Fanon:Time Paradox/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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==References and inaccuracies==
*The most obvious reference is the Roman family the [[User:Mathetesalexandrou/Fanon:Romaioi Barbaroi|Romaioi Barbaroi]] with Ivlivs Caesar (Julius Caesar), Gnaevs Pompeivs Magnus (Pompey the Great), Marcvs Porcivs Cato Vticensis (Cato the Younger), and Titvs Qvintivs Flaminivs (Flaminius), although Titvs was of a different time period, bit less than a century and a half earlier than the time of Pompey and Caesar, to be exact at the times of the Macedonian Wars (He commanded in the 2nd Macedonian War) in which highly overrated Barbaropolis got the weakened Hellenistic states.
*None of the female characters in the Attalid or the Alkmaionid family has any relations to any historical figures in the respective families. There was a [[wikipedia:Stratonice of Pergamon|Stratonike of Pergamon]], but that historical figure is not related to the [[Fanon:Stratonike Attalida|Stratonike]] here whatsoever. This is repeated throughout related pages, although most people don't really delve into these things. Speaking of the Attalids, Philetairos and Eumenes's spacing is quite off: Philetairos is Attalos's Brother, who in turn was the father of another Attalos was in turn the father of Attalos I, who was then the father of Eumenes II. Philetairos was also noted to be a eunuch and was reported to be obese and was not married, which is very ironic, considering that Philetairos and Parthenope are the only CAS sim in Time Paradox to have had children normally. On the other hand, Demetria and Thessalonike got married, but never had children, and Philetairos and Parthenope held the title alone until Natasha Kovalenko and Julio Santos-Leite broke in. The party-loving nature was based upon the general Attalid friendliness: Attalids were for one Pro-Barbarian (i.e. Philromaioi), they sent troops to repel the Gallic invasion to the Balkans (that later led to Galatia), and they helped build stuff, such as the stoa in Athenai.
*The Fanon Philetairos is perhaps the most contrary to the historical Philetairos. Historical Philetairos was also noted to be a eunuch and was reported to be obese and was not married. This is extremely ironic since Philetairos and Parthenope were the first and currently the only relevant CAS sim of Time Paradox to have children normally. While Demetria and Thessalonike got married, neither had children with their spouses. Because of this, Philetairos and Parthenope held the title alone until Natasha Kovalenko and Julio Santos-Leite broke in (but then they were filler characters of the First Timeline, never to be dug again perhaps until making a lore for one of the upcoming Heptanomis Sim Regina Solis).
*[[wiki:Hypatia|Hypatia]], as mentioned in the sim's page, is a reference to the Neoplatonist mathematician of Roman (Barbarian) Egypt. Given the historical counterpart's tendencies, it was planned for Hypatia to receive the [[Supernatural Skeptic]] trait, but it was scrapped.
*Kallisto's personality is also mentioned in the sim's page, but Kallisto's megalomania and engineering tradition is based on that of [[wiki:Dionysius_I_of_Syracuse|Dionysios I]], who built the Wall of Syracuse and hired mercenaries to keep power and suppress opposition.