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Hey i got a question about Mila. I wonder who was her husband, Gunther's, Wolf's and Lucas' father. Does anyone know who it was what happened to him? If anyone knows reply. Josh was here (talk) 17:26, September 17, 2017 (UTC)

Edmila Jeanine Creamsicle - twin sister of Judith Amanda Creamsicle - had a relationship with Edward Munch while they were young. Mila got pregnant, she and Edward married hastily, and shortly after they had Gunther Armald Munch together. Five years later, they had Wolfgang Adameus Munch. Seven years later, they had Lucas Brighton Munch. When Lucas was 1, Wolfgang 8, and Gunther 13, Edward got hit by a meteor and died. Is it so that Mila, Gunther, Wolfgang, and Lucas moved to Windenburg.

Years pass. Edmila meets and falls in love with Geoffrey Garter Knack, who eventually divorces Nancy and marries Mila. By then, Gunther is 23, Wolfgang and Malcolm 18, and Lucas 11. Mila and Geoffrey end up having a daughter together, named Julia Serena Knack, who is born when Lucas is 12. 

When Julia is 3, Geoffrey gets abducted by aliens and gives birth to Easton Mizar Knack. (talk) 23:36, December 7, 2017 (UTC)