Fanon:Time Paradox: Difference between revisions

This job's getting REALLY old now.
m (This job's getting REALLY old now.)
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=== Return of the Scholars' Alliance and the beginning of localized feuds ===
The Scholars return, although HyperiaHypatia's latest gains in skills were lost. This set the stage for the second period in the Scholars' Alliance, a time of tension, as HyperiaHypatia was no longer invincible per se. This newcoming superpower certainly alarmed the Altos, and even mean-spirited Nick couldn't afford to make enemies on two fronts, and with suggestions from Vita, decides to scout them first while doing the unthinkable: ending the enmity between the Landgraabs just in case his mean-spiritedness would get the better of him, while keeping a good name with them by inducing Holly to befriend Kallisto. (some say that this led to Holly's eventual insanity) While all the Altos' diplomatic maneuvering was taking place, Christopher Steel became an epicenter for a potential disaster, kissing and captivating Achaia, Jamie, Ayesha and HyperiaHypatia. However, despite it being the catalyst to the first schism, it was not the only reason for it: Achaia also had a slightly negative view of Thessalonike, a clear decline considering their strong bond intially even under HyperiaHypatia, caused by Thessalonike's tendency to cheat several times, cheating on [[Leighton Sekemoto]] and another sim.
This led to a conflict in interest in the Scholars' Alliance: Demetria, who was first fed up with HyperiaHypatia leading the household to a direction of less party and more study (ever since the 2nd Warp, the Scholars' Alliance had hosted no parties, and parties were much rarer even in the 1st timeline), supported Achaia's claim to Christopher, causing a rift between Demetria and HyperiaHypatia. In response, Kallisto and Stratonike peel away from the now-dysfunctional group, establishing the Union of the Insane, inviting Lysistrata and Eurydike, who were also insane. Eventually, HyperiaHypatia was fed up with this, and with the invitation of Kallisto for whatever reason, who ended up taking refuge at the Union of the Insane's domains. This opened up an friendly skills race between Kallisto and HyperiaHypatia, which was then joined by Stratonike momentarily.
While all of those were happening, enmities started to form: The Bunch family got on the wrong side of Nick Alto, and Achaia herself got herself in an clash with Vita Alto. Christopher Steel would suffer many calamities, losing Ayesha to drowning (although he will beat a dead horse, incurring a communal backlash against him), while becoming enemies with Layton Sekemoto. The Landgraabs also got new enemies, Geoffrey conflicting with Andromeda.
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What has turned into a potential chaos was not abated by the coming of the Romaioi. The Barbaroi wishes to establish superiority, which didn't turn out so well as of this point. However, the Barbaroi did succeed in making enemies (and friends), Pompeivs making enemies with Kleisthenes. Barbaroi kept themselves at the periphery, even though Cato was all too eager to make enemies with the Hellenic overlords (ironic at hindsight since Cato ended up being good friends with one of the Hellenic overlords Hypatia), although Cato did not meet with any member of the Union of the Insane.
Meanwhile, Thessalonike's newfound tendency to go cheating in romantic relationships soon gave her an reputation, and with it came opposition from Achaia, eventually resulting in termination of their friendships. This led to a huge problem to Demetria, as Demetria wished to hold what remained, although Demetria eventually became neutral to HyperiaHypatia. Demetria was devastated: The very union that Demetria oversaw seemingly ready to crumble: Kallisto deserted a long time ago, and now the growing rift between Thessalonike and Achaia would only worsen things for Demetria, who attempted to cope with this with more parties. However, despite some seething unfriendliness, the old power would hold on, although at quite an attenuated power and liveliness.
=== The Skill Race of the Union of the Insane ===
However, a clear lack of leadership position in the Union of the Insane led to a Skill Race, mostly between Kallisto and HyperiaHypatia with some participation by Stratonike. The presumed goal is to be the true number one, and henceforth implied leadership in the household. However, unlike the case with the now largely derelict Scholars' Alliance, such competitions were quite friendly and frictions were rare: In fact, Kallisto and HyperiaHypatia remained special friends, although the main members still were a net of close superstar friends. Meanwhile, they began to plan for their eventual true hegemony marked by property ownership, which would eventually lead to a clash with the Romaioi. Despite this direction, most of them were oblivious to the Romaioi, with only Lysistrata and Eurydike having met Pompeivs and Ivlivs respectively and nothing else. In all of this constructive competitive atmosphere, Kallisto acquired a clone and named her Antigone, who would benefit much from her upbringing in a supercompetent atmosphere.
To some, the modus operandi of the Union of the Insane might be seen as cultish, as the Union was well-known for personal development when the core members for the most part have huge arsenal of skills, surpassing that of even the Beauty 4: Stratonike, HyperiaHypatia and Kallisto have skillsets that are well above that of Demetria and Achaia, both respectable and well developed, if not unnatural due to their unnaturally long life. In fact, the unnatural operations of the Union was culminated by the acquisition of the Motive Mobile, allowing them to refill their motives as they pleased, allowing them to neutralize the need for sleep, and the Age Freeze potion, rendering the core members virtually immortal.
