. I feel so betrayed right now. By Lilith for showing me, and by Dad for doing it, and by Mom for not being there when we all need her to be. Lilith had been sent home from school early, and when I came home fifteen minutes later to check on hereher, there she was, sitting outside Dad's bedroom door. I asked what she was doing, and she gave this grim, messed-up little smile and said,
"Sit down and see what Dad's been doing. I bet you'll listen now."
So I sat down, and I could hear''--''I can't write about it anymore. But what Lilith's always been saying about how horrible this family is is true, and I won't fight with her about it anymore. This family is utter trash. I tried to sleep, and I just had a nightmare that there was a psychopath in a cloak with a gun in the house. I ran around trying to wake everyone else up, but there were just more cloaked people. Eventually all three of them cornered me, and then they put down their hoods and they were my family. And they shot me.
I'll never sleep again.
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"This is Lilith Pleasant. Who was ''she?" ''I said angrily. "Is she a good student? Does she feed the homeless? Does she say she'll love you forever, even now that she's missing? Is she half as amazing as my sister? You know what, you're lucky Angela loves you, or I would whip your nart!" I hung up. Then the police were calling from downstairs that they needed to talk to me. I came down.
"Hello, Lilith," one of the officers said. "I'm Officer Green. This is Officer Vinici. We're going to need to ask you some questions. Would you come into the study with us?"
I followed them in, and we all sat down.
"You're Angela's younger twin sister, right?" Officer Green said, taking out his notebook.
"Yeah," I said, "By nine minutes. We're identical, so you already have a rough idea of what she looks like, but she doesn't dress like me and she smiles more."
Officer Green nodded, writing in his notebook. Officer Vinici asked, "When did you notice she was gone?" He seemed to be more serious and less gentle than his associate.
"Well, I had a bad feeling in my spine''--''" I noticed Officer Vinici's skepticism "''--''like, a bad premonition, so I ran home from school..."
"You ran all the way home from school? No one gave you a ride?" Officer Green seemed mildly impressed.
I nodded. "I'm a good runner. Anyway, I went upstairs to check on her. She had stayed home from school. But when I got into her room, her panda bank was empty on her bed and her backpack was gone too. And, well, there was this note in her handwriting that said she had run away."
"Do you know why?" "Did she act strange before then?" Both officers asked at once. I answered both at once.
"Well, Angela and I overheard our father and the"
"We understand. Continue," Vinici said.
"Anyway, and Angela started to have nightmares. She looked all pale and she had hollows under her eyes. Then she turned up missing on the day after our birthday."
Green took more notes, then asked, "What kind of relationships does she have with your family?"
"Oh, she's great. She made food and cheered people up and helped out. Mom adored''--''adores her, and so does Dad."
"What about you?"
I felt like I'd been hit between the eyes with a spoon. "It's kind of complicated, I guess...I mean, there was nothing about her to hate, but I was really jealous of her. I cared and all, but I didn't want to show it. Maybe because Mom and Dad never showed it to me."
After a pause Vinici asked, "Did she have a boyfriend or anything like that?"
"Well, she did have a boyfriend named Dustin Broke. He was very rebellious, and kind of like me''--''goth. But I just spoke with him on the phone this morning. I don't think they ran away together or anything."
"Last question, Lilith, than we'll be leaving. Did Angela have any places she liked to go, like a park, or an aunt's house? Some place she may have run to?"
After a moment, with a half-hearted laugh, I said, "School. She liked school. But I don't think that's where she went."
The officers left, and I went into my room. I thought of writing some poetry, but no words came out. Instead, tears.
==Angela Marie Pleasant, Spring 9th, 2010==
I can only write in here because they decided I can't use it to get out.
"But she's got a pen," one said.
"Does she look like the type to stab you in the eye with a pen?" says another.
"But what if she slips a message out?" said the third.
"From a basement? The only way that could happen is through one of us...Which I know is not going to happen. She's not going anywhere, all right?" said the confident one. He's kind of stocky and blonde with tattoos on his arms. The others look pretty much the same, dark haired and also tattooed. They're Kevin, Jim and Sam from school. It seems the only reason they had for snatching me and putting me in a mystery basement was out of boredom. I don't know where I am. I was crying too hard to really pay attention. Now that I know better, it's a little too late. They seem to have a code for who they live with, where they go when they leave, and anything else that might give them away. Oh...Oh...Have they done this before? What happened to whoever else was last tied up in their basement?
