Fanon:Time Paradox/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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*[[User:Mathetesalexandrou/Fanon:Al-Dar|Al-Dar]] 's members are based on some of the key members of Al-Qaida (except Omar Qutb): [[User:Mathetesalexandrou/Fanon:Usaim Hamdi|Usaim Hamdi]] is based on Osama bin Laden, who was noted to be a genius and a big fan of outdoors. [[Fanon:Ayham Bahri|Ayham Bahri]] is based on Ayman Al-Zawahiri, who is a qualified surgeon and was a part of the radical group in Egypt aimed at overthrowing the government (hence his Rebellious trait). Anwar Arafat is based on Anwar al-Awlaki, an engineer and a major part in supply aspect. Please keep in mind, however, that the Al-Dar is fictional and it is also a "what if" faction, presuming that the characters did not take up the deeds of the real group.
*The Elect is a parody of the Collective (of Ayn Rand) and some of the characters of Ayn Rand's work, Ray Dann parodying Ayn Rand (his name is a rearrangement of the letters in the name Ayn Rand), Laan Blueshore Alan Greenspan. Lucas Howland is a parody of a typical Objectivist, bookish and rather lazy, and Edith Berry is not a parody of any character or group but simply a plot addition. The musical/band aspect of the Elect stems from Greenspan's ability to play the saxophone and the clarinet.
*[[Fanon:Esomena Protogena|Esomena]] is a homage to the Vocaloids. (andas later,are the entire Mathetai Mouson)
*Aedui (or Aidouoi) and the Arverni (or Arbernoi) are two major tribes in Gaul, and the two tribes represented in Europa Barbarorum. Cocolitanos and Aneirin are the names of the two respective leaders at the time of 272. B.C. Aedui household also presents a Gaul of Massalian origins, which is somewhat unhistorical: although Celts were present in or near Massalia, such as the Ligurian tribes, it is highly unlikely that any of them would owe allegiance to either tribes.
*The Patriot Party is based on the Tea Party and the naming based on the characteres of Metal Gear Solid.