Forum:Exporting Your Sims?

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Dear Friends and Dear People I even do not know.
As I think You as the Sims experts, I reach out to You to seek for help and advice.

In short: the problem to solve Edit

Because of my siblings and their maliciousness, I would like to change the device I am playing the game on.
Well, to be honest, it is not only that I would like to; I n e e d to. And now the time to set the major question and to the major problem out:

Almost a year ago, I've started my journey with The Sims 4. On a console, which my siblings and I have been owning for 3 years and a half. Yet... frequency was not a thing that could characterise my playing style. So we can say, I am still an unexperienced one if it goes to the technical sort of things relevant to the device. Despite being with my Sims only when there was some time left and I had a mood for this, they were not just a characters created for fun and to fill somehow the time of boredom. No, they were like friends in some way, like people I know, understand and share my experience with. I liked them. And I liked the stories to them related.

As I have already mentioned, these family members made me unable to continue the one of these wonderful experiences letting me be creative at times and dive into the worlds I've created.
It is high time to relocate.
It is game console.
It is Sims 4 on for consoles
It does not support uploading anything to the Gallery
It does not include the Gallery; only My Library

So, is there any option that can be used to export Sims and, if it also would be possible, my buildings and rooms?
And if so, will these files be compatibile with the games computed version? Will I be able to import them further to The Sims on the other device?

I would like to thank everyone who will devote their time on helping me with finding the solution.

hilde 15:28, August 29, 2019 (UTC)