Forum:Sims 3 Marriage: Not letting me propose

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Hi fellow Sims players,

I have been playing Sims 3 and the problem is my two characters who are trying to propose to two separate people are unable to do so. They both have full friendship bars. They both had the ability to woo hoo and try for a baby. They both are already in a relationship as girl friend and boyfriend so what is the problem? Is it because the house is full with 8 people? Is it because they are young adults? I have no idea. If someone can inform me that would be great.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Yours confusedly

Sims Mad Girl

It's probably because your house is filled up. Try moving some Sims out and then try again. Lost Labyrinth (c)(b) 17:09, June 19, 2011 (UTC)