Fortress of Eternal Darkness

The Sims 2: Apartment Life

Fortress of Eternal Darkness
Lot type Community
Owner Frances McCullough in Belladonna Cove, randomly generated Sim in other neighborhoods.
Value §50,000
Lot size Large
Number of floors 3
Neighborhood Magic
Game The Sims 2: Apartment Life

The Fortress of Eternal Darkness is one of the two secret witch lots shipped with The Sims 2: Apartment Life. It is mainly for the witches with an evil alignment, as told in the lot's description and name. The Fortress of Eternal Darkness has a majority of dark stone walls and black floors, as well as a platform with the High Witch of Darkness's spell book, cauldron, and throne. There are also many spell books and cauldrons that can be examined or claimed.

If Seasons is installed, each season will be set to Autumn/Fall. It will rain most of the time.

Upon arrival, the High Witch of Darkness will usually appear by her throne, and then summon her Feline Familiar. Sims can then purchase reagents and potions and other witch needs from her. They can also have a chat with the high witch.

The Fortress of Eternal Darkness is supposed to be a secret lot, but the game won't restrict non-witches from entering the lot. However non-witches must be with a witch to enter the lot. 

pt-br:Fortaleza da Escuridão Eterna ru:Бастион Вечного Ужаса