Forum:Need an expert to help with computer files

Forums: IndexGame discussionsNeed an expert to help with computer files | Post

Hello everyone I'm in desperate need of help. I haven't played in 5 years, and I had no idea of actions to avoid in the game....before I did them and my game crashed.

I basically: -placed sims in my bin -deleted sims from bin -moved sims from a hood to another However, the crash occurred when I: -tried to move a dorm from a campus to another. (The same campus but from another town)

I am playing Sims 2 Deluxe Nightlife with the University expansion pack on a PC. I checked my files and everything is still there. I just have no idea of what to do to make them reappear in my game. I can't see Veronaville, Strangetown, Pleasantview and my custom neighborhood when I launch the game. However the folders on my computer contain everything....please help 😭