Forum:My teen sims sneaks everywhere

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Forums: IndexHelp deskMy teen sims sneaks everywhere | Post

Well here is the problem: I installed generations and pets and when i got the 2 free vacation days I made my 2 teen sims threw a teenager party, everything was alright until I got caught. My teenagers got grounded but I managed to remove the grounding from one of the teens.

The problem began when I was sending them to the prom: The grounded teen began sneaking to go outside, after 2 attempts he finally managed to sneak out, but when he returned he was caught again (even when the only adult present was inventing in a room with no windows on the other side of the house) and got his SimLife Goggles removed but they were on his room which was locked for everyone but him. So I had very little time to max up fun motive and made him use the goggles... After that he began sneaking to everywhere: In the house, to the school, on vacation places, etc. He even sneaks when jogging... Just like if he had the Burglar hidden trait... but he doesn't 'cause he is a CAS sim

I'd like to know if there's a way to correct this, 'cause it's annoying me (sneaking is actually slower than walking) (talk) 03:39, December 29, 2011 (UTC)

The post above it's mine btw Bonifacius 14:35, December 30, 2011 (UTC)

Is he still grounded? If not try reseting them (resetsim <sim full name>). A trip to hell is an exciting experience, isn't it?14:47, December 30, 2011 (UTC)
It didn't work, he's still sneaking... :/ Bonifacius 17:26, December 30, 2011 (UTC)
Hmm, perhaps it is some sort of a glitch EA didn't take care of... are you patched all the way to 1.29? If yes, then remember that it is EA and try to find a fix somewhere online. A trip to hell is an exciting experience, isn't it?17:33, December 30, 2011 (UTC)