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=== The Skill Race of the Union of the Insane ===
However, a clear lack of leadership position in the Union of the Insane led to a Skill Race, mostly between Kallisto and Hypatia with some participation by Stratonike. The presumed goal is to be the true number one, and henceforth implied leadership in the household. However, unlike the case with the now largely derelict Scholars' Alliance, such competitions were quite friendly and frictions were rare for the time being: In fact, Kallisto and Hypatia remained special friends, although the main members still were a net of close superstar friends. Meanwhile, they began to plan for their eventual truefinancial hegemony marked by property ownership, which would have eventually lead to a clash with the Romaioi, only if the Romaioi actually held up their position as the enemies of the Hellenic overlords as Cato had wanted. Despite this direction, most of them were oblivious to the Romaioi, with only Lysistrata and Eurydike having met Pompeivs and Ivlivs respectively and nothing else. In all of this constructive competitive atmosphere, Kallisto acquired a clone and named her Antigone, who would benefit much from her upbringing in a supercompetent atmosphere, which would end up in a tragedy for Antigone.
To some, the modus operandi of the Union of the Insane might be seen as cultish, as the Union was well-known for personal development when the core members for the most part have huge arsenal of skills, surpassing that of even the Beauty 4 of the old: Stratonike, Hypatia and Kallisto have skillsets that are well above that of Demetria and Achaia, both respectable and well developed, if not unnatural due to their unnaturally long life. In fact, the unnatural operations of the Union was culminated by the acquisition of the Motive Mobile, allowing them to refill their motives as they pleased, allowing them to neutralize the need for sleep, and the Age Freeze potion, rendering the core members virtually immortal.
=== The Great War That did not Happen ===