=== The Great War That did not Happen ===
Eventually, Christopher Steel hypocritically considering his tendency to flirt (he had cheated quite a lot, and had romances with at least 4 sims) accuses HyperiaHypatia of cheating on him even when HyperiaHypatia quit romance quite a while ago. This immediately sparks a publically known feud: with Jamie Jolina, Jamie's lack of celebrity status kept Jamie's meat against Christopher private, but with HyperiaHypatia, media was on to HyperiaHypatia's radar of things. Of course, HyperiaHypatia being publically humiliated asks Stratonike for assistance, when conveniently Lysistrata came to HyperiaHypatia's aid as Lysistrata was that centerpiece of the Medical community that Jamie was a part of. Lysistrata would go subvert the entire medical community against Christopher as a retribution for hurting an ally. Essentially, it was the World War I in a neighborhood scale without guns. Of course, Jamie was all too happy to have a powerful set of allies against her enemy, and would go on turning her friends to wage a psychological war against Christopher. Achaia would be shocked: Achaia now happened to be the girlfriend of the public enemy, and ended up envying Demetria, who had a relatively happy end so far being an fiancee of [[Abraham Finkel]]. With Jolina firmly allied to the Union of the Insane, the core members pour out what would be called the Great Bowls of Wrath, starting from Lysistrata's communal assault on Christopher's reputation to Stratonike's barrage of hurt. While all this events that would have come to pass didn't occur when HyperiaHypatia ended this with the Clear Slate, Ivlivs however used the growing commotion and slipping past the radars of Kallisto and HyperiaHypatia made great friends with all the remaining members of the Beauty 4. In fact, Ivlivs would set himself to be quite a social guy, and one of the very few non-Greeks to have a sizeable network of friends.
=== The Insane Ones' Hegemony and the beginning of expansionism ===
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=== Romance Heresy ===
Unfortunately, the Union of the Insane itself followed the footstep of the Scholars' Alliance, not so surprising as many of its members came from the old power. While the core members strictly observed the rules and did not commit the heretic act (later codified by Kallisto) of seeking out romantic interests and giving any inch of impetus to quarrel, there was no infighting. However, the observation of such practices started to unravel when a defect Kallisto clone named Kallistrata moved right next door, who observed the beginning of the unraveling, where Stratonike and Eurydike verbally fought each other (although Eurydike was the one who preferred insulting, a rare case because later on it would be Stratonike who would have the rude tongue) and terminated their friendship without being hostile, while the growing conflict between Kallisto and Stephanophoros was less visible. However, the catalyst came into play when HyperiaHypatia revoked her vow to abstain from romance by involving herself romantically with [[Sam Sekemoto]] (keep in mind, HyperiaHypatia's rendered immortal with the lifetime reward like all other core members of the Union of the Insane), followed by Stratonike who was involved with [[Artie Page]], Lysistrata following suit with [[Leighton Sekemoto]] (who is a young adult by the virtue of vampirism), while Eurydike, although not directly dating, fell for Pompeius. Kallisto could only find horror in this as largely a neutral in the infighting between the core members and was the only one to have good ties with all other members, conflict centering on HyperiaHypatia and Stratonike/Lysistrata, although Stratonike and Lysistrata themselves weren't truly allies: rather, Stratonike pretty much alienated every other core member save for Kallisto. Lysistrata and Stratonike left on their separate ways, Stratonike returning to the Attalid household while Lysistrata moved in with [[Jamie Jolina]], while Stephanophoros himself leaving to join his sister-in-kind Lilian in the old Scholars' Alliance. Kallistrata did not come alone: next was the construction of two bars, one suspiciously foreign one named Banzai Lounge, other the Play Chambers, the latter owned and built by Kallistrata.
Scholars' Alliance had its own issues, nonwithstanding the outright hostility between Achaia and [[Vita Alto]], not helped by Achaia's problem with Thessalonike. Demetria doubled her problems, gaining the most number of hostile relations while expanding her popularity, although her fiancee [[Abraham Finkel]] moved in. Thessalonike had no additional troubles, and actually kept her newest romance quite stable without cheating on him, at least not just yet. Dave Ramsey would join the suit, moving in with Thessalonike, while Demetria would find some solace in her marriage with Abraham.
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However, the seemingly innocuous Kallistrata was actually a sign of coming problems, as she was the first of the Kallisto clones warped by the forces of Chaos. Kallisto's eagerness to expand was preyed upon by the powers of Chaos, and Kallisto's such sweeping accomplishments made it easy for Chaos to identify Kallisto, and start affecting the clones, starting with one who became Kallistrata. Although the forces of Chaos was not strong enough to instill malignant thoughts into the clones, whether it be a time-bender clone (i.e. Kallisto-1,2,3 and Kallistrata, the former ones spared for now) or a 3rd-party clone (Antigone), the changes were very visible enough: Kallistrata, although the first and thus the least affected, had a different hairstyle, clothes, and minor changes in the face, while Antigone was pretty much turned into a new character without any likeness to Kallisto.
Despite all this, the town itself was not disturbed by any of this, and the warp problem was largely native to the Union of the Insane, although this could now be a misnomer, since Lysistrata and Stratonike left the group and made the representative power of insane sims in the household significantly weaker. Eurydike however found her loyalty quite rewarding, as Eurydike would reap many benefits from hosting parties, backed up by HyperiaHypatia's superior cooking skills while allowing the Union to have a very positive image lost when Lysistrata left, and even more so Stratonike, who rivals even the rockstar Demetria when it came to popularity, although without the backlash associated with such fame (although part of it has to do with the fact that Demetria's opposition largely stemmed from the Attalid females)
=== Meris Sophiston ===