I think I know what the answer to that question is now. If anyone else was tied to this nail on the wall (too high for me to reach, knot too tight to yank away), they're somewhere in Strangetown by now, probably sold to anyone in human trafficking who buys teenagers...Probably many do that. But here's the conversation I heard.
"This is getting kind of boring already," Jim said. "She doesn't cry, she doesn't try to run, she just sits there and scratches in that book of hers. Can we beat her up or mess with her or something? She's like a fricking bag of flour."
"Well, if she ''does'' get out," said Sam, "We don't want her to be able to run to the police with physical evidence."
"What? She's getting out of here?" Kevin said, a few steps behind. "I thought we were going to sell her. We could use the money."
"Yeah, but she's probably not worth too much. She's, what, fourteen? Fifteen? Anyway, she's not done growing yet. And we can't keep her in our ''basement'' until she is," Sam told the others. "It'd cost more money than it'd be worth."
"True," said Kevin. "So if we sell her at all, it's gotta be soon, and we can't just let her loose when we're done with her. She knows us. She's got to get out of town or kick the bucket, and I don't think it'd be a good idea to finish her off."
"Well, if we sell her, how far away should we make sure she's going?" puts in Jim.
"It doesn't matter if they just end up taking a kidney and whatever else those [[Beaker Family|Strangetown psychos]] buy out of people," Sam retorted.
"But if they keep her around, or she somehow trades hands until she comes back here, that'd be a problem," Kevin said.
Jim flung his hands into the air. "It doesn't matter right now! Are we going to sell her, or wait till later, or what?"
That was the last I heard until I began crying so hard (for the first time since I got put in the basement) that they felt the need to put tape over my mouth and the meeting dispersed. But what am I going to be two weeks from now? Someone's WooHoo slave? A kidney and a liver in a freezer? I have to get out of here.
==Mary Susanne Oldie Pleasant: Spring 10th, 2010==
I have no family. I have lost my beautiful daughter. I'm leaving my husband. My other daughter...She doesn't want this family anyway. She doesn't want anything. I might be better off without them. When I was young, barely a child, I found out that I was adopted. I became a freak to myself, to the other kids. I was a spectacle. Family has never worked for me. I jumped into a relationship with Daniel, and into having kids. Then I got two. Everything seemed perfect for me when I saw Angela, when I was holding her and smiling down into her angelic face. Then the doctor told me there was another one, and Lilith was born. I was trying to take it one step at a time. I wasn't ready. I guess things have never been okay between us, not since the doctor said that. Family has never been a secure place for me. Maybe it never will be. Maybe Angela's the person one step ahead''--''running away might be what we all need.
==Daniel Pleasant's Journal: Spring 10, 2010==
I haven't received any more word from Kaylynn about her--our baby. I'm a little bit glad, even though it's awful. I mean, she's alone, and quite a bit younger than I am, and she can't work while pregnant. I can't believe what I've done to her, and what I've done to my wife. I feel like a monster.
I'm beginning to question my whole life here. Mary-Sue, well...Even when we were young, and I was so in love, she was always just a little cold to me. She rejected me the first time I tried to kiss her, and my sister was married and I got two promotions before we finally conceived Angela and Lilith. And I was doubting us as a couple already by the time she was in the hospital, but then we had ''two'' children, an extra strain. I guess Mary felt that too, because we've been treating Angela like a queen compared to Lilith ever since. Maybe we were subconsciously hoping one kid would run away, but not Angela. Have we been hurting her all this time?
==Lilith's Journal: KEEP OUT! Spring 10==
I've made a decision. I'm leaving. I just found out that Mom and Dad are splitting up, so they've got divorce proceedings, police to work with, and hordes of Angela's adorers coming to the door freaking out. They won't be able to find her while dealing with all that. My plan is to leave early from school and hit the road. They'll think I got detention or something. I'll call them from payphones. One more confession, speaking of the word 'pay'...I stole close to §500 from the safe they keep in their bedroom. I've known how to break into safes for years.
My plan is working. This town isn't so pristine over on this side of it. In the past two minutes I've had six people try to sell me one drug or another. I saw one guy with a knife stare at me as if wondering whether it was worth leaving his bottle and paper bag behind in order to mug me. This--''this ''is the kind of world I can understand. More truth. Less pansy-like politesse. Angela wouldn't last a day. But she ''can't'' be dead; I'd know if she was. She's my sister, and I'm going to find her.
==Angela Marie Pleasant, Spring 10th, 2010==
I'm just terrified right now. I can't even make plans to get out without thinking of ways they could go wrong and breaking down. I'm being fed cold soup out of cans, but I just keep throwing it up. My stomach isn't steady enough to hold anything, and I'm just so weak. I think I'm even coming down with something; what little I've been able to eat rushes out again in minutes in the more embarrassing way, and I'm coughing and sneezing. It's probably nothing now, but even basic medical help isn't present at all in a ''basement.'' I've been trying to be cheerful, but this is just terrifying. Having to live surrounded by vomit and sweat and every other bodily thing, besides being disgusting, is known to give people serious sicknesses, and I know they're not going to take me to a hospital or even let me upstairs to take a bath. They still haven't decided what to do with me, but I could die down here anyway.
I probably won't write much soon.
==Mary Suzanne Oldie Pleasant: Spring 11th, 2010==
Lilith is gone too. It doesn't feel the same as when Angela left. I guess she's always been more adult, more separated and less dependent upon her family, so it just feels natural that she left. And there's nothing to worry about with her either--she thought to steal §500 from us. She always figures something out. I don't know what she's doing, or where she's going, or if she's coming back...She just never came home from school, and I've lost both my daughters. I guess Daniel's the only one who's still got one, him and that smut of a maid. I just hate it! I hate it all, and I just--I want to--I don't know. I just don't know what I want anymore.
==Daniel Pleasant's Journal: Spring 11, 2010==
I can't believe it! Lilith's gone too. She just never came back from school. I don't understand why Mary-Sue's not worried! Yes, so she was planning it; she robbed us of §500, but that doesn't mean she's not in danger. I know that I've never been the most caring father, but she's still just a kid. Either Mary-Sue thinks too much of her ability, or I think too little. But that's because she's my daughter, no matter how much trouble we give each other, and I want to make ''sure'' she's safe. Mary is just so detached, like we're just people and not a family to her. We're just crumbling, my soon-to-be ex-wife, our daughters, and Kaylynn. It seems like it's never just one life that gets bruised; everyone who's nearby gets struck too. If only it was just me, and I didn't have to see all these other people I care about get hurt, maybe I could keep on. Yet it hurts just as much to watch as to feel.
==Lilith's Journal: KEEP OUT! Spring 11==
I think I'm starting to put it together now. I've been asking around in shops and things, and this cafe lady said that she sold a smiley girl who looked like me a cup of hot chocolate, but she got a little worried because it's on the edge of a bad neighborhood and teenage girls shouldn't just walk around, plus Angela looked really nervous and kinda furtive, so she watched her leave. Apparently Angela went behind a tattoo shop and never came out. I'm going to go check it out, but after today I might not write much. I've gotta focus on my sister, before something bad happens. If it hasn't already.
I found her backpack, full of §5 bills, produce, a scooter, and a picture of our family. Even after all of us hurting her in one blow, she brought it with her. But then she left all of this behind, and she's not stupid enough to leave her money and food on purpose. She got scared away--or taken.
==Mary Suzanne Oldie Pleasant: Spring 12th, 2010==
Daniel and I haven't spoken since a fight about my attitude about Lilith's disappearance. That's barely more than 24 hours, but it hurts a lot. I know I wasn't very communicative before, but for some reason I miss even his attempts at conversation. Him just saying nothing, angry and silent, aches. I want him to talk to me. I want to talk to him. But we haven't been friendly to one another in so long I don't even know how to start, or how to tell him that. It's hopeless.
==Daniel Pleasant's Journal: Spring 12, 2010==
I just can't understand what happened. Time is playing tricks on me. Years ago there was me and Mary as newlyweds, then as frightened parents, and I know things went bad from there, but it was a slow process. And now, over a week, everything has jumped to being even worse. Part of it is this fight I had with Mary-Sue. She was just sitting there, going through paperwork for her job, and I just started screaming at her and of course she startedd screaming at me and we got more and more hurtful and more and more personal until she just smacked me across the face and literally ran away. We haven't spoken to each other since. I don't know how it got this bad, and I don't know how to fix it, but I'm the girls' father and Mary's husband and it's my job to help. I just don't know how.
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