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m (→‎Ecclesiarchal Double Whammy: Link and Spelling)
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While Kallisto finally overcame the great barrier that made Hekatonschoinos a mess, Esomena pulls her head out and surprises the entirety of Sunset Valley by committing a wholescale renewal by demolishing every new feature that the Church before its conversion to a state had created, while building new ones in replacement. One major part of Esomena's revolution was the removal of enemies, which meant the Patriot Party, which was low on popularity and was falling apart from the inside, was removed. The Romaioi, despite the actual amity that existed between them and the Ecclesiarchy, decided to take their leave with a bitter taste in their mouth. On the other hand, the Aidouoi led by Cocolitanos chose to remain, as did the Al-Dar. By then most of the first generation was gone, and this meant a fresh influx of population. Esomena planned a wholescale transformation, which would become problematic when Esomena's great project had led some in SimNation to believe that the Papal State had plans to annex Sunset Valley (which was not untrue: Kallisto was happy to take the town), which gave more media leverage to the Council of Bridgeport, which grew paranoid when a shipment of scraps, palladium and pink diamonds were detected in the city. Having what they believed was a solid evidence, topped by [[Fanon:Esomena Protogena|Esomena]] 's action, the Council of Bridgeport finally called for a meeting between all the SimNation representatives (save for that of Sunset Valley). However, the unfortunate implication was that delegates had to be involved in politics or law, and the one who is most aligned with the Council was no other than the corrupt [[Jeffrey Cook]] . Given the city's reputation as a city of snobby celebrities, Cook was not well received by the others.
For example, the Twinbrook delegate, [[Scout Sargeant]] , pretty much derided Cook with this statement: "Look, Cook, just because a few meteors fell on your party and soured it doesn't mean we have to use soldiers to fight a nation who isn't proven to have committed the act." Holly Greenwood, the Political delegate of the same town added, "Scout is right: we cannot afford to put more money on the military-industrial complex while needlessly shedding blood." Antigone was not a politician, and nor was Demetria, so they were not eligible to be present to present the evidence. However, Chuck Hobble of Appaloosa Plains popped out, and stated that there were complaints by a man named Louis Swanson claiming that his sister Rachel has been missing ever since two females with strange hair passed by. Immediately Cook exclaimed that those two must be Kallisto and Kallistrata. Scout had heard some news about Kallisto et al, and knew about the anti-romance stance (which was pretty much public knowledge anyways) and the strange colored hair. However, Scout still had reservations regarding this: "Yes, it may have been Kallisto who had taken Rachel, but how does this relate to the mass attack? What proof is there of the shower being artificial?" Cook took out the samples that Antigone gathered, as well as presenting the pink diamond and the palladium sample garnered. Holly responded, "No... This cannot be..." Scout was in agreement, "Alas, our dossiers do report that Parthenope has not made any simbots, and even if she had, Parthenope has not been sighted in your town anymore." However, this was interrupted by Kallisto's transmission: "Greetings, foolish resistance and unwary would-be-conspirators." Chuck could construct from Louis' report that Kallisto has been one of those interlopers and stated, "What do you want with people? Why do you kidnap people?" Kallisto responds, "I am merely claiming the lost, foreigner. But now I have a declaration to make. I presume you aren't planning on war, am I right?" Scout responds, "Your actions are in direct violation of the peace codes of SimNation! This kind of act is not tolerated!" Kallisto: "Hah, such clinging to the old laws... I pity thee, O Scout. You'd make a fine addition to the Ecclesiarchy if you would simply drop the old meaningless ways..." Cook responds, "We want a covenant of nonaggression and reparation! This is a just demand!" Kallisto: "I'm afraid I will have to reject that demand, Cook. You see, you fools were so high on your horses and rejected our presense: Oh wait, you don't remember, this was in another timeline. Have you fools opened up to one non-celebrity foreigner?" Cook's reponse: "Is it your concern?" Kallisto: "Obviously. Foolish celebrities only can think of themselves and their meaningless stardom as well as their worthless lounges to the point where they cannot comprehend anything outside of that. And by the way, politician, tell Demetria that her old friend wants to have a meeting soon." Scout adds, "So, Kallisto, have you triggered this event in Bridgeport?" Kallisto responds, "Maybe, the warheads could have flown somewhere else. I dunno, maybe it fell on Wall Street or right on your house, o Law Enforcer." Kallisto's nonchalant response was more than enough to lead to a declaration of war, and the news spread all over SimNation. However, Stratonike was known as a legend in the military ranks, saving SimNation's fledging Space Exploration numerous times, and was pretty much an idol in the military ranks. As soon as the military received orders to plan offensives against the Papal State, about half the military defected, not wanting to fight the very legend who was pretty much the bulwark. In the process, the rogue military seized control of Twinbrook, and a local warlord, David Pollair, established an Papal garrisoned allied state there, receiving aids and directives from the Papal government. Meanwhile, this also led to infighting in Starlight Shores: despite the fact that Stratonike's exploits were known the least there, some soldiers grew tired of the obsession with stardom here, although due to the fact that Starlight Shore wasn't as nearly centralized in culture countermovements were much more viable. On top, the pro-Papal forces largely decided to reside in Sunset Valley, effectively turning Sunset Valley into a military colony of sorts made convenient after the depopulation that Esomena had caused.
== Notes, Footnotes and Trivia